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JMS recently posted about when season two might air and he said, "Last I heard, year two is set to debut in the US around the first week of August."
Jeremiah was nominated for a Saturn award for the Best Syndicated/Cable TV Series. There is some tough competition but let's root for our show!
When asked about how many seasons were planned for Jeremiah's arc, JMS replied, "Five."
JMS posted an update for most of his ongoing projects and mentioned three more episode titles from Season Two.
JMS just revealed the first six episode titles for Season Two!
Sean Astin told Sci Fi Wire a little bit about his new role of Mr. Smith and why he took the job.
We got an email today with the episode titles for Season Two. Go to's Jeremiah Forum to read all about it.
JMS revised his previous comment about when Jeremiah will be available in syndication.
A new cast member has been added to Jeremiah as reported by Variety. Joanne Kelly will play "series regular" Thesp, who will be "a potential love interest for Jeremiah (Luke Perry)".
A fellow V-Con attendee spoke to JMS about how many episodes he will be writing next season, and he replied 13 out of 15. I asked her to clarify the information, which she did.
JMS announced at V-Con 27 that the second season of Jeremiah will be shown in March 2002.
JMS talks about the casting of Sean Astin on the moderated newsgroup, RASTB5M.
It's official! The press release was published today with the news about Jeremiah's second season. Production starts October 23rd and new episodes will air sometime in 2003.
JMS confirmed the rumors that have been running around on the 'net ... Jeremiah has been renewed! Check out his newsgroup post for more information.
Jeremiah renewed for 15 more episodes and a new Executive Producer? Well, that is what the Scifi2k web site is reporting. Read the discussion about this on B5TV's Jeremiah Forum.
Thanks to SavantB5 from the B5TV boards for posting a link to this article about Showtime in the LA Times.
SkyOne announced their Fall 2002 line up today which includes Jeremiah. Read their press release for more information.
I asked JMS a pointed question in regards to the SciFi Weekly article and here is his non-committal response.
A wonderful little slip from SciFi Weekly said that Jeremiah "has just squeaked into a second season." While not official news, it is a pretty good indication of what we might expect to hear from Showtime/MGM in the near future.
Good news for some Canadian fans! Jeremiah is finally going to be aired in your country. The programming schedule is available for The Movie Network which is premiering Jeremiah on Monday, September 16th at 9pm ET.
Theo Ratings are here at The Abyss! To celebrate this new feature, we are running a promotion where you can win a 9x11 inch Jeremiah promotional ad. For more information, visit the Theo Rating Results page.
A great review of season one has been posted at Comics2Film. Let's get more press like this!
We recently asked Showtime about when season two will be announced via their "Ask A Question" form and this was the answer we received, "Premiere episodes will air through august after which there will be information on season two." Sounds like we will hear something late August.
It is time once again to spread the word! If you want season two, get as many people as you can to tune into the last three episodes. As JMS said, "It's all a matter of the numbers." Read the full post here.
The Abyss will be interviewing Byron Lawson who plays Lee Chen on Jeremiah and we'd like your input. If you have a question you would like to ask, they MUST be emailed to this address. Sign up for our Newsletter, Jeremiah-News for more info!
The Abyss will be interviewing Ingrid Kavelaars who plays Erin on Jeremiah and we'd like your input. If you have a question you would like to ask, they MUST be emailed to this address. Sign up for our Newsletter, Jeremiah-News for more info!
Scifidimensions has a review up about "the two-issue reprint series Jeremiah: Birds of Prey" by Hermann Huppen. Read the full review here.
JMS replied to my post on RASTB5M! He said that Showtime's schedule is wrong and it was indeed! View Showtime's updated schedule.
Showtime's schedule is up for July and the sad news is ... no new Jeremiah! We are working to get to the story behind this but we are highly suspicious since there is no Odyssey 5 either which premieres in a few weeks. Stay tuned!
More comments from JMS, "as for a second season, that's in the hands of the TV gods.". Read the full post here.
