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We have collected items that we think you might be interested in purchasing. Also, if you are interested in the things the series creator (J. Michael Straczynski) has done, visit the Books by JMS pages in the Babylon 5 section of this web site. Feel free to send us your suggestions!

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Jeremiah DVD Boxed Sets UPDATED:  1.22.2004
We are optimistic because we created this page based on some rumors posted around the net that the season one boxed set will be released on January 20th, 2004. Stay tuned to this page for more updates as we find them.
Jeremiah Merchandise UPDATED:  8.24.2003
Well, it took us a long time to get this set up but we wanted to make sure it was done right. There is quite a large selection of items to choose from and we may reduce the number of items offered if a particular style does not sell well. Our merchandise is brought to you via the online printing shop, CafePress and is -NOT- official or affiliated in any way with Showtime or MGM.
Jeremiah Comics UPDATED:  12.20.2003
Now you can read about how it all began. The original comics (written by Hermann Huppen) are being reprinted in the America ... the first time in over ten years! You can order the first hardcover tradepaperback now.
Luke Perry UPDATED:  2.3.2003
Here we highlight some of the many films that Luke has done over the years. There is even an audio book where he lends his voice to as well.
Malcolm-Jamal Warner UPDATED:  10.18.2003
Here we highlight the films that Malcolm-Jamal has done over the years. There is even an audio book where he lends his voice to as well.
Sean Astin UPDATED:  10.12.2003
Here we highlight the films that Sean has done over the years. The two favorites is his role in "The Lord of the Rings" trilogies and in "The Goonies".
Peter Stebbings UPDATED:  12.5.2002
Here we highlight the films that Peter has done over the years. There may not be much here but as his sucess grows, so will this page.
Other Cast Members UPDATED:  10.12.2003
Some of the other cast members have been in some films that we would like to feature but they don't take up enough room to warrent a whole new page.
Related Products UPDATED:  1.11.2004
Here we have selected some other products that are semi-related to Jeremiah. There is Buffy the Vampire Slayer because Luke Perry was in the movie that inspired the TV series, Sex in the City because it is a Showtime original series and Stargate SG-1 because it is another Showtime Original plus Alex Zahara and Peter Stebbings have had minor roles in it.
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Mercenaries (Vol. 2)
Mercenaries (Vol. 2)
(Jeremiah Comic)
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Aug.23.2003 at 22:07 PST

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