
We will try to collect as much information about each re-occurring character here before it airs
and then fill in what we could not afterwards.
APR.1.2003 We gave a short shrift to our other characters [in season one] like
Markus, Erin, Theo and others. But this is still an ensemble show and what we want to do this
year is to bring those characters up a little bit more and do more with them, in interesting
Markus Alexander (Peter Stebbings)
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Fan Site: Click
Re-occurring Character (S1 & S2)
Markus is the leader of the people who lives in a place called "Thunder Mountain",
a colony set inside what used to be a military compound. Markus feels the weight of the
world on his shoulders, as he delicately balances his world in Thunder Mountain and the
outside world, which threatens its existence. Markus is a meditative man who has learned to
trust his instinct.
He has one big secret that will be revealed in Man of Iron, Woman Under
Glass however, the episode where we really
get to know Markus is in Firewall.
This character's name was originally called "David Quijana".
Limited information available. Peter was born in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada and has
appeared in shows such as Madison, Relic Hunter, The Outer Limits and
The X-Files. He was nominated twice for a Gemini Award for Best Actor in a Continuing
Leading Dramatic Role. He is also married to one of Ingrid Kavelaars closest and dearest
See our selection of Peter Stebbings movies.
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MAR.1.2003 Markus is the leader of Thunder Mountain, which is the final enclave
of civilization which was set up by the scientists who may or may not have unleashed the
JAN.1.2003 As I began running through my lines, I quickly discovered what an
interesting character Markus was. I was drawn to his humanity and the complexity of his
struggle to keep this little world of his called Thunder Mountain together in what is
otherwise a chaotic universe.
DEC.1.2002 Markus is a wise old soul. He recognizes a certain integrity in
Jeremiah, and in Kurdy, too. However, Jeremiah is the one he zeroes in on, and I think it's
because Markus sees a side of himself in Jeremiah. It's a more measured, tempered,
calculating side which is why there's a love/hate relationship between them.
My character is a leader with incredible responsibility and power. Conversely, Markus is also
able to reveal his insecurities in the more private moments he has with his peers. I love
that. Sadly, we rarely get to see that in real life. Our leaders usually aren't allowed to
show us their vulnerable side. On Jeremiah we get glimpses of that, and I think we are
endeared to the characters and their struggle because of it.
Here's a man in his late twenties who has never made love to a woman he cares for. Theirs is
such an intellectual relationship. It's a love affair that is truly one of the mind. To be
honest, I also feel there's a bit of an Oedipus complex going on. It goes back to when
Markus's mother died outside the door to Thunder Mountain. Because she was infected with the
disease he was unable to properly say goodby to her. The last moments they shared were
through a monitor and their hands "touching" on the screen. The same is true with Meaghan in
that my character is unable to touch her.
MAR.4.2002 Was Marcus Alexander named for: Marcus the Ranger? Marcus Aurelius?
Alexander the Great?
The latter two.
Erin (Ingrid Kavelaars)
IMDb Listing: Click
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Official Site: Click
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Fan Site: None
Re-occurring Character (S1 & S2)
Erin on the other hand, we should see a lot more of. She is Markus' right hand and probably
the number two person in power and influence around TM. Erin is a very determined and through
in her work. She has an incredibly strong loyalty to Markus.
Even though her character may have initially sounded quite similar to Sarah, they are not
the same. Our original assumption that Erin replaces Sarah appears to have been false.
Ingrid was born in London Ontario, Canada on March 20th, 1971 and grew up in Ontario, Canada.
She has a twin sister Monique and are the youngest of 5 children. Ingrid has appeared in two
feature films and several TV Shows. She is probably best known for her starring role in
Code Name: Eternity and now Jeremiah.
Read our interview with the Sharp, Stunning and Sophisticated
Ingrid Kavelaars conducted by THE ABYSS in September 2002 and learn more about this
facinating woman who plays Erin.
