Medical secrets are revealed when Jeremiah and Kurdy expose a fake doctor and discover
that someone named Farralon has been trying to find a vaccine to cure the Big Death virus,
exposing a dying youth named Jimmy to experimental therapy.
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summary and viewer comments >>>
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- The German title for this episode is "Die Tasche" which is a literal translation of the
English title.
A decent episode and I like how Jeremiah inspires people to do the right thing and how he
brings out the best qualities in them. I am always amazed that he has such faith in people
which was especially apparant in his trust of the doctor in this episode. Even though he
suspected that the doctor was taking advantage of people, Jeremiah forces him to deal with
his failings and offers him something to believe in himself.
Kurdy's character is as strong as ever and we even got to see the many sides of him. First,
we see him complaining about being woken up from a sexy dream and pouting like a kid about it.
Then, there was the softer side of him as he takes on a puppy for a pet. Finally, he goes out
and kicks some ass! I like that he isn't such a tough guy all the time.
We didn't learn a whole lot in this episode about Valhalla Sector or the return of the Big
Death but we did get some hints about what we might see in the next few episodes.
Now my only complaints are that it was too obvious that the puppy would not stay with Jeremiah
and Kurdy to the next episode. Also, I thought the c-section scene was a bit too fast and left
too much unexplained. I really expected there to be a lot more blood and even some more
complications but these are really minor complaints. ;)
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- Answer: Apparently Thunder Mountain has caches of gasoline stashed around the country
where Jeremiah and Kurdy get their "marching orders" as well.
- Where is Slag Harbor? Somewhere in Oregon?
- Who is Farralon and why would he know how to stop the Big Death?
- What kind of experiments were they doing on Jimmy?
- What does, "Enclave on the Willamette. Farralon can contain it." mean?
- How will Jimmy's blood help Farralon?
See all photos from this episode and read
our collection of favorite quotes as well.
[T]he son of a medical doctor has set up what may turn out to be a
dubious medical practice of his own, traveling with his brother from town to town and
exploiting people...and finds that his past catches up with him.