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Season Two Boxed Set

They are finally on their way! Seems the initial movie DVD release went well and plans are in the making for releasing all five seasons plus the movies and Crusade as well! Check back often for the latest information on the boxed sets.

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DVD: The Coming of Shadows (Season 2)
Format: DVD -- Region: 1,2 -- Rated: NR -- Length: 960 minutes -- Released: Apr 2003 (May 2003 for R2)
Amazon Price: $19.99 -- List Price: $59.98 -- Save: $39.99 (67%) -- Usually ships in 24 hours
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: £14.98 -- List Price: £56.99 -- Save: £42.01 (74%) -- Usually dispatched within 24 hours
Click for larger image DESCRIPTION:
The acclaimed second season of this science fiction cult favorite is now available for the first time ever as a 6-disc DVD set. All 22 episodes have been digitally remastered to provide Dolby Digital 5.1 sound and widescreen format.

This six DVD set will include:

  • Introduction by producer/creator J. Michael Straczynski and various cast members
  • 2 episode commentaries by producer/creator J. Michael Straczynski ("In the Shadow of Z'Ha'Dum" and "Fall of Night")
  • Episode commentary by cast members Bruce Boxleitner, Claudia Christian and Jerry Doyle ("Geometry of Shadows")
  • "Building Babylon" - Blueprint of an Episode featurette
  • "Shadows and Dreams" - Honors of Babylon featurette
  • The Universe of Babylon 5 data/tech/personnel files
  • Babylon 5 Timeline
  • Original episode promos
  • A gag reel (confirmed Easter Egg - see the S2 promo page for instructions)

Check out the Official WB Babylon 5 site for more information.

A nice gentleman at Warner Brothers Online sent us some promotional material that we are allowed to share on this site. Visit our S2 DVD Boxed Promos page for lots of goodies including links to some promotional clips of the extras as well as some episode screenshots.

I just got this set and listened to all the commentaries and interviews/documentaries last night. I thought everything was done very well and JMS provided new and interesting tidbits about the B5 universe that even the most die hard fan would probably not have known. The actor commentary got a little tedious after a while since all they did was goof off and pick on each other's looks. They didn't really offer much in regards to insight to the show or information about the characters. Still, it was pretty funny and you can see how much fun they had working together. More later when I have actually had time to watch the whole set.

If you haven't done so already, now is the time to purchase the Season One Boxed Set. There is also a two pack set that includes the first two seasons, a three pack set that includes the first three seasons or a four pack set that includes the first four seasons of Bablyon 5!

"Now, I know you've previously stated that these bloopers would be problematic to release, as it included 'material not originally intended for broadcast'. Now, seeing as some of the bloopers are on the DVD, what are the odds of ALL of them being released? I know *I* would pay good money for a chance to see them all"

Thing is, and this is an important factor, they're not being released for sale per se, they're included as an added benefit. To release them on their own would mean selling them as a separate unit, and that would be problematic in terms of working out royalties and residuals. Which is why you generally don't see a lot of it on other shows absent some kind of prior arrangement or understanding.

"JMS, thanks so much for the story about the pagans and G'Kar's declaration of principles [in the episode commentary for In the Shadow of yZ'Ha'Dum]."

My pleasure; I have no ax to grind on any of this, and one rarely hears of pagans nowadays engaging in pogroms.

Season 2 hits the stores on this coming Tuesday, and we're almost finished with the S3 dvds. We're also in discussions about releasing Crusade.

"Indications are that Warner Home Video is happy enough with the sales of S1 that beginning with S2 they won't be waiting for sales reports on each set before starting work on the next."

I don't know that they've committed to that extent, but they are very happy with the sales, and are accellerating things.

Interviews for year 2's DVD have been set, or already conducted, with Stephen Furst, Andrea Thompson, John Iacovelli [Production Designer], Anne Bruice-Ailing [Costume Desinger], Jerry [Doyle], Claudia [Christian], Bruce [Boxleitner], me, John Copeland [Producer], Doug Netter [Executive Producer] and others.

In addition, I'll be doing commentaries on "The Coming of Shadows" and "The Fall of Night," and there will be a bonus group commentary by Bruce, Claudia and Jerry on "The Long, Twilight Struggle."

There's talk about a special musical sequence for the season 3 DVD, with Chris re-scoring 2-3 episodes end to end with non-stop music, future segments on "The Future According to Babylon 5" with NASA and JPL guys. I'd like to see the final bonus section on year 5 be about the fans of the show.

Point being...they're putting a LOT of energy and work into this to make each set better than the one before.

I don't know if [Warner Brothers will] be able to move up the date, which last I heard was about April [2003], but I did hear the other day that they want to get the next set up and running asap. It's suddenly become a priority item.

They're tentatively targeting next April for season 2, and the following November for season 3.

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Wheel of Fire - Season 5 Boxed Set
Wheel of Fire - Season 5 Boxed Set
(Babylon 5 DVD)

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