The Abyss:Jeremiah Episode Guide
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Season One
#1,2 (Long Road)
#3 (Man of Iron)
#4 (Ground, Sown)
#5 (To Sail)
#6 (The Bag)
#7 (City Roses)
#8 (Firewall)
#9 (Red Kiss)
> #10 (Journeys)
#11 (Thieves')
#12 (The Touch)
#13 (Mother)
#14 (Tripwire)
#15 (Ring Truth)
#16 (Moon Gemini)
#17 (Out of Ashes)
#18 (Means End)
#19 (Unsaid 1)
#20 (Unsaid 2)
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#10) Journeys End in Lovers Meeting Season 1

We will try to collect as much information about each episode here before it airs and then fill in what we could not afterwards. There will most likely be some minor spoilers when we analyze each episode since it is just too hard to avoid them completely.

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#10) Journeys End in Lovers Meeting
Orig Air Date  :  May.3.2002     Written By  :  J. Michael Straczynski     Length  :  45 mins
Production Code  :  111     Director  :  Martin Wood     Rated  :  TV14
Theo Rating: 7.3   Votes: 42   Rank: 25/25   [ Vote ]
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Jeremiah and Kurdy join a group of pilgrims heading west to the ocean where they believe a miracle will occur, but Kurdy has trouble adhering to the sect's vow of non-violence when he discovers hidden danger.

Full episode summary and viewer comments >>>


  • Luke Perry as Jeremiah  Episode Photos
  • Malcolm-Jamal Warner as Kurdy  Episode Photos

  • Krista Rae as Constance  Episode Photos
  • Alessandro Juliani as David  Episode Photos
  • Hayden Thomas as Price (Community Leader)  Episode Photos
  • Paul Dzenkiw as Group Member (Poet)  Episode Photos
  • Travis Woloshyn as Group Member (Dreamer)  Episode Photos
  • David Haysom as Man (Asian)  Episode Photos
  • Stuart O'Connell as Man (George)  Episode Photos
  • Shawn Stewart as Man (who caught Jeremiah)

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I can see why JMS picked this as one of his favorite episodes. While not as powerful as ... And the Ground, Sown With Salt and it didn't give the arc a swift kick in the gut like Firewall did, it was still quite good. I enjoyed it because it was a multi-layered stand-alone episode with an ending that keeps you wondering what exactly happened. Leave it to JMS to deliver a thought provoking episode about God, hope, miracles, etc. and have it appeal to so many people on so many different levels.

It all came down to a simple choice ... to go left or right at a fork in the road. We will never know what would have happened if they took the path to the left, but it goes to show what kind of impact a simple decision makes.

At first, I wasn't sure I would understand why Kurdy joined up with this "cult" but it soon became clear that he has always been looking for companionship (romantic as well as family) and a sense of belonging. It makes more sense now as to why Kurdy decided to hook up with Jeremiah in the first place. I also loved finding out more about Kurdy and I was blown away when he started reading that poem. Warner delivered it wonderfully and JMS' words were amazing.

This is definitely an episode that deserves multiple viewings in order to discover new layers, meanings and possible foreshadowing that JMS is famous for.


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  • So, who exactly are the monk-like men who don't speak? Pallbearers for the Old World? Any connection to Valhalla Sector?
  • What is the "one more darkness yet to come" reference the Pallbearers were speaking of?
  • When will we get to hear more of Kurdy's poetry?
  • What would have Kurdy done if he knew the truth about the pilgrimage?
  • What really happened at the end of the pilgrimage?

See all photos from this episode and read our collection of favorite quotes as well.

On the first day of shooting, we had to go indoors because we had this huge white-out. It was incredible, there was snow everywhere. George [Horie], my producer, said, "No, no! Use it to your advantage!" So, we're getting ready for a shot and we're out there and it's just pure white! The road, trees and sky are white. It looks like we're driving into a fairy tale. The snow gave the whole show tremendous production values! It gave us the feeling of a fairy tale, a myth. It helped us a great deal to create the mood, which had to be almost delicate in some ways. You can't plan for the snow. It just gave us an extra bonus. Weather is our number one ally or enemy, depending on the story.

For those who know my work it's kind of a different sort of creature than I've done's almost fanciful or fairy tale in feeling, but with teeth behind the softness and an ending that I think will lead to a lot of heated debate.

One of the things I like best about this episode is the look of it. We were knee deep in snow when we shot this thing, and the pure white landscape gives the whole episode an almost unreal quality. It also has one of the best performances to date from Malcolm Jamal-Warner, whose role is very important in this episode.

My favorite three so far would be Firewall, ... And the Ground, Sown With Salt, and Journeys End in Lovers Meeting.

 ^ Top ^ More Info   Showtime's Jeremiah Site MGM's Jeremiah Site
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Created: Oct.3.2003
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