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Season Three Boxed Set

They are finally on their way! Seems the initial movie DVD release went well and plans are in the making for releasing all five seasons plus the movies and Crusade as well! Check back often for the latest information on the boxed sets.

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DVD: Point of No Return (Season 3)
Format: DVD -- Region: 1,2 -- Rated: NR -- Length: 960 minutes -- Released: Aug 2003 (Nov 2003 for R2)
Amazon Price: $19.99 -- List Price: $59.98 -- Save: $39.99 (67%) -- Usually ships in 24 hours
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: £14.98 -- List Price: £56.99 -- Save: £42.01 (74%) -- Usually dispatched within 24 hours
Click for larger image DESCRIPTION:
The long-running Emmy Award-winning television series Babylon 5 takes place in the year 2257 A.D. on an immense spaces station floating in a stationary orbit in a neutral corner of a distant galaxy. Staffed by a crew of peaceful Earthmen and women, Babylon 5 serves as a non-political economic and social hub for the four alien races he galaxy. Starring Bruce Boxleitner, Michael Garibaldi, Bill Mumy and Tracy Scroggins.

Warner Brothers have announced that August 12th (Region 1) as the street date for Babylon 5: The Complete Third Season. Subtitled "Point of No Return", it will be another 6-disc extravaganza featuring all 22 episodes of the third season. In addition, Warner is again working with producer/creator J. Michael Straczynski to bring you the very best in the way of supplements:

Warner Brothers have announced that October 27th will be the release date for the Region 2 DVD set. However, now there are reports from Amazon that it has been delayed and now will be released on November 10th.

This six DVD set will include (preliminary listing):

  • Introduction from series creator J. Michael Straczynski
  • Commentary by J. Michael Straczynski on "Severed Dreams" and "Z'Ha'Dum"
  • Commentary by Bruce Boxleitner, Jerry Doyle, Richard Biggs, and Ed Wasser on "Interludes and Examinations"
  • Documentary — Behind the Mask: Creating the Aliens of Babylon 5
  • Documentary — Designing a Better Narn
  • Documentary — Designing Tomorrow: The Look of Babylon 5
  • Data Files
  • Personnel Files
  • Gag Reel (Easter Egg - see the S3 promo page for instructions)
  • Shadow Dossier
  • 16x9 Anamorphic Widescreen
  • Dolby Digital 5.1 (English only)
  • Subtitles in English, Spanish, French

Here is another view of the cover art and a high resolution image (1633x2475, 391k) as well.

Check out the Official WB Babylon 5 site for more information.

A nice gentleman at Warner Brothers Online sent us some promotional material that we are allowed to share on this site. Visit our S3 DVD Boxed Promos page for lots of goodies including links to some promotional clips of the extras.

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If you haven't done so already, now is the time to purchase the Season One Boxed Set and the Season Two Boxed Set. There is also a three pack set that includes the first three seasons or a four pack set that includes the first four seasons of Bablyon 5!

Season 2 hits the stores on this coming Tuesday, and we're almost finished with the S3 dvds. We're also in discussions about releasing Crusade.

Just finished the commentaries and interviews for the B5 Year 3 DVD set, and I think it's a bit better than the year 2 commentary I did, which I think kinda sucked.

There's talk about a special musical sequence for the season 3 DVD, with Chris re-scoring 2-3 episodes end to end with non-stop music, future segments on "The Future According to Babylon 5" with NASA and JPL guys. I'd like to see the final bonus section on year 5 be about the fans of the show.

Point being...they're putting a LOT of energy and work into this to make each set better than the one before.

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No Surrender, No Retreat - Season 4 Boxed Set
No Surrender, No Retreat - Season 4 Boxed Set
(Babylon 5 DVD)

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