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Season One Boxed Set

They are finally on their way! Seems the initial movie DVD release went well and plans are in the making for releasing all five seasons plus the movies and Crusade as well! Check back often for the latest information on the boxed sets.

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DVD: Signs & Portents (Season 1)
Format: DVD -- Region: 1,2 -- Rated: NR -- Length: 990 minutes -- Released: Nov 2002 (Oct 2002 for R2)
Amazon Price: $19.99 -- List Price: $59.98 -- Save: $39.99 (67%) -- Usually ships in 24 hours
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: £15.98 -- List Price: £44.99 -- Save: £29.01 (64%) -- Usually dispatched within 24 hours
Click for larger image DESCRIPTION:
The epic sci-fi series Babylon 5 was a unique experiment in the history of television. It was effectively a novel for television in five seasons, consisting of 110 episodes with a clear beginning, middle, and end. The first season introduces the main characters, headed this year by Commander Jeffery Sinclair (Michael O'Hare) and Security Chief Michael Garibaldi (Jerry Doyle), and familiarizes the audience with the unique environment of a five-mile-long space station in the year 2257.

This six DVD set will include:

  • All new digital widescreen transfers
  • Soundtrack remastered in Dolby Digital 5.1
  • Introduction and audio commentary on two key episodes by JMS
  • "Behind Babylon 5" dossier of documentaries: "The Making of Babylon 5" and "Back to Babylon"
  • Enter the "World of Babylon 5": Take a station tour and explore the humans, aliens, political situations, scientific data, tech files, weaponry and hardware of this unique futuristic era
  • Interactive menus
  • Episodes shown in broadcast order
  • Audio Tracks in English (Dolby Digital 5.1) and French (Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono) -- R1
  • Subtitles in English, French and Spanish -- R1
  • Audio Tracks in German, English, and French -- R2
  • Subtitles in German, English, French, Turkish, Arabic, Dutch and Swedish -- R2

Check out the nifty little flash site that is promoting this product.

Also, a kind gentleman at Warner Brothers Online has sent us some promotional material that we were allowed to share on our site. Visit our S1 DVD Boxed Promos page for lots of goodies including links to some promotional clips of the extras as well as some episode screenshots.

These DVDs are on their way to my mailbox and I will hopefully have something more substantial here soon. In the meantime, it was pointed out that while the DVD set has the episodes in broadcast order, people should try to view the episodes from the master list. This is the order that JMS has apparently given his blessing on but it makes you wonder why it isn't currently being shown in that order since one would think enough time has passed to fix it. In any case, unless you are a real fanatic, watching them as presented in the boxed set should work out just fine.

There is the The Gathering/In the Beginning on DVD which was released at the end of 2001. It was the first DVD release for the Bablyon series so go ahead and pick it up if you haven't already. There is also a two pack set that includes the first two seasons, a three pack set that includes the first three seasons or a four pack set that includes the first four seasons of Bablyon 5!

"Getting O'Hare involved would make most fans I know very happy indeed. For a guy who was only the lead in one season his popularity has endured."

He was asked if he wanted to participate in the DVDs in general, not just for season one, and declined. WB isn't going to keep bugging him if he doesn't want to do it.

"In regards to why there are no bloopers on the DVDs..."

I think there has to be some arrangement made between WB and the Screen Actors Guild for that to be done, since it involves material not originally intended for broadcast. So that has been a sticking point to date.

"In regards to the DVD sales..."

All I'll say is that Warners is, apparently, stunned.

The disk has an on-camera introduction by me (despite my warnings that this would undoubtedly drive down sales), a letter of introduction each by me and Doug Netter, and the half-hour piece features new interviews with Rick Biggs, Stephen Furst, me, Doug, efx maven Mitch Suskin, makeup whiz John Vulich, and others.

Finally, I'm writing an intro for the B5 DVDs, which are proceeding along well and this should prove to be a very nice little package.

One error. Apparently Claudia had agreed to do the interview, then canceled at the last minute.

On the DVDs, last I heard they'll be out around mid-November, with the whole first season at about a hundred bucks. I did the commentaries on "Signs and Portents" and "Chrysalis", and an on-camera intro and interview. They've also done new interviews with Rick Biggs, Claudia, John Iacovelli, John Copeland, Stephen Furst, Jerry Doyle and others. So it should be a pretty big deal overall, much better than the movie dvd.

The sound is being remastered to 5.1.

"Have they decided on aspect ratio?"


Season One will be out in a boxed set this Fall, and they're going to be including at minimum two commentaries from me, probably on "Signs and Portents" and "Chrysalis" (it's a matter of how much time and energy I can give to it given that there's no fees involved and I'm in the midst of Jeremiah), and if possible, "Babylon Squared", maybe "Sky Full of Stars". They'd also like to film an on-camera intro by me (but I guess folks will buy it anyway, even with that particular horror included).

They're pulling together a lot of stuff on this release so that there are plenty of extras this time around, now that the value of the DVDs has been shown by the first release...

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Wheel of Fire - Season 5 Boxed Set
Wheel of Fire - Season 5 Boxed Set
(Babylon 5 DVD)

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