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#4 Deus Ex Machina Season 2

We will try to collect as much information about each episode here before it airs and then fill in what we could not afterwards. There will most likely be some minor spoilers when we analyze each episode since it is just too hard to avoid them completely.

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#4) Deus Ex Machina
Orig Air Date  :  Oct.31.2003     Written By  :  J. Michael Straczynski     Length  :  45 mins
Production Code  :  204     Director  :  Mike Vejar     Rated  :  TV14
Theo Rating: 8.8   Votes: 18   Rank: 9/25   [ Vote ]
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Markus struggles to achieve consensus among the factions that could re-build the country. He sends Kurdy, with a new partner, to rescue some of the delegates who have fallen into very tough hands.

Full episode summary and viewer comments >>>


  • Luke Perry as Jeremiah  Episode Photos
  • Malcolm-Jamal Warner as Kurdy  Episode Photos
  • Sean Astin as Mister Smith  Episode Photos
  • Joanne Kelly as Libby  Episode Photos

  • Peter Stebbings as Markus Alexander  Episode Photos
  • Ingrid Kavelaars as Erin  Episode Photos
  • Kim Hawthorne as Theo  Episode Photos
  • Byron Lawson as Lee Chen  Episode Photos
  • David Palffy as Cory  Episode Photos
  • Scott Heindl as Trent  Episode Photos
  • Kavan Smith as Vincent  Episode Photos
  • Adrian Holmes as Sandor  Episode Photos
  • Craig Veroni as Enrique Hernandez  Episode Photos
  • David Quinlan as Worker  Episode Photos


  • Why was Mister Smith taking photos of everyone? What do his photos reveal?
  • What things in Smith's photos "shouldn't be there"?
  • Whose name did Smith whisper to Cory? What did they talk about in the cabin?
  • Why isn't Michelle from Mother of Invention at this meeting? What ever happened to her and her group?
  • Who is the father of Theo's child?
  • Will Lee Chen earn back Markus' trust? If so, how will he do it?
  • Where did Smith get the gas to run the truck?
  • What image did Smith see in the photo he destroyed at the end?
  • What is starting?

See all photos from this episode and read our collection of favorite quotes as well.

Things are heating up. This is the first time Sean Astin's Mister Smith is in full form, and is welcomed into the Thunder Mountain (the good guys) team. Well, at least he's welcomed by Kurdy even if Kurdy won't admit it. Ok, really, they all think Mister Smith's a bit nutty.

What's going on is this: Thunder Mountain is desperately trying to keep the battered and fractious alliance together as everyone starts to realize there's a bigger threat -- a worse enemy, even than Valhalla Sector could ever be. Theo explains much of this in a terrific performance!

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Nov.16.2003 at 01:06 PST

Created: Nov.1.2003
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