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VHS Movies

Each season consists of 11 tapes which have been numbered accordingly. Most of these videos are also availble (in PAL format) from®. Warner Home Video released a much more complete collection of videos in the UK so that is why you will see some videos only available in PAL format. Also, if you are thinking of getting a lot of videos, be sure to visit the boxed sets page. I got help with product descriptions from The Lurker's Guide if there was no information on®.

NOTE: Videos are listed by air date from oldest to newest.

Movie: TG · ItB · TS · RoS · ACtA
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VHS: The Gathering (Director's Cut)
Format: NTSC -- Region: N. American/Japan -- Rated: NR -- Length: 89 minutes -- Released: 1998
Amazon Price: -- This item is currently not available.
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This tape contains the 2 hour pilot movie that kicked the whole series off. The Vorlon ambassador is nearly killed by an assassin shortly after arriving at the station, and Commander Sinclair is the prime suspect.

This movie should really be the first thing to watch in the series. It is a little odd to watch since it was the pilot movie and they changed a lot of things by the time the series was sold a year later (like the actors and makeup). Still, it really lays the groundwork for the series. Also, this is the Director's cut which is not as good as the Executive Producer's cut that was later released. This cut was edited for more commercial breaks and more SFX shots which J. Michael Straczynski later re-edited to make the movie flow better. Also, this version features music by John Copeland (instead of Christopher Franke) since Franke wasn't involved at this point in the production.

There is a boxed set (NTSC only) available that includes "The Gathering" (Director's Cut) and the first two episodes on VHS. There is also a DVD available for "The Gathering" (Exec. Producer's Cut) which also includes the movie "In the Beginning".

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VHS: In the Beginning
Format: NTSC / PAL -- Region: N. America/Japan/Most European -- Rated: NR/PG -- Length: 93 minutes -- Released: 1998
Amazon Price: -- This item is currently not available.
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: £14.99 -- Usually dispatched within 4 to 8 days
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IT COULD BE EARTH'S FINEST HOUR. OR ITS LAST. Before the huge United Nations-like space station called Babylon 5 existed, there was ... unrelenting war! It's the humans vs. aliens in the cataclysmic Earth-Minbari War, the fight that shaped interstellar events and paved the way for the construction of the universal safeport.

This is a really well thought out movie and is essentially the prequel to the entire series. It can be watched anytime after season four has ended (which is when it was originally shown). However, it also goes well before "The Gathering" since the forshadowing that takes place will only happen a little earlier than it was originally intended.

There is a DVD available for "In the Beginning" which also includes the movie "The Gathering" (Exec. Producer's cut). There is also a novel and CD Soundtrack available for this movie as well.

ItB contains surprises and turnarounds for many of the series veteran fans, and it does a great job of laying the foundation for the first two seasons for the newbies. It's a most elegant dance...and I'm actually kinda proud of it.
My logic on ItB was basically this: you can't keep the basic info on the series a secret forever. Some things enter the common base of knowledge. So you may as well play into that by showing what folks will pretty much know about over time anyway, and make the suspense one of, "When are the *characters* going to find out about this stuff?"

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VHS: Thirdspace
Format: PAL -- Region: Most European -- Rated: PG -- Length: 84 minutes -- Released: 1998
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: -- Limited availability
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The crew discovers a mysterious, ancient artifact in hyperspace.

This movie is really a stand-alone movie that has little to do with the B5 story arc. The premise of the movie is basically a haunted house in space. However if you want to know where this movie fits into the B5 timeline, watch it between "Into the Fire" and "Moments of Transition".

There is a novel and a CD soundtrack available for this movie as well.

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VHS: River of Souls
Format: PAL -- Region: Most European -- Rated: PG -- Length: 84 minutes -- Released: 1999
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: £14.99 -- Usually dispatched within 4 to 8 days
An archaeologist steals an ancient artefact which contains the long lost souls of millions of people. Arriving on Babylon 5 he takes his find to Mr Garibaldi, but he is followed by a group of Soul Hunters...

This movie is about a race that was introduced in Soul Hunter who come to Babylon 5 in search of a stolen object. It brings up the very delicate subject matter of souls, whether or not they exist and life after death. This movie is mostly a stand-alone movie that touches on a few things in the B5 story arc. If you want to avoid any spoilers, it is best to watch it after the end of the series since this movie takes place six months after "Objects at Rest".

This video may no longer be available from® but it will still be listed in case it becomes available again.

There is a CD soundtrack available for this movie.

You managed to get Martin Sheen for the River of Souls telemovie. I'm wondering how this came about.. Did you send Sheen a script on the off-chance that he'd sign on? or did he come to you? How much did he know of what he was getting into?

We heard he was available, and was a nominal fan of SF, and sent him the script. He enjoyed the script, particularly liking what it said about the soul (he's a strong and vocal catholic), and I think he saw in it something he wanted to be associated with.

We'd initially approached him about playing the scientist, but when he got the script he much preferred the soul hunter material, and went for that, even though it would mean considerable prosthetics work.

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VHS: A Call To Arms
Format: PAL -- Region: Most European -- Rated: PG -- Length: 84 minutes -- Released: 1999
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: £14.99 -- Usually dispatched within 4 to 8 days
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After the war of the Shadows a new age has dawned and the Interstellar Alliance President has forged peace. But the Shadows had allies and now they have set about bringing a genocidal attack on the Earth. Only one group of warriors stand in their way using ships with an untested capability...

This movie was made with the knowledge that another series (Crusade) could be based off of it. It takes place five years after the events in Bablyon 5 ("Objects at Rest" specifically) and it helps to know the background of the series before watching it. Of course, it is not required either. :)

There is a novel available for this movie.

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Movie: TG · ItB · TS · RoS · ACtA
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Wheel of Fire - Season 5 Boxed Set
Wheel of Fire - Season 5 Boxed Set
(Babylon 5 DVD)

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