The Abyss:Jeremiah Episode Guide
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Season One
#1,2 (Long Road)
#3 (Man of Iron)
#4 (Ground, Sown)
#5 (To Sail)
#6 (The Bag)
> #7 (City Roses)
#8 (Firewall)
#9 (Red Kiss)
#10 (Journeys)
#11 (Thieves')
#12 (The Touch)
#13 (Mother)
#14 (Tripwire)
#15 (Ring Truth)
#16 (Moon Gemini)
#17 (Out of Ashes)
#18 (Means End)
#19 (Unsaid 1)
#20 (Unsaid 2)
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#7) City of Roses Season 1

We will try to collect as much information about each episode here before it airs and then fill in what we could not afterwards. There will most likely be some minor spoilers when we analyze each episode since it is just too hard to avoid them completely.

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#7) City of Roses
Orig Air Date  :  Apr.12.2002     Written By  :  Sam Egan     Length  :  45 mins
Production Code  :  108     Director  :  James Head     Rated  :  TV14
Theo Rating: 7.0   Votes: 47   Rank: 28/25   [ Vote ]
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A brutal assault on a young woman triggers memories for Jeremiah and Kurdy who then take separate paths: Jeremiah to find a mysterious vaccine and Kurdy to find his past.

Full episode summary and viewer comments >>>


  • Luke Perry as Jeremiah  Episode Photos
  • Malcolm-Jamal Warner as Kurdy  Episode Photos

  • Peter Stebbings as Markus Alexander
  • Byron Lawson as Lee Chen
  • Ingrid Kavelaars as Erin  Episode Photos
  • Kandyse McClure as Elizabeth
  • Suzy Joachim as Meaghan
  • Karen Malina White as Ricki Hatton  Episode Photos
  • Katelyn Wallace as Lydia  Episode Photos
  • Dominika Wolski as Chloe  Episode Photos
  • Brenda M. Crichlow Kurdy's Mother (Demerius Malloy)  Episode Photos
  • Malik McCall as Kurdy's Father (Nathaniel Malloy)  Episode Photos
  • Robert Moloney as Farralon  Episode Photos
  • Chaynade Knowles as Young Ricki
  • Kayden Porbeni as Young Kurdy  Episode Photos
  • Michael Adamthwaite as Skinhead
  • Jodie Graham as Skinhead

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  • The German title for this episode is "Im Reich der Rosen" and means "In the Realm of the Roses" in English.

This is Sam Egan's second episode out of the gate and it was much better than The Bag. I am not sure if it is because I enjoy J. Michael Straczynski's witting style more or if JMS is simply a better writer ... but so far, I like the episodes written by JMS better.

In any case, I enjoyed finding out about Kurdy's past and how it flowed very nicely from last week's episode. They didn't have to explain who Meaghan was or where the vial of blood came from. Even so, it moved a little slowly and it didn't draw me in immediately like some of the earlier episodes did. However, the part at the end when Kurdy discovers what happened to him in that closet did affect me more than anything else in the episode and I thought that was very well done.

I can see why Kurdy and Jeremiah get along ... they both have issues with their father's and coming to terms with their past.

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  • Why did Kurdy's parents kill themselves without making sure Kurdy was taken care of?
  • Did Kurdy's parents know that their son was watching them?
  • Has Markus told the council about Meaghan yet?
  • Did the logo that we saw when Jeremiah was talking to Farralon from the Valhalla Sector?
  • After Farralon's group analyzes Jimmy Holcomb's blood, what will they learn from it?
  • What are the signs Farralon sees which lead him to believe that the Big Death is returning?
  • What is worse: Telling people about the return of the BigD and causing a panic or keeping it a secret and hope that a cure is found in time?

See all photos from this episode and read our collection of favorite quotes as well.

There are moments and flashes of it [Western style justice]... certainly Jeremiah initially tries to off the guys who assaulted the woman in "City of Roses," and probably would have succeeded if Kurdy hadn't interceded.

[W]e're starting to move the arc forward in fits and starts, to some extent laying foundations but also making some big jumps along the way. This week's ep, Sam Egan's "City of Roses," starts to feather in some new information about the Big Death.

[J]eremiah and [K]urdy travel in search of more information on the Big Death and Valhalla Sector, and along the way discover some potentially dark secrets about the fate of Kurdy's parents in the last days of the Big D.

Another one I really enjoyed was "City of Roses" where Kurdy returns home and discovers how his parents really died. I remember watching this episode and, although I could see the disparity between what I ended up with and what I was going for, I could also see some growth. It was the first time I was able to track progress in my acting without beating myself up. I thought, "It wasn't quite what I was going for but I can see how close I got. Now I know what I've got to work on so that I can get to the place I want to be as an actor." So the sotry was a real turning point for me.

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