A great post from JMS about the season finale for season one ("it's just *killer*") and a "crucial arc story, 'Tripwire,'" to not miss. He also talks about his ideal episode/season length, progress on Amazing Spider-Man, other TV projects and the healing (or not) of his hand and finger. Read the full post here.
JMS posted another very postive bit of news about the ratings Jeremiah has been getting.
According to Showtime's web site, the chat with J. Michael Straczynski has also been postponed. It probably has to do with his hand and foot injuries.
JMS talks about the ratings in today's USENET post. It sounds like everyone is quite pleased with the results!
Showtime's online chat with Malcolm-Jamal Warner has been postponed. He was called away to the the set to shoot some additional scenes. Showtime plans to reschedule the chat at a later date.
The chat transcript for the Luke Perry chat is finally up on Showtime's web site.
If you haven't checked out MGM's official Jeremiah web site lately, they have updated it with lots of information including a full pilot synopsis, behind the scenes, cast and crew info and more!
Win an autographed script for the premiere episode of Jeremiah "The Long Road" Signed by stars Luke Perry & Malcolm-Jamal Warner!
Comics2Films recently reported that the comics that Jeremiah is based on will be released again in the USA. Read the full story.
Showtime has a whole new and updated section devoted to Jeremiah. It features many things including behind the scenes interviews, photos and more; chat schedule; trailers; full cast and crew info; wallpaper downloads and more!
Comics2Film reported on the various advertising and promotional campaigns taking place for Jeremiah. Exciting news!
SciFi Weekly published a review of the pilot. Beware of spoilers! Skip the first section if you want to avoid them. Overall grade: B+
A report from SciFi Wire today quotes Luke Perry about how edgy the show will be and what we can look forward to seeing.
Are you a webmaster? Go to Showtime's Jeremiah Media Depot where you can get banners, photos, press information and more.
An interview with Ervin Rustemagic (executive producer on Jeremiah) has been posted on Comics2Film's web site. New photos too!
We just heard that Showtime is starting a huge ad campaign. Sightings of Jeremiah billboards in NYC and Chicago have been reported. Send us photos of any ads you find!
Comics2Film has posted some new photos and a report that summarizes the latest MGM newsletter quite well.
SciFi Wire has an article titled Perry Talks Jeremiah, which has some tid bits from Luke Perry who told TV Guide Online about his experiences on Jeremiah.
SciFi Wire has a brief report on Jeremiah, called History Informs Jeremiah, which summarizes the interview with JMS that waspublished in MGM's Sci-Fi Newsletter.
Enter to win ShowTime's "ASS Kicking" sweepstakes where you can appear on the show during the second season (or a GameCube). Contest runs from Jan.31.2002 to Mar.31.2002 with the winner announced on Apr.12.2002.
In MGM's Sci-Fi Newsletter, it has an interview with JMS, a Press Tour transcript (warning: language) with JMS, Perry and Warner, and an article with Scott Mitchell Rosenberg who adapted Jeremiah to TV.
More information about Jeremiah (JMS' newest project on ShowTime), the comic book it was based on and more photos can be found at Comics Continuum.
Hot off the presses! Jeremiah will premiere on Sunday March 3rd, 8PM ET/PT, on ShowTime's Sci-Friday. There are also some photos and an offical web site.
JMS posted a note about the postponement of his new show on Showtime that was slated to begin airing this January 2002. It is unknown when this show will air as the "powers that be are gauging when it might be safe to go forward". The delay has been caused by the tragic events that happened on 9.11.2001 which has made many hollywood executives reevaluate what shows to air.
The MGM Online Newsletter has a section on Jeremiah which has some great background information about the upcoming series that is coming to Showtime in January 2002. It includes profiles for each of the major characters in the series.
Read MGM's press release about Jeremiah.
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Season 1 Boxed Set
Season 1 Boxed Set
(Jeremiah DVD)
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Apr.20.2003 at 05:59 PST

Created: Feb.10.2002
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