The Abyss:Jeremiah Episode Guide
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Your pals were here. Jeremiah and Kurdy. Tweedle-dumb and Tweedle-dumber. Which is which? You make the call.

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Sorted by Rank
Ep # Title Rating Votes Rank Vote
1.20 Things Left Unsaid (Part 2) 9.7  55  VOTE
2.08 Crossing Jordan 9.5  13  VOTE
2.02 Letters from the Other Side (Part 2) 9.3  18  VOTE
1.19 Things Left Unsaid (Part 1) 9.2  47  VOTE
1.08 Firewall 9.0  55  VOTE
2.14 Interregnum (Part 1) 9.0  VOTE
2.15 Interregnum (Part 2) 8.9  VOTE
2.13 State of the Union 8.8  VOTE
2.04 Deus Ex Machina 8.8  18  VOTE
1.14 Tripwire 8.7  43  10  VOTE
2.01 Letters from the Other Side (Part 1) 8.7  23  11  VOTE
2.12 The Face in the Mirror 8.6  12  VOTE
1.04 ... And the Ground, Sown With Salt 8.5  55  13  VOTE
2.03 Strange Attractors 8.4  14  14  VOTE
2.06 The Mysterious Mister Smith 8.4  12  15  VOTE
1.02 The Long Road (Part 2) 8.3  51  16  VOTE
1.01 The Long Road (Part 1) 8.3  53  17  VOTE
1.18 A Means to an End 8.1  38  18  VOTE
2.07 Voices in the Dark 8.0  19  VOTE
2.09 Running on Empty 8.0  20  VOTE
1.03 Man of Iron, Woman Under Glass 7.9  57  21  VOTE
1.13 Mother of Invention 7.7  40  22  VOTE
2.05 Rites of Passage 7.6  14  23  VOTE
1.05 To Sail Beyond the Stars 7.5  50  24  VOTE
1.10 Journeys End in Lovers Meeting 7.3  42  25  VOTE
1.11 Thieves' Honor 7.3  41  26  VOTE
1.16 Moon in Gemini 7.2  34  27  VOTE
1.07 City of Roses 7.0  47  28  VOTE
2.10 The Question 6.8  29  VOTE
2.11 The Past is Prologue 6.8  30  VOTE
1.12 The Touch 6.7  38  31  VOTE
1.17 Out of the Ashes 6.7  33  32  VOTE
1.06 The Bag 6.5  46  33  VOTE
1.09 The Red Kiss 6.3  44  34  VOTE
1.15 Ring of Truth 4.8  40  35  VOTE
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Sorted by Broadcast Order
Ep # Title Rating Votes Rank Vote
1.01 The Long Road (Part 1) 8.3  53  17  VOTE
1.02 The Long Road (Part 2) 8.3  51  16  VOTE
1.03 Man of Iron, Woman Under Glass 7.9  57  21  VOTE
1.04 ... And the Ground, Sown With Salt 8.5  55  13  VOTE
1.05 To Sail Beyond the Stars 7.5  50  24  VOTE
1.06 The Bag 6.5  46  33  VOTE
1.07 City of Roses 7.0  47  28  VOTE
1.08 Firewall 9.0  55  VOTE
1.09 The Red Kiss 6.3  44  34  VOTE
1.10 Journeys End in Lovers Meeting 7.3  42  25  VOTE
1.11 Thieves' Honor 7.3  41  26  VOTE
1.12 The Touch 6.7  38  31  VOTE
1.13 Mother of Invention 7.7  40  22  VOTE
1.14 Tripwire 8.7  43  10  VOTE
1.15 Ring of Truth 4.8  40  35  VOTE
1.16 Moon in Gemini 7.2  34  27  VOTE
1.17 Out of the Ashes 6.7  33  32  VOTE
1.18 A Means to an End 8.1  38  18  VOTE
1.19 Things Left Unsaid (Part 1) 9.2  47  VOTE
1.20 Things Left Unsaid (Part 2) 9.7  55  VOTE
2.01 Letters from the Other Side (Part 1) 8.7  23  11  VOTE
2.02 Letters from the Other Side (Part 2) 9.3  18  VOTE
2.03 Strange Attractors 8.4  14  14  VOTE
2.04 Deus Ex Machina 8.8  18  VOTE
2.05 Rites of Passage 7.6  14  23  VOTE
2.06 The Mysterious Mister Smith 8.4  12  15  VOTE
2.07 Voices in the Dark 8.0  19  VOTE
2.08 Crossing Jordan 9.5  13  VOTE
2.09 Running on Empty 8.0  20  VOTE
2.10 The Question 6.8  29  VOTE
2.11 The Past is Prologue 6.8  30  VOTE
2.12 The Face in the Mirror 8.6  12  VOTE
2.13 State of the Union 8.8  VOTE
2.14 Interregnum (Part 1) 9.0  VOTE
2.15 Interregnum (Part 2) 8.9  VOTE
 ^ Top ^    
Sorted by Number of Votes
Ep # Title Rating Votes Rank Vote
1.03 Man of Iron, Woman Under Glass 7.9  57  21  VOTE
1.04 ... And the Ground, Sown With Salt 8.5  55  13  VOTE
1.08 Firewall 9.0  55  VOTE
1.20 Things Left Unsaid (Part 2) 9.7  55  VOTE
1.01 The Long Road (Part 1) 8.3  53  17  VOTE
1.02 The Long Road (Part 2) 8.3  51  16  VOTE
1.05 To Sail Beyond the Stars 7.5  50  24  VOTE
1.19 Things Left Unsaid (Part 1) 9.2  47  VOTE
1.07 City of Roses 7.0  47  28  VOTE
1.06 The Bag 6.5  46  33  VOTE
1.09 The Red Kiss 6.3  44  34  VOTE
1.14 Tripwire 8.7  43  10  VOTE
1.10 Journeys End in Lovers Meeting 7.3  42  25  VOTE
1.11 Thieves' Honor 7.3  41  26  VOTE
1.15 Ring of Truth 4.8  40  35  VOTE
1.13 Mother of Invention 7.7  40  22  VOTE
1.12 The Touch 6.7  38  31  VOTE
1.18 A Means to an End 8.1  38  18  VOTE
1.16 Moon in Gemini 7.2  34  27  VOTE
1.17 Out of the Ashes 6.7  33  32  VOTE
2.01 Letters from the Other Side (Part 1) 8.7  23  11  VOTE
2.04 Deus Ex Machina 8.8  18  VOTE
2.02 Letters from the Other Side (Part 2) 9.3  18  VOTE
2.05 Rites of Passage 7.6  14  23  VOTE
2.03 Strange Attractors 8.4  14  14  VOTE
2.08 Crossing Jordan 9.5  13  VOTE
2.06 The Mysterious Mister Smith 8.4  12  15  VOTE
2.07 Voices in the Dark 8.0  19  VOTE
2.12 The Face in the Mirror 8.6  12  VOTE
2.09 Running on Empty 8.0  20  VOTE
2.15 Interregnum (Part 2) 8.9  VOTE
2.14 Interregnum (Part 1) 9.0  VOTE
2.10 The Question 6.8  29  VOTE
2.11 The Past is Prologue 6.8  30  VOTE
2.13 State of the Union 8.8  VOTE
 ^ Top ^    

