The Abyss:Jeremiah Episode Guide
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Season One
Season Two
#1 (Letters 1)
#2 (Letters 2)
#3 (Strange)
#4 (Machina)
#5 (Rites)
#6 (Smith)
#7 (Voices)
#8 (Crossing)
#9 (Running)
#10 (Question)
#11 (Past)
#12 (Mirror)
#13 (Union)
#14 (Interregnum 1)
#15 (Interregnum 2)
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Season Two

At V-Con 27, JMS mentioned that he will be writing 13 out of the 15 episodes this season. We have heard from other sources that Sam Egan's replacement, Grant Rosenberg, has taken over most of the day to day operations on the set in order to free up JMS' time to write. Also, we know from JMS that Associate Producer, Sara (Samm) Barnes, wrote at least one episode. Read Showtime's official press release from October 2002 which includes some more details about season two's renewal.

The information on this page comes from a variety of sources so it is all subject to change. We will update the information as soon as we can verify it. If you have any corrections or additional information, please drop us a line.

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#10) The Question
Orig Air Date  :  2004     Written By  :  J. Michael Straczynski     Length  :  45 mins
Production Code  :  210     Director  :  Mario Azzopardi     Rated  :  TV14
Theo Rating: 6.8   Votes: 6   Rank: 29/25   [ Vote ]
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Faced with permanent paralysis, Mister Smith is confident of a miracle; his friends at Thunder Mountain fear he will be disappointed and are more concerned about the army Markus is building and Kurdy is training.

Kent, Enid-Raye Adams as Gina, Ed and Brian (so far)

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#11) The Past is Prologue
Orig Air Date  :  2004     Written By  :  J. Michael Straczynski     Length  :  45 mins
Production Code  :  211     Director  :  Mike Vejar     Rated  :  TV14
Theo Rating: 6.8   Votes: 5   Rank: 30/25   [ Vote ]
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Was the past the best of times or the worst of times? It depends on who's past. Kurdy has to trust Lee when he returns to a town - and a load of trouble - he left behind while Jeremiah is imprisoned in an idealized replica of the days before the Big Death.

"Past" was the original title that appeared on the casting call sheets.

Enid-Raye Adams as Gina

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#12) The Face in the Mirror
Orig Air Date  :  2004     Written By  :  Barnes/Straczynski     Length  :  45 mins
Production Code  :  213     Director  :  Sean Astin     Rated  :  TV14
Theo Rating: 8.6   Votes: 8   Rank: 12/25   [ Vote ]
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Big Death survivor Frederick Monash knows something important and Devon, it seems, knows him. Thunder Mountain wants to find Monash before Daniel's forces can kill him and Jeremiah wants to know if he can ever really trust his own father.


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#13) State of the Union
Orig Air Date  :  2004     Written By  :  Sara (Samm) Barnes     Length  :  45 mins
Production Code  :  214     Director  :  Milan Cheylov     Rated  :  TV14
Theo Rating: 8.8   Votes: 5   Rank: 8/25   [ Vote ]
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Jeremiah joins Kurdy and Mister Smith on what should be a simple job to deliver radios to nearby towns. It is not; Daniel's forces have plans for those radios - and towns - that could bring disaster to the Alliance.

Enid-Raye Adams as Gina

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#14) Interregnum (Part 1)
Orig Air Date  :  2004     Written By  :  J. Michael Straczynski     Length  :  45 mins
Production Code  :  212     Director  :  Mike Vejar     Rated  :  TV14
Theo Rating: 9.0   Votes: 6   Rank: 6/25   [ Vote ]
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Mister Smith shows Jeremiah and Kurdy a refuge for children who will need protection if war comes, which seems inevitable as Daniel's forces surround Thunder Mountain. The key to victory may lie in the revelation of secrets.

Enid-Raye Adams as Gina

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We're currently in the last phase of shooting our two-part season finale "Interregnum."

"Interregnum One" was the original title that appeared on the casting call sheets.

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#15) Interregnum (Part 2)
Orig Air Date  :  2004     Written By  :  J. Michael Straczynski     Length  :  45 mins
Production Code  :  215     Director  :  Mike Vejar     Rated  :  TV14
Theo Rating: 8.9   Votes: 7   Rank: 7/25   [ Vote ]
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A painful truth sets Jeremiah's course while Sims prepares to attack the Alliance. Markus and Kurdy must combat enemy forces outside and within Thunder Mountain itself to protect a future worth living in.

Enid-Raye Adams as Gina

See all photos from this episode.

We're currently in the last phase of shooting our two-part season finale "Interregnum."

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JMS Speaks About Season Three
Isn't there some kind of protocol, though, who the studio should be making calls to/giving notes? I'd've thought that sort of direction should only be given to the Producer level at the lowest?

Yup. Therein lay the silhouette of the problem.

Ignorant question here: Why? [re: no requirement to consult]

A very well written contract.

And so do they have any info in regards to where you wanted to take the show after season 2?

No. Studios are remarkably short-sighted as a rule; they only want to see what's in the pipeline for that season. In the case of Jeremiah, I did not write any notes for after season 2, which is actually pretty much pro forma, B5 being the exception to the rule. You have it in your head, but that's it.

Regardless of what's been left behind for them to try to work with, would you have any interest or desire in letting the new showrunners in on any of your ideas?

No. Nor would I think they would want them. MGM would take the show in a vastly different direction, such that any thoughts I would have had would no longer apply.

Emblematic of some of the studio's notions is a call made by the studio to my casting director, stating -- of the paucity of babes -- "I don't care if she can act, I want her cute."

