The Abyss:Jeremiah Episode Guide
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Season One
#1,2 (Long Road)
> #3 (Man of Iron)
#4 (Ground, Sown)
#5 (To Sail)
#6 (The Bag)
#7 (City Roses)
#8 (Firewall)
#9 (Red Kiss)
#10 (Journeys)
#11 (Thieves')
#12 (The Touch)
#13 (Mother)
#14 (Tripwire)
#15 (Ring Truth)
#16 (Moon Gemini)
#17 (Out of Ashes)
#18 (Means End)
#19 (Unsaid 1)
#20 (Unsaid 2)
Season Two
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#3) Man of Iron, Woman Under Glass Season 1

We will try to collect as much information about each episode here before it airs and then fill in what we could not afterwards. There will most likely be some minor spoilers when we analyze each episode since it is just too hard to avoid them completely.

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#3) Man of Iron, Woman Under Glass
Orig Air Date  :  Mar.15.2002     Written By  :  J. Michael Straczynski     Length  :  45 mins
Production Code  :  105     Director  :  Brett Dowler     Rated  :  TV14
Theo Rating: 7.9   Votes: 57   Rank: 21/25   [ Vote ]
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As Jeremiah and Kurdy deal with a youngster who's assumed the identity of a superhero, Markus keeps a surprising secret: he's in love with a woman who survived exposure to the Big Death virus by remaining sealed in a isolation chamber.

Full episode summary and viewer comments >>>


  • Luke Perry as Jeremiah  Episode Photos
  • Malcolm-Jamal Warner as Kurdy  Episode Photos

  • Peter Stebbings as Markus Alexander
  • Roman Danylo as Captain Iron/John  Episode Photos
  • Ingrid Kavelaars as Erin  Episode Photos
  • Nathaniel Archand as Shashona  Episode Photos
  • Suzy Joachim as Meaghan  Episode Photos
  • Sarah Deakins as Shelley Masters  Episode Photos
  • Russell Porter as Mike Masters  Episode Photos
  • Winston Brown as Vincent (TM worker)
  • Tyler Williamson as Young John  Episode Photos
  • Andrew Francis as Young Markus
  • Justen Ortiz as Kid  Episode Photos
  • Ben Baxter as Kid  Episode Photos
  • Samuel Scantlebury as Kid  Episode Photos

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  • The phrase at the beginning of the episode that Shashona says, "Miquè Tah-goov" means "Hello Friend" and the symbol he drew was a ward against misfortune.
  • Pay attention to the comic book shown at the end of the episode and you might find something familar on the top left corner.
  • The German title for this episode is "Mann aus Eisen, Frau hinter Glas" and is a literal translation of the English title.
  • This episode was originally written on Oct.12.2001.

I was really pleased to see more of an indication of where this series will take us. JMS really put me through the wringer with this episode as he made me laugh outloud, cry and also made me think about issues like morality and religion. It was a well balanced episode which developed the characters of Markus and Jeremiah quite a lot.

The first story was about the "Man of Iron" or Captain Iron as he calls himself. This storyline revealed how strongly JMS feels about comics and how they shaped -his- morality. It was especially moving to see how important they became to this young man and ultimately, the impact it had on Jeremiah and the rest of the world. Also, Jeremiah's speech in the Iron Cave to God was quite powerful and thought provoking.

The second story was the "Woman Under Glass" or Meaghan (AKA Typhoid Mary) who somehow survived the Big D even though she has the deadly virus. When Erin found out about Meaghan, she was faced with the decision to share it with the others or trust Markus. I hope we get to see more of Meaghan in future episodes because she was a very complex character who was portrayed quite convincingly. Plus, she could be the key to curing the disease at some point!

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  • What area did Jeremiah and Kurdy happen upon?
  • What does it mean to be "married" in this world?
  • What does John (Captain Iron) know about the Valhalla Sector and why did that name send him into panic mode?
  • How, why and when was John apparently used as a lab experiment?
  • What information does Captain Iron's laptop have about the Valhalla Sector or did the Captain delete it?
  • What long term affects will the teachings of Captain Iron have on the kids that he visited?
  • When the council at Thunder Mountain learn about Meaghan?
  • What role will Meaghan play in finding out more about the Big D and/or a cure?
  • Is there a significance to the code (5433) Markus used when he saw Meaghan?
  • Will Thunder Mountain stock up on forks from Millie's Diner? ;)

See all photos from this episode and read our collection of favorite quotes as well.

It should be particularly fun for comics fan, given the first half of that title and how it plays in the story....

[This is] a somewhat fanciful tale of a guy who grew up after the Big Death believing that some day the super heroes he read about as a kid would come back and fix things...and a tale of a most unusual romance between another of our main characters -- Markus Alexander, head of what was once the NORAD Thunder Mountain complex -- and a woman whose existence has been kept secret from everyone for years.

When I first read this script I thought, "This feels corny to me." However, after we filmed it, I recieved a rough cut of the story to watch. By the time it got to the end when Jeremiah dons the Captian Iron costume and goes off to fight the bad guys I had tears in my eyes. It was such a wonderful, magical episode. The overall message of the show is that in all the darkness there is light or hope. It's difficult to get that point across without being corny. Luckily Joe Straczynski and Sam Egan are both able to ride that fine line rather smoothly. This was just one example of that and I was suitably impressed. The story turned out to be one of my favorites in the first season.

 ^ Top ^ More Info   Showtime's Jeremiah Site MGM's Jeremiah Site
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The Two Towers (Extended Edition)
The Two Towers (Extended Edition)
(Sean Astin DVD)
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