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JAN.1.2003 Erin is second-in-command at Thunder Mountain, and she's worked her
butt off to get to that position. She's a tough girl in the sense that she's amongst the boys
90% of the time and she can really hold her own. When I began playing her she was more apt to
to at times sit back and listen, observe and learn. In the show's second season, which we're
currently filming, Erin has become far more vocal. She has an opinion and people are listening
to her.
Lee Chen (Byron Lawson)
IMDb Listing: Click
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Official Site: None --
Fan Site: None
Re-occurring Character (S1 & S2)
Deadly serious, Lee is Markus Alexander's head of security for Thunder Mountain. Lee is a
paranoid, intensely suspicious man. He was one of two people that Simon trusted and recruited
for their cause. His relationship with Markus is a tense one, as Lee fears that Markus is far
too trusting, and his hunches could cost them their lives one day. Lee does not trust
Jeremiah or Kurdy and is keeping his eye out for any trouble they might cause.
Originally, this character's name was "Lee Takashima" but after learning of Mr. Lawson's
heritage, JMS decided to give Lee a Chinese family name.
Vancouver resident Byron Lawson is an exciting actor, a relative newcomer to film and
television who has captured the attention of directors and casting agents. He is an avid
athlete, excelling in martial arts, gymnastics, hockey, rollerblading, bodybuilding, skiing,
snowboarding, and more. Byron Lawson has appeared on television in Showtime's
Off Season, First Wave, These Arms of Mine and the feature film
Romeo Must Die.
See our selection of Byron Lawson's movies.
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Lee Chen.
Meaghan Lee Rose (Suzy Joachim)
IMDb Listing: Click
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Official Site: None --
Fan Site: None
Re-occurring Character (S1 & S2)
She is the "woman under glass" who was first introduced in Man of Iron, Woman Under
Glass. She was brought into
Thunder Mountain before it was locked down because she had contracted the Big Death but did
not die from it. She was kept in isolation where Markus found her and they fell in love. She
provides a kind of moral compass to Markus as well.
She has appeared in movies such as "How to Kill Your Neighbor's Dog", "A Twist of Faith
(Beyond Redemption)" and "Unforgettable" as well as in television shows such as "The Twilight
Zone", "The Outer Limits", "Higher Ground" and "The X-Files".
See our selection of Suzy Joachim movies.
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Devon (Robert Wisden)
IMDb Listing: Click
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Official Site: None --
Fan Site: None
Re-occurring Character (S1 & S2)
Not a lot is known about Devon but he appears to have been a biochemist who probably worked
for the government. He had contacts at Valhalla Sector which is how Jeremiah first heard
about it. During the first seaosn, he only appeared in flash backs and Jeremiah's dreams but
now he is a key player in season two. He is the father of Jeremiah and his brother Michael who
also took in Ezekiel as his son after the Big Death.
Born in Brighton, England Wisden moved with his family to Edmonton, Alberta when he was 15
years old. He graduated from the Fine Arts Program at the University of Alberta and quickly
made a name for himself as a character actor, appearing in the CBC mini-series Glory Enough
for All before landing the lead role in the award-winning CBC movie 9B which led to
the starring role in the drama series of the same name.
He has also appeared in The X-Files, The Outer Limits, Madison,
Da Vinci's Inquest, Stargate SG-1, and Smallville.
Wisden's feature film credits include roles in Legends of the Fall, Excess
Baggage, and Final Destination and he has appeared in numerous highly successful
movies-of-the-week including lead roles in Circle of Deceit, Outrage,
Medusa's Child, and The Diana Kilmury: Teamster.
Visit our Image Libray for more photos of Devon.
Theo Coleridge (Kim Hawthorne)
IMDb Listing: Click
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Official Site: None --
Fan Site: None
Re-occurring Character (S1 & S2)
Theo works out of a rundown High School and she controls or is the leader of the town that
she works out of. She is a harsh but respected leader since she takes as much as she gives to
those who rally around her. She appears to be a highly motivated individual.
Originally, they intended to cast this character as a guy who dressed in drag and was quite
messed up sexually. Apparently, they couldn't find a man who could bring the right qualities
that they were looking for. So, when Kim showed up, she portrayed the character they were
looking for. Also, according to Showtime's Official
Site, her last name was originally "Drake".