Would you consider being hired on as a consultant to the show if asked?

If there were a third season, the studio would have to pay me a consultancy fee but there would be no requirement to actually consult.

He obviously had very bad feelings about how MGM was trying to change the show, and with JMS gone, surely they WILL change the show however they please. (And if JMS didn't like the notes they were giving him, I suspect I will not like them either.)

To be fair, there is truth to that. There's no question, to my mind, that if a S3 is commissioned, they will put in someone more compliant with notes and their preferred direction for the show, as they did with Dead Like Me, which is why the second half of the season looks very different from the first half. They took out one show runner, and put in another who would do things as directed.

As stated, I've opted not to return if there's a third season, but a) that has nothing to do with the quality of this season, which is terrific, and b) what some people, from the postings I've seen, don't seem to quite get is that this is more the norm than not. Lots of people come on, create a show, get it up and running, and either leave after the first season or the second, sometimes even just launching the show and moving away in the first season. That's the nature of TV. You generally do a couple of years here and a couple of years there. There are exceptions to this of course, situations where creators opt to stick around for the duration, but in most cases people move on. So this ain't a big deal.

Did you approach parts of the second season finale knowing that you wouldn't be doing the third season?

Yes. That thought was pretty much all that kep me going at the end.

My question is whether there will be some sense of closure at the end of the second season. Will people be able to look on the first two seasons as some sort of whole project and enjoy it as such? Or will we be left hanging and wondering what might have been?

No, it actually does have some closure to it. So if that were to be the last season, it would have a good end to it.

What happens if Jeremiah returns for a third season without you? I mean i guess a replacement could be find (i know hard to imagine but in this weird world anything seems to be possieble :) ), but the series would certainly have a different kind of feeling, who knows maybe even a different direction.

True. And who knows, it could be better or worse evenly, depending on who they get. We'll just have to see.

Did/does/will the second season end with a cliffhanger?

Yes and no.

Joe, could there even *be* a third season of "Jeremiah" without you? I don't know how this works--i.e., whether MGM owns the show and could conceivably bring in someone else to keep it going.

Sure, they could definitely do so. At the end of their day, it's their show, and if there should be a season three, they would have no choice but to bring someone else in.

As an aside...none of this should be taken as a diss of the coming season. I honestly think that the second season is miles better than our first season. It's more consistent, takes more chances, it's really a very strong season.

Thing of it is, you look at the quality of the work, and the amount of blood on the floor in getting to that point, and have to decide if the one is worth the other. The process is hard enough without others making it even harder than it has to be.

And there we are.

However, even though the article totally misstated the sentence so it didn't make any sense, the last phrase is correct, in that I have zero desire to return to a third season of Jeremiah. Showtime was great, no mistake, but MGM has overall been the most heinous, difficult and intrusive studio I've ever worked for. I've worked for, and had great relations with, Viacom, Universal, Warner Bros., and a bunch more. But I will never, ever, work for the present administration at MGM.

I didn't know why so many other writers had a problem there and never wanted to go back. Now I do.

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JMS Speaks About Season Two
Must say, Joe, that this second season is just wonderful.

Thanks, I think it came out really well.

When a showrunner leaves, I assume that said shows owners hold all the rights to any outlines/arcs/etc.. you may have provided to them or written during your employment with them.

Yes and no. They own what they pay for, meaning scripts and, if commissiond, a bible. Generally they don't pay for notes, memos, sketches, that sort of thing...though on the other hand, one could make the argument that it's all done during the term of employment. I don't know if this has ever been tested. Either way, if they were to base a story on one's notes, there would have to be separate story payments per WGA.

Let us know if these rumors are true about Jeremiah going off the air after episode seven?

This is the first I've heard of it. But there's a message floating around from Scott Rosenberg confirming it, that the 15 eps have been broken up in half, with 7 through November 7th, and the rest picking up early (I'm guessing January) 2004.

I haven't been told this by anyone directly (hardly surprising), but my *guess* would be that they're moving them out of the holiday season (Thanksgiving through Christmas). TV viewership goes way down during late November through January 1, and cable goes down even more. So if I had to hazard a guess at their reasoning, they're probably acting to protect their investment, rather than air the show at a time when nobody is watching, which would kill the ratings and the show.

Why do I call this an event? Because this season really feels like a 15-hour saga.

So, just out of curiousity, how does it feel to see your pronouncements of fictional doom and gloom coming true in such a dramatic, world-impacting fashion?

It's a weird bit of synchronicity that has always been the case with my work when I'm kind of riding the right waves, for lack of a better term. Riding the synchronicity wave might be a better one. They went through B5, echoing now, and they continue with Jeremiah.

In our story, we're moving toward a truly massive conflagration, a major war, and in the course of filming one particular episode, as the shit hits the fan, one character says, "Let's go kill some of the enemy and make some noise."

As it happened, by yet another weird coincidence of timing, at the moment we shot that scene, the bombs started falling in Baghdad.

Some of the cast are becoming increasingly creeped out by this....

Last I heard, year two is set to debut in the US around the first week of August. They want to be able to debut their new series Dead Like Me in June/July or so, let that get its sea-legs, then we come out in August.

By the time we hit mid-week, we'll be halfway through shooting on the season, which should wrap around the first week of April, though post will take us through mid-May.

I've already made a deal with Mike [Vejar] to [direct] five episodes this year, and for Martin Wood, who did the one for us last year called Journeys End in Lovers Meeting which was a beautiful episode. He's also going to do five this year.

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