The Abyss:Jeremiah Episode Guide
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> #3 (Strange)
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#8 (Crossing)
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#3 Strange Attractors Season 2

We will try to collect as much information about each episode here before it airs and then fill in what we could not afterwards. There will most likely be some minor spoilers when we analyze each episode since it is just too hard to avoid them completely.

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#3) Strange Attractors
Orig Air Date  :  Oct.24.2003     Written By  :  J. Michael Straczynski     Length  :  45 mins
Production Code  :  202     Director  :  Charles Winkler     Rated  :  TV14
Theo Rating: 8.4   Votes: 14   Rank: 14/25   [ Vote ]
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After a brief reunion with his father, Jeremiah returns to Thunder Mountain. Markus sends Jeremiah and Kurdy on different - and dangerous - parts of a mission to free the imprisoned Alliance leaders before their captors can carry out a standing execution order.

STRANGE ATTRACTORS deals with Markus, Jeremiah, Kurdy and the others who survived last week's battle desperately trying to find any other alliance leaders who also survived Valhalla's brutal attack. They have just hours to find imprisoned alliance leaders before their impending deaths lead to the collapse of the tenuous alliance forever.

Full episode summary and viewer comments >>>


  • Luke Perry as Jeremiah  Episode Photos
  • Malcolm-Jamal Warner as Kurdy  Episode Photos
  • Sean Astin as Mister Smith  Episode Photos
  • Joanne Kelly as Libby  Episode Photos

  • Peter Stebbings as Markus Alexander  Episode Photos
  • Ingrid Kavelaars as Erin  Episode Photos
  • Kim Hawthorne as Theo  Episode Photos
  • Robert Wisden as Devon  Episode Photos
  • Aaron Douglas as Davis  Episode Photos
  • Biski Gugushe as Steve
  • Travis MacDonald Guy
  • Jake Moyer as Guard
  • Rob Hayter as Guard
  • Dana Pemberton as Norader/Clete  Episode Photos
  • Morley MacDougall as Traveler  Episode Photos


  • What kind of relationship will Jeremiah and his dad build?
  • Where exactly is Mister Smith from?
  • What accent does God speak in to Mister Smith?
  • Who is Daniel and what kind of power does he wield?
  • Why is Libby so against carrying a gun?
  • Who are the two strange attractors in Jeremiah?

See all photos from this episode and read our collection of favorite quotes as well.

I was riveted by Mister Smith when I first read the script, then again in the dailies and producers cuts and even more so in the final version. One of my favorite scenes is when Mister Smith, visibly shaken, recounts six words "god" just said to him and the tone in god's voice:

Mister Smith: There was sadness and grief and weariness (in the god's voice) but under it all...anger. The kind of anger that makes you throw yourself on the ground and cover your face and apologize for everything you've ever done in your entire life.

But what did god say??? What are those six words that will haunt us throughout this season's saga? "Look to the east, and despair."

Oh, and by the way, I've seen every script and every piece of footage for all the episodes, and I will tell you one thing without giving a spoiler (I won't even tell you if it is indeed god!): that voice Mister Smith heard? Those six words? Well... god wasn't kidding.

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Last Modified:
Nov.11.2003 at 07:13 PST

Created: Oct.25.2003
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