
The Abyss will run promotions at various times where you can win Jeremiah stuff! The promotions are
usually easy to do and you can get some neat Jeremiah memorabilia. Read the instructions below to
participate in any current promotions. If you have something you would like to donate or an idea
for a promotion, please drop us a line.
NOTE: If there is a lack of interest in any promotion, The Abyss reserves
the right to substitute a lesser prize or withdraw the promotion entirely. We have also had
problems with mailing items outside North America. We will send prizes outside North America at
our sole discretion but we will try very hard to ship worldwide. Void where
Generate Jeremiah Buzz Promotion
Our promotion is now over and we thank everyone who participated. There were well over 3000
emails that were sent out that we were cc'd on and a number of letters and phone calls as well.
We certainly caused some buzz at the offices of the three studios involved: Showtime, MGM and
Platinum Studios. Let's just hope they chose to act on our wishes!
We are still tring to get a hold of some winners so please check your email and respond if you
get an email from us. In the meantime, here are the winners so far:
Our grand prize winner who won the Jeremiah DVD set was Markus' girl from Salzburg,
Austria! She was chosen because she wrote one of the best letters and it really touched
us to read it. Also, these people won the following prizes:
- Kay Shapero from California, USA won the green "Ass-Kicking" t-shirt
- Rakshi from SANET won the $25 from Amazon
- Julia Bacher from Oklahoma, USA won the dark blue "Ass-Kicking" t-shirt
- Eileen Mietz from New Jersey, USA won the maroon "Ass-Kicking" t-shirt
For the second half of our promotion, we have just emailed the winners so check your email and
visit again in a few days to see who won!
On November 1, 2003, we needed to generate some Jeremiah buzz so we decided to run a promotion
to help generate interest. After all, nothing motivates people more than a chance to win free
Jeremiah stuff is there? This is what you need to do:
- Read about our Jeremiah Buzz Campaign to see what you can do to
- CC or forward your correspondance regarding "Jeremiah Buzz" to
- If you call in or talk to someone in person about Jeremiah, send us an email about your
experience at jeremiah@hubbe.net
For -every- email you send, forward or copy us on that is related to generating "Jeremiah Buzz",
you will be entered to win one of the following prizes:
As an added incentive, a Jeremiah Season One Boxed Set DVD will
be given away as well! Everyone who participates before November 15th,
2003 will be entered into this bonus drawing and it will be
delivered to the winner when the set is released on Jan.20.2004. Remember, you will be entered
for every correspondance you send, forward or copy us at
jeremiah@hubbe.net. We need to create a lot of noise
as quickly as possible.
We will be drawing the winner for the DVD set and at least two other
prizes on Nov.16.2003. For all emails sent between Nov.16.2003 and Dec.15.2003, two to five
winners will be selected for the remaining prizes. Winners to be notified by email. We reserve
the right to disqualify any entry if it doesn't relate to our "Jeremiah Buzz Campaign".
Participate in Our Forums Promotion
We ended up with 143 registered members on Jul.31.2003 so that means we have selected at least
five members of our forums and they will get to choose from the first five prizes listed below.
Congratulations to our five winners and because we had duplicates of many of these prizes we had
enough to award gifts to three runners up as well!
- Kaleb (Random Scottish Nutcase #3) won the Earth Alliance Uniform Pin
- Mertu (Sean O'Connell from Arizona, USA) won the Tribulations Novel
- fmewler (Michael R. Belanger from Toronto, Canada) won the Jeremiah Survival
- wolfhound (Shaun from Florida, USA) won the Tribulations Novel
- kurdy27 (Jordi Seco Oller from Barcelona, Spain) won the Jeremiah: Gun in the
Water Trade Paperback
- Rubel (Allan Anderson from California, USA) won the Jeremiah Survival Kit
- Siggy (International Woman of Mystery) won the Babylon 5 Station Pin
- janmschroeder (Jan Schroeder from Florida, USA) won the Tribulations Novel
On Jun.15.2003, we said no more promotions until after season two starts but it has been so
long in coming that we wanted to try something in the meantime. Also, we recently opened up our
forums and would like more people to participate so we thought this would be a clever way to
use up some of our prizes.
Here is the deal. The rules are simple and the more people that participate, the more prizes
we will give away! To qualify for this promotion, all you have to do is:
- Register or
log in to
our forums.
- Post on our forums at least once between
June.15.2003 and Jul.31.2003.
You will be entered into a drawing for at least one of the prizes listed below. You may
only be entered into this drawing once but the more people enter, the more prizes get thrown
into the pot. We will give out an additional prize for every twenty (20) people that register
and post on our forums between Jun.15.2003 and Jul.31.2003. We currently have sixty (60)
registered members on our forums so here is the schedule for the give-a-ways:
The Babylon 5 station pin is very well made with two clutch back pins. The EA Uniform pin is
much heavier but it also has two clutch back pins. Both pins are items from the now defunct
Official Fan Club and are copyright Warner Brothers.
The Jeremiah Survival Kit is full of things which may be handy to have if you ever survive an
apocalypse. Inside an army green canvas sachet (about 4x5 inches) there is a bottle of hand
sanitizer, peppermint breath mint sheets, a sewing kit, body lotion, Ibuprofen, clean
towelette, antacid and a bandaid. These kits were given away as a season one promotional item
so they are hard to get a hold of.