Slim pickings to be found on the net but Kim has appeared in shows such as Dark Angel,
Andromeda, Stargate SG-1, The Outer Limits, Da Vinci's Inquest,
Cosby, In the Heat of the Night, All My Children, Another World
and the feature film, Along Came a Spider.
See our selection of Kim Hawthorne movies.
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APR.1.2003 I always like to see characters arc and change over time. Theo is like
[Babylon 5's] G'Kar, in the sense that she's starting off as this phenomenal bad guy, and
eventually, through circumstances somewhat beyond her control, she ends up allied with our
guys, first in an uncomfortable way and then where they're gradually building a rough respect
for each other. [In season two,] she's much more involved with our side of things.
Then Kim turned up. A small black actress -- but my god -- dynamite. Just blew us
away. Yeah, her character will definitely return in the series. She's terrific.
Gina (Enid-Raye Adams)
IMDb Listing: Click
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Official Site: Click
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Fan Site: Click
Re-occurring Character (S2)
She's a ballsy, little spitfire, tough and a fighter. She's probably had to do some things
you wouldn't want to talk about to survive in the world after the big death. In
The Question, Gina makes her first appearance as a new recruit
to Thunder Mountain and is trained for battle by Kurdy. This woman can handle herself and can
take the piss out of the best of them (especially guys much bigger than her!) In
The Past is Prologue, she becomes Jeremiah's liason at Millhaven.
one of her favorite things to do is to get up in his face, bugging the hell out of him,
choosing the worst possible moments to do so. It'll be interesting to see where Gina's
travels will take her.
She is from Omaha, Nebraska and she wasn't one of the volunteers for Thunder Mountain's army
but was sent there as one of her town's quota for joining the Alliance.
We chatted with Enid-Raye recently and she told us that it was a long and difficult road to
get cast in Jeremiah. The right role kept elluding her since some of the characters she
tried out for in season one were Claire in To Sail Beyond the Stars and Michelle in Mother of Invention. She also tried out
in season two for Libby and Leader One in The Question. We were very glad she was persistent
about getting on the show since she ended up being rewarded hansomely with a spunky character
who appears in five episodes: The Question, The Past is Prologue, State of the Union, Interregnum (Part 1), and Interregnum (Part 2).
Also, it turns out that we have writer and Co-Producer, Samm Barnes, to thank for her finally
landing a role in Jeremiah as she asked Enid-Raye to audition for Gina at the last minute. As
Enie describes it, "I didn't know much about this character, but Mario Azzopardi was in the
room, raking me over the coals! (Which is how I do my best work... hehehe) It just sort of
went my way."
Enid-Raye Adams was born in 1973 in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba. It was Enid-Raye's beautiful
Mom, Diane Law, who first opened the doors to the world of theatre. In 1998, Enid-Raye moved
to Vancouver to pursue a career in film and television. It was during this time that Enid-Raye
co-wrote and performed in the hilarious Would You Like Fries With That? - after work
one-woman show "Would You Like Fries With That?" (a phrase she asked everyday from 9-5). The
show sold out on tour at fringe festivals in Winnipeg, Edmonton and Victoria where she
received the "Favourite Female Performer" award.
In October of 2000, "Da Vinci's Inquest" and its creator Chris Haddock were both responsible
for giving the then-unhirable actor her first big break and essentially, a career. She was
cast in the finale of the third season opposite the phenomenal Nicholas Campbell. Since then,
Enid-Raye has appeared in over 20 film, television and theatre productions. Selected credits
include "Final Destination 2", "The Twilight Zone", "Just Cause", "Stargate- SG1",
"A Guy Thing", "Cold Squad", "The Dead Zone", "Babylon 5 Legend of the Rangers",
"The Lonegunmen", and "Taken" for Steven Spielburg.
She is an active member of her community, volunteering as a meal server at the Union Gospel
Mission. Enid-Raye makes her home in Vancouver where she does stand up on Wednesday mornings
for her cactus plant, Eunice.
See our selection of Enid-Raye Adams movies.
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