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DVD Movies

We have dedicated an entire page and section for B5 DVDs in the hopes that more are going to be released. Looks like we were right to do so! Check the news page for the latest on the status of the B5 DVDs but they are doing quite well and more are being released. Keep checking back for more information and pre-ordering details as well.

NOTE: DVDs are listed by air date from oldest to newest.

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The Gathering (Exec. Producer's Cut) / In the Beginning
Format: DVD -- Region: 1 -- Rated: NR -- Length: 189 minutes -- Released: 2001
Amazon Price: $14.99 -- List Price: $19.98 -- Save: $4.99 (25%) -- Usually ships in 24 hours
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In the series pilot "The Gathering" (1993, 89 min.), an interstellar summit strives to negotiate a lasting truce, if an assassin's agenda doesn't have the opposite effect. Set primarily in the decade before the orbital station existed, the prequel "In the Beginning" (1998, 100 min.) depicts the tumultuous events of the Earth-Minbari War, which shaped interstellar events and paved the way for the construction of the universal safeport.

"The Gathering" should really be the first thing to watch in the series. It is a little odd to watch since it was the pilot movie and they changed a lot of things by the time the series was sold a year later (like the actors and makeup). Still, it really lays the groundwork for the series. Also, this is the Executive Producer's cut which is -much- better than the Director's cut which was released originally. J. Michael Straczynski didn't like the flow of the movie so he re-edited to make the movie flow better. It also features music from Chrisopher Franke (instead of John Copeland) who was not involved when the movie first aired. It certainly helps to make this movie fit more in with the rest of the episodes.

"ItB" is a really well thought out movie and is essentially the prequel to the entire series. It can be watched anytime after season four has ended (which is when it was originally shown). However, it also goes well before "The Gathering" since the forshadowing that takes place will only happen a little earlier than it was originally intended.

There is a boxed set (NTSC only) available that includes "The Gathering" (Director's Cut) and the first two episodes on VHS. "The Gathering" (Director's Cut) is available separately on VHS (NTSC format) and "In the Beginning" (NTSC and PAL formats). There is also a novel and CD Soundtrack available for "ItB" as well.

Oh, yeah...and next year you can expect two new DVD sets that a) include all of the TV movies in one package (with commentaries from me on "The Gathering" and "In the Beginning") and b) package all 13 of the Crusade episodes into one box.

[D]ue to the response to the movie B5 DVDs it's my understanding that WB is almost there on deciding to release the first few seasons.

My logic on ItB was basically this: you can't keep the basic info on the series a secret forever. Some things enter the common base of knowledge. So you may as well play into that by showing what folks will pretty much know about over time anyway, and make the suspense one of, "When are the *characters* going to find out about this stuff?"

ItB contains surprises and turnarounds for many of the series veteran fans, and it does a great job of laying the foundation for the first two seasons for the newbies. It's a most elegant dance...and I'm actually kinda proud of it.

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The Gathering (Exec. Producer's Cut)
Format: DVD -- Region: 2 -- Rated: NR -- Length: 90 minutes -- Released: 2002
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: £14.98 -- List Price: £20.99 -- Save: £6.01 (29%) -- Usually dispatched within 24 hours
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It all started here....

Babylon 5 is a space station in the late 23rd Century - a centre of diplomacy and trade, in neutral space located between many rival space empires.

The project's success, already shaky is put further into doubt when incoming Commander Jeffrey Sinclair is the key suspect in the attempted assassination of the mysterious alien ambassador Kosh.

This special edition has a new score by Christopher Franke and adds a few scenes which were cut out of the original version.

"The Gathering" should really be the first thing to watch in the series. It is a little odd to watch since it was the pilot movie and they changed a lot of things by the time the series was sold a year later (like the actors and makeup). Still, it really lays the groundwork for the series. Also, this is the Executive Producer's cut which is -much- better than the Director's cut which was released originally. J. Michael Straczynski didn't like the flow of the movie so he re-edited to make the movie flow better. It also features music from Chrisopher Franke (instead of John Copeland) who was not involved when the movie first aired. It certainly helps to make this movie fit more in with the rest of the episodes.

Well, it seems that the Brit's luck has run out. On VHS, they got most of the series released as well as Crusade. However, now it looks like they will have to pay twice the price for these two movies on DVD since they are packaging them separately.

There is a boxed set (NTSC only) available that includes "The Gathering" (Director's Cut) and the first two episodes on VHS. "The Gathering" (Director's Cut) is available separately on VHS (NTSC format) and "In the Beginning" (NTSC and PAL formats). There is also a novel and CD Soundtrack available for "ItB" as well.

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In the Beginning
Format: DVD -- Region: 2 -- Rated: NR -- Length: 90 minutes -- Released: 2002
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: £14.98 -- List Price: £20.99 -- Save: £6.01 (29%) -- Usually dispatched within 24 hours
Click for larger image DESCRIPTION:
In the gap between seasons four and five of Babylon 5, fans suffering withdrawal symptoms were sated by this first TV movie. As a prequel to the series' timeline, creator J. Michael Straczynski had an awful lot of continuity to consider. Amazingly, there's only one inconsistency throughout (a matter of who met whom and when), making this an essential part of the overall storyline. The tale is told cleverly from the future as the remembrances of Londo (Peter Jurasik), who is now Emperor of a dying Centauri homeworld. He looks back at the beginnings of the Earth-Minbari war and links together many clues strewn throughout the shows' early years. We see exactly how Delenn contributed to the first blows, the death of dignitary Dukhat, and most importantly what really happened to Sinclair (Michael O'Hare) at the Battle of the Line.

"ItB" is a really well thought out movie and is essentially the prequel to the entire series. It can be watched anytime after season four has ended (which is when it was originally shown). However, it also goes well before "The Gathering" since the forshadowing that takes place will only happen a little earlier than it was originally intended.

Well, it seems that the Brit's luck has run out. On VHS, they got most of the series released as well as Crusade. However, now it looks like they will have to pay twice the price for these two movies on DVD since they are packaging them separately.

There is a boxed set (NTSC only) available that includes "The Gathering" (Director's Cut) and the first two episodes on VHS. "The Gathering" (Director's Cut) is available separately on VHS (NTSC format) and "In the Beginning" (NTSC and PAL formats). There is also a novel and CD Soundtrack available for "ItB" as well.

Oh, yeah...and next year you can expect two new DVD sets that a) include all of the TV movies in one package (with commentaries from me on "The Gathering" and "In the Beginning") and b) package all 13 of the Crusade episodes into one box.

[D]ue to the response to the movie B5 DVDs it's my understanding that WB is almost there on deciding to release the first few seasons.

My logic on ItB was basically this: you can't keep the basic info on the series a secret forever. Some things enter the common base of knowledge. So you may as well play into that by showing what folks will pretty much know about over time anyway, and make the suspense one of, "When are the *characters* going to find out about this stuff?"

ItB contains surprises and turnarounds for many of the series veteran fans, and it does a great job of laying the foundation for the first two seasons for the newbies. It's a most elegant dance...and I'm actually kinda proud of it.

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Wheel of Fire - Season 5 Boxed Set
Wheel of Fire - Season 5 Boxed Set
(Babylon 5 DVD)

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