The Abyss:Jeremiah Episode Guide
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#9 (Red Kiss)
#10 (Journeys)
#11 (Thieves')
#12 (The Touch)
#13 (Mother)
#14 (Tripwire)
#15 (Ring Truth)
#16 (Moon Gemini)
#17 (Out of Ashes)
#18 (Means End)
> #19 (Unsaid 1)
#20 (Unsaid 2)
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#19) Things Left Unsaid (Part 1) Season 1

We will try to collect as much information about each episode here before it airs and then fill in what we could not afterwards. There will most likely be some minor spoilers when we analyze each episode since it is just too hard to avoid them completely.

This is an important episode and this analysis possibly reveals more about the arc and plot than others on this site. If you have not seen this episode yet, please consider this carefully before reading any further.

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#19) Things Left Unsaid (Part 1)
Orig Air Date  :  Jul.12.2002     Written By  :  J. Michael Straczynski     Length  :  45 mins
Production Code  :  116     Director  :  Mike Vejar     Rated  :  TV14
Theo Rating: 9.2   Votes: 47   Rank: 4/25   [ Vote ]
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Jeremiah and Kurdy discover that someone in Thunder Mountain is a traitor. When they find the missing page the traitor stole from Simon's book they search out the Brothers of the Apocalypse, who finally tell them the truth about the Big Death and the vital importance Thunder Mountain plays in the future of the world.

Full episode summary and viewer comments >>>


  • Luke Perry as Jeremiah  Episode Photos
  • Malcolm-Jamal Warner as Kurdy  Episode Photos

  • Peter Stebbings as Markus Alexander
  • Kim Hawthorne as Theo  Episode Photos
  • Ingrid Kavelaars as Erin  Episode Photos
  • Byron Lawson as Lee Chen  Episode Photos
  • Kandyse McClure as Elizabeth Munroe  Episode Photos
  • David McCallum as Clarence  Episode Photos
  • Alex Zahara as Ezekiel  Episode Photos
  • David Abbott as Second Brother  Episode Photos
  • Jessica Amlee as Little Girl  Episode Photos
  • Simon Wong as Phil  Episode Photos

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Wow. It seems kind of lame to resort to using that word but that is the only thing that pops into my head whenever I think about this episode. While it does have some minor flaws, they can be easily overlooked by the shear volume of questions raised and some past ones answered. I have a feeling that part two will be even more powerful.

My gripes are fairly minor and the only major issue was how Elizabeth was injured. Why does she have to be the stereotypical girl who is dumb enough to run out in the middle of a gun fight? Sadly, I almost hope she dies for being so stupid. :(

My heart was racing throughout most of this episode, trying anticipate what was going to happen next. I knew we were going to be in for a ride, but I wasn't sure how it would all turn out. We still don't know many things but I hope at least some of those will be answered in next week's episode.

I really like the sexual tension between Jeremiah and Theo but I would really be disappointed if they actually got together. I also liked the different kind of tension between her and Elizabeth. Let's just face it -- Theo is a lot of fun to watch. Speaking of things fun to watch ... I bet there were quite a few people who enjoyed watching Jeremiah finally give Lee a bloody lip. I am still not convinced Lee is as bad as some people think he is so we will just have to see who is right.

As usual, I am impressed with Kurdy. He planted the seed that he didn't always like what Jeremiah does but he still sticks by his side anyway. When Jeremiah slams the TM door behind them both and Kurdy rips him a new one, I thought it was about time someone chewed his ass out. Finally, when Elizabeth is injured and that became Kurdy's last straw, I actually felt a little sorry for Jeremiah since it wasn't really his fault. However, at the same time, I think it will do them good to be apart. Jeremiah relies on Kurdy's strenghth (both mental and physical) too much and Kurdy has relied on Jeremiah to help him find a purpose in life. You don't always appriciate what you have until it is gone and I believe the same applies to these two. This is not the end of their friendship -- it is the end of the beginning.


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  • Who is Nathan and how do we know he is not working with Lee Chen?
  • Who answered the cell phone?
  • When will Jeremiah reveal the information contained in the last page of Simon's journal?
  • How much gas does Thunder Mountain have stored up to spare enough to transport everyone to the meeting in St. Louis? If they can spare a whole tanker full ...
  • How did that little girl in the club know that information and why did she reveal it to Kurdy?
  • Why didn't Kurdy go after the adult that picked up the kid in the club?
  • Who else has been asking about the Brothers of the Apocalypse?
  • Will Jeremiah reveal the truth about the Brothers to Theo?
  • Why didn't the gunmen just kill Lee Chen? Is he really that valuable to the cause?
  • Why was Ezekiel whipping himself in the monestary?
  • Where did (or who told) the Brothers the "Great Death" has returned? Where does their proof come from?
  • Is the only woman who survived the BigD, Meaghan? Where are the other women?
  • What acts of what few brought back the Big Death?
  • What exactly will Jeremiah find in Millhaven? Valhalla Sector? His father?
  • How did Ezekiel escape the VS operatives in Tripwire?
  • How does Ezekiel know so much about Valhalla Sector's movements and plan and why is he staying with the Brothers?
  • Is this really the end of Jeremiah and Kurdy's partnership?
  • Will Elizabeth survive or is her gunshot wound fatal?
  • Why was this episode was dedicated to Nicholas Charles Wilkes (1979-2002)?

See all photos from this episode and read our collection of favorite quotes as well.

The main thing was testing out directors, testing the storyline, and finding what worked and didn't work. And I found some approaches that worked very well for us in the tone and tenor of shows like Firewall and ... And the Ground, Sown With Salt and the two parters.

Mike Vejar's directing, I think, set the one for what to strive for in terms of the intensity of the directing on one hand, but also the character moments that he found, and in terms of being a little more visually interesting with the camera.

It's probably the biggest thing we've shot to date. It pulls together a lot of threads from the whole season into one big tapestry. It changes forever the nature of the show. Mike Vejar directed it [and] he's one of my favorite directors. It's just huge. It's bigger than our pilot. More locations, more stunts ... everything!

The satellites are still in orbit, and still available to anyone with the power to get to them.

And as for accessing them from inside the both cases, we clearly see Markus (or Lee) plugging the phone (a smaller version of the contemporary sat-phones) into a plug marked EXT. ANT. for exterior antenna.

Nick [Nicholas Charles Wilkes] was a PA who worked on the series, and was well liked by everyone on the show. He died in a car accident on the way to work while we were shooting TLU part one. Everybody felt very strongly that he deserved notation here.

["Things Left Unsaid"] (directed by Mike Vejar, our good luck charm on B5 who did our best episodes) is pretty much nonstop intensity and action and character stuff end to end. [...] [O]f all the things I've written and produced, this may be the best thing I've ever been involved with, from a production standpoint and much of the writing. We kind of got pulled back a bit after the events of 9/11 put a damper on the television business in terms of the kinds of stories one can tell, but we really got this puppy back up on the rails again with the two parter, which is emblematic of what we'll do in a second year.

Mike's directing our two part season finale, "Things Left Unsaid."

[F]inishing post production on our last batch of episodes, including the two-part finale "Things Left Unsaid," which Mike Vejar directed and it's just *killer*. Of all the things I've ever done, and I'm including B5 in this, on an invidual basis this may be the best thing I've ever done, certainly the most ambitious. It's just frikkin' HUGE, the performances are great, the story moves ahead by leaps and bounds, I'm just *real* happy with it.

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