Theo Rating Mini-FAQ
What is a "Theo Rating"?
This is what we at The Abyss have named our Jeremiah episode rating system. Theo is a lot of fun to watch on screen and she also seems to be the fan favorite so it just fit.

How do I vote?
Select the "vote" link from the Episode Guide or from each individual episode guide page. Then all you need is a valid email address and a few minutes of your time to rate each episode. You can select from one to ten "Theos" for every episode of Jeremiah. It is very simple -- an email with a link to verify your rating will be sent to the address entered into the form. Click on that link and your rating will be counted. That is it!

What is this about a promotion?
It is now over but please visit our Jeremiah Promotions page for a list of winners and current promotions that you can participate in.

What will you do with my email address?
We certainly WILL NOT sell it or spam you with junk mail. Your email address is kept in a secure data file that keeps track of everyone's votes. During certain times, we will run promotions where you can win a Jeremiah item for voting and if you are a winner, you will receive an email from The Abyss. For more information about this and opt-out instructions, please read our Privacy Statement.

How can I vote for more than one episode at a time?
It's simple! Just use the Season One or Season Two voting form.

What if I want to change my rating?
No problem! Just fill out a new rating for that episode and it will automatically be updated with your new rating. If you have any questions, suggestions or problems please send us an email.

Why haven't I gotten my confirmation email?
If you haven't gotten an email to confirm your rating, it may have bounced. Please make sure you entered your email correctly and your inbox is not full. Check below to see if your email address closely matches one of the bounced emails: (Aug.27.2002), (Sep.8.2002), (Sep.22.2002), (Apr.9.2003), (Oct.5.2003),

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Season 1 Boxed Set
(Jeremiah DVD)
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Last Modified:
Nov.30.2003 at 23:26 PST

Created: Jul.27.2002
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