We have more than one quantity for many of these items so if we get more than 200 members
participating on our boards then we will keep giving away prizes until we are out. That means
we could give away over a dozen (12) items in this promotion!
Finally, we reserve the right to disqualify anyone who we think is cheating or behaves badly on
our forums at our sole discretion. Other than that, good luck and see you on the boards!
Design a T-shirt Promotion
This promotion is now over and marks the end of our give-a-ways until season two begins. It
isn't because we have run out of things to part with and in fact is quite the contrary. The
truth is that we have been disappointed in the lack of participation in the last few promotions.
However, if you have an idea or just want them to continue, please drop
us a line!
We actually have two winners for this promotion because we liked the submissions and wanted to
use them both. Our true winner is Joey (aka CaptDS9E) who suggested a great idea for a t-shirt
in the style of Babylon 5. Our runner up design comes from Mihaela (aka SheWhoFacesTheSun)
which features Theo, our favorite Jeremiah character. Joey picked the ad signed by JMS and
Mihaela chose the "Ass-Kicking" t-shirt in blue. Congratulations to both of you and we look
forward to sharing the designs soon!
On November 7th, 2002, we announced yet another promotion. Design a T-shirt for our site and
you could win one (1) of the following prizes:
- One (1) 9x11 inch Jeremiah Promotional Ad -- SIGNED by J. Michael Straczynski!
- Choice of a blue, green or maroon, long-sleeve "Ass-Kicking" T-shirt (size XL)
- An exclusive and limited edition Jeremiah mouse pad
- An original t-shirt that you designed!
The design must go on a white or light grey colored shirt and also must incorporate a quote
from the show. You may enter as many designs as you like. However, all images and fonts must
be copyright free. You will retain copyright on your design but you will allow us to brand and
sell the design on our web site exclusively for one year after design has been completed
according to our specifications. Send your designs to
Need help with choosing a quote? Visit our list of
Season One Favorite Quotes
for ideas.
Interested yet? Listen carefully: Now, even though we mention t-shirts specifically, you may
also choose any item that CafePress offers
(excluding Premium Shop products). You can visit their
Product Center for more
ideas and product details.
This contest will end on December 7th, 2002
so let the creative juices flow!
Jeremiah Newsletter Promotion
FINISHED! This promotion is now over and we would like to thank everyone who
participated. We were not as happy with the participation in this promotion since only
two people who took part in the referral portion. That means we will had to reduce the number
of Promo Ads to one (1) and remove the Grand Prizes altogether. We have emailed the winner and
thanked the people who participated in the referral portion of our promotion.
We will announce the winner soon, so please check back later.
Our many thanks to Jesse Jackson and Ken "DirkMaster" Schaefer for sending their referral
information to us. When we get some more Jeremiah items, you can be sure they will be
on our list to get some!
On September 22nd, 2002, we announded a new promotion. Tell your friends about our newsletter
and have them sign up -- you will be entered to win one of these prizes. Here are the details:
All members of the newsletter group by October 31st, 2002 will be entered into a drawing for
one of these five (5) Jeremiah promotional ads (see photo, above left). Pretty easy isn't it?
Do nothing but be a member of the newsletter group for a chance to win something!
We are also holding a Grand Prize drawing which will be the winner's choice of a blue, green or
maroon, long-sleeve "Ass-Kicking" T-shirt (size XL) from Showtime's kick off promotion of the
show. In addition to this t-shirt, the winner will also receive an exclusive and limited
edition (only six were ever made!) Jeremiah mouse pad.
Interested yet? Listen carefully:
To be entered for the Grand Prize, all you have to do is tell someone about the newsletter and
have them join up! Talk about what a great resource our newsletter is, perhaps even the reasons
why you think it would be beneficial for them to join, a description of the prizes and the
following instructions:
- Sign up for the Jeremiah Newsletter, From the Valhalla Sector at
- Send an email to jeremiah_fans@yahoo.com with
As a thank you for helping us promote the newsletter, both you and your referral get a chance
to win the Grand Prize! For every referral you send to us, you get entered into the Grand Prize
Pretty easy, isn't it? And all you have to do is tell your friends about us.
Theo Rating Promotion
FINISHED! This promotion is now over and we would like to thank everyone who
participated and congratulate the following winners:
Charles S. Kiger, Jr.
David Freshwaters
Luke Sneeringer
Victor Gonzalo Soriano
On July 28th, 2002, we devised a brand-new rating system for Jeremiah's first season - vote for
your favorite episodes using 1 to 10 "Theos."
As an incentive to try it out, The Abyss will give away at least five (5) 9x11 inch Jeremiah
promotional ads (see image). Everyone who rates at least one episode between July 28th, 2002
and SEPTEMBER 30TH, 2002, will be automatically entered.
To begin, go to our Episode Guide to vote for your favorite
episodes individually. Alternately, you can vote for all the episodes from
season one if you
would rather vote for all of them at once.
By no means will The Abyss sell or spam your e-mail address. We follow the Golden Rule over here,
and boy, do we hate spam. Your email address is kept in a secure data file that keeps track of
everyone's votes in the "Theo Rating" system. Only during those times when we are running a
promotion for this system, will you get an email from us if you are a winner. For more
information about this and opt-out instructions, please read our
Privacy Statement.