The Abyss:Jeremiah Episode Guide
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Season One
#1,2 (Long Road)
#3 (Man of Iron)
#4 (Ground, Sown)
#5 (To Sail)
#6 (The Bag)
#7 (City Roses)
#8 (Firewall)
#9 (Red Kiss)
#10 (Journeys)
> #11 (Thieves')
#12 (The Touch)
#13 (Mother)
#14 (Tripwire)
#15 (Ring Truth)
#16 (Moon Gemini)
#17 (Out of Ashes)
#18 (Means End)
#19 (Unsaid 1)
#20 (Unsaid 2)
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#11) Thieves' Honor Season 1

We will try to collect as much information about each episode here before it airs and then fill in what we could not afterwards. There will most likely be some minor spoilers when we analyze each episode since it is just too hard to avoid them completely.

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#11) Thieves' Honor
Orig Air Date  :  May.10.2002     Written By  :  Sam Egan     Length  :  45 mins
Production Code  :  113     Director  :  Holly Dale     Rated  :  TV14
Theo Rating: 7.3   Votes: 41   Rank: 26/25   [ Vote ]
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Jeremiah and Kurdy are sent to Clairfield to find Elizabeth, who has been kidnapped by Theo's jocks, while investigations get under way to find the traitor who's leaking information from Thunder Mountain.

Full episode summary and viewer comments >>>


  • Luke Perry as Jeremiah  Episode Photos
  • Malcolm-Jamal Warner as Kurdy  Episode Photos

  • Peter Stebbings as Markus Alexander  Episode Photos
  • Kim Hawthorne as Theo  Episode Photos
  • Byron Lawson as Lee Chen  Episode Photos
  • Ingrid Kavelaars as Erin  Episode Photos
  • Kandyse McClure as Elizabeth Munroe
  • Ben Bass as Eric Rasmussen  Episode Photos
  • Zak Santiago Alam as Sam  Episode Photos
  • Alonso Oyarzun as Gabriel Jarvis  Episode Photos
  • Xantha Radley as Baker
  • Dave Nystrom as Jock
  • Jean-Michel Legal Jacob Rutledge  Episode Photos
  • Haig Sutherland as Keith  Episode Photos
  • Martin Sims as Raymond Jaglom  Episode Photos
  • Crystal Coté as Kate Pierce  Episode Photos
  • Cobie Smulders as Deborah  Episode Photos

^ Top ^

This is the best Sam Egan episode so far! It is nowhere near the top of my list but it is a huge improvement over some of his other episodes.

I love Theo! It was great to see her again and how she dealt with Jeremiah and Kurdy. The interaction between her and Jeremiah was superb and we also got to learn a bit more about her background. I knew there had to be more to her then the Queen Bitch from Hell persona that she carries with her everywhere. Also, I like the sexual tension between them but at the same time I am glad that it is only hinted at and not acted on. It makes it more fun to watch!

Markus is also starting to recognize the limitations and consequences of his dictatorship at the mountain. I am curious to see if the counsel will continue the decision making process that Markus forced on them in this episode. I also noticed that the counsel consists of nine members ... just like the Minbari Grey Council. Sorry, I couldn't help the Babylon 5 reference. ;) Perhaps there is no real relation because nine is a very good number for a ruling body.

Finally, I was really cheering for Kurdy at the end. I won't spoil it but I am sure you will know what I mean once you see it.


^ Top ^


  • Why did Markus send Elizabeth (who is an unexperienced field agent and has a personal vendetta to settle) into Clarefield?
  • Was Jacob really only communicating with his sister or did he have another agenda?
  • Will the counsel at Thunder Mountain continue to integrate democracy into their system of government that they have now?
  • When we see Theo again, how much will she have changed now that she spent time with Jeremiah?
  • How will Theo deal with Rasmussen?
  • Why was Deborah accepted into Thunder Mountain so easily and quickly when Erin indicated it would be difficult?

See all photos from this episode and read our collection of favorite quotes as well.

 ^ Top ^ More Info   Showtime's Jeremiah Site MGM's Jeremiah Site
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