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TV Movies Boxed Set

It seems that the first two DVD releases were originally issued as a sort of test program to see what sort of interst there was in the B5 universe. It did so well that Warner Brothers has decided to issue this special boxed set of the TV Movies. The "Rangers" movie is not included but will probably be released on it's own at some point in the future.

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Babylon 5: The Movies
Format: DVD -- Region: 1,2 -- Rated: NR -- Length: 469 minutes -- Released: 2004
Amazon Price: $47.99 -- List Price: $59.98 -- Save: $11.99 (20%) -- Usually ships in 24 hours
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: £14.98 -- List Price: £35.99 -- Save: £21.01 (58%) -- Usually dispatched within 24 hours
The release date for Region 1 is August 17th, 2004 and the release date for Region 2 is August 16th, 2004. Both regions are available for pre-ordering so reserve your copy today!

This five DVD set will include (preliminary listing):

  • The Gathering (1993): Alien envoys come to the giant space station in the pilot that launched the five-year TV series.
  • In the Beginning (1998): The B5 prequel! It's humans vs. aliens in the battle that led to the station's creation.
  • Thirdspace (1998): Is there a realm beyond hyperspace? Discovery of a million-years-old gateway technology may hold the answer...and more.
  • River of Souls (1998): After death, then what? Questions of eternity arise when a supposedly infallible harvester of souls proves to be very fallible.
  • A Call to Arms (1999): The torch is passed. A race against time to save Earth links the B5 mission with the Rangers' new interstellar efforts.
  • Commentary from series creator, J. Michael Straczynski, and cast and crew for all five movies
  • Introduction by J. Michael Straczynski for all five movies
  • "Creating the Future - How Science Fiction and the show influenced each other" featurette
  • 4:3 (original aspect ratio for "The Gathering") and 16:9 anamorphic widescreen (remaining four movies)
  • Dolby Digital 5.1
  • Closed Captioned for the hearing impaired
  • Subtitles in English, Spanish and French

None so far...

There is the dual movie release of The Gathering / In the Beginning which includes a very bare bones DVD edition of the first two Babylon 5 TV movies. There is also a novel and CD Soundtrack available for "ItB" as well.

Oh, yeah...and next year you can expect two new DVD sets that a) include all of the TV movies in one package (with commentaries from me on "The Gathering" and "In the Beginning") and b) package all 13 of the Crusade episodes into one box.

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Wheel of Fire - Season 5 Boxed Set
Wheel of Fire - Season 5 Boxed Set
(Babylon 5 DVD)

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