
We have updated our example letters below and be sure to check out the
related press stories that have been covering the campaign.
Thank you to everyone who has contacted anyone regarding this campaign. We are making progress!
Read about the latest updates to
this page.
What To Do Today: March.6.2025
NOTE: If you don't see the current date above, hit the refresh button on your
browser or the F5 button. If that doesn't work, try these two buttons together: CTRL + F5
If you haven't gotten a hold of a copy of the "missing 8" episodes that are airing in Canada,
do whatever you can to see them and then write Showtime and MGM about what a shame it is that
the USA is missing out on such a wonderful show. Crossing Jordan is one of those episodes that is an
absolute must see.
Please thank MGM for producing the show so far and ask Showtime to air the "missing 8" episodes
from season two as early as possible in 2004. While we are thanking them, why not ask them
to commision more new episodes for a third season and why you like the show? The more we bother
them, the better chance we have at making them realize how important this show is to them.
Our messages and phone calls are making a difference. I have heard this from a number of
inside sources and they all say the same thing. Hop to it by following the
instructions below.
Finally, if you have already emailed Showtime and MGM a number of times, why not
drop a note to one of the channels that might be interested in syndicating
the show? SciFi Channel picked up Stargate SG-1 and it has been doing wonderful for them so why
not ask them to add Jeremiah to their lineup?
Background Information
On October 2nd, 2002, Showtime announced a
15 episode renewal for season
two. All 15 episodes have been produced and completed in post-production. These episodes just
need to be put on the air so we are confused why Showtime decided to stop airing season two
after only 7 episodes have been shown. There is no news about when the remainder of the season
will air so this is where we need your help.
We don't need to convince them to produce new episodes (although, getting a season three renewal
certainly wouldn't hurt) nor does Showtime care very much about the ratings. What they do like?
Buzz. This is something we certainly have some control over! We need to create some noise at
Showtime and MGM about the show. Let them know we care about the show and it is worth keeping
on the air. We cannot stress enough how important it is to do something because this show is
too good to not go down without a fight.
We have good news folks! Showtime's official
Jeremiah web site has updated their front page with this information:
Jeremiah Returns!
More new JEREMIAH episodes coming in 2004! Stay tuned for details.
Strategy and Tactics
- The number of different people participating doesn't matter as much as how many people
each person contacts. This means that if everyone participating makes an effort to contact
more than one person at Showtime and MGM, we can make a Jeremiah-sized dent in their 2004
lineup. If everybody participating gets a friend to do the same, we already are FOUR TIMES
better off than we were to begin with. So, what are you waiting for?
- The more people talk about it, or bother Showtime and MGM about it, the more important the
show is in the eyes of those people who make the decisions.
- Ratings don't matter as much as buzz this time. Buzz, of course, means people talking about
the show, preferably in public forums such as the press.
- You can make a difference with this. Your voice WILL be heard.
- No anger, no screaming "unfair," no childish behavior, and check your grammar, spelling,
and capitalization.
- We have some AWESOME prizes for people who participate. If you
can't find any other reason to send a letter, imagine owning your very own ASS-KICKING
Jeremiah promotional T-shirt or a season one DVD set and more!
Our main target: SHOWTIME
Our secondary target: MGM
- E-MAIL the people listed below -- Use the customer-help URL's as well to voice your
opinions. Remember, quantity counts!
- PHONE CALLS. Make calls to the people listed below.
- POST on the official
Showtime bulletin board.
- WRITE LETTERS to the offices of MGM, Showtime and anyone else you think will listen.
Network Contact Information
If you prefer to send your own message, please do so! Feel free to include other shows you would
like these networks to air or if Jeremiah was the only reason for subscribing to Showtime or
how you can't afford Showtime but watch it at a friend's house or anything else that you can
think of to mention Jeremiah.
Here is an easy three-step process for contacting all the important MGM and Showtime contacts:
- Use our easy "one click" link to write ALL Jeremiah related contacts:
- Copy one of these messages (or use your own) and paste it into the body of the email that
appears with each link.
- Hit Send!
You can make a difference. Your voice and opinion matters.
If you can, try to use the BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) method if you are mass emailing people via
the links above. If you want to write to the same people again, please customize the message a
little bit each time as each unique email and letter counts.
Here is a copy of the email we sent. Please do not copy it word
for word, but feel free to use it as a guideline for crafting your own email or letter.
SHOWTIME - East Coast
Showtime Networks
1633 Broadway
New York, NY 10019
Phone: 212-708-1600
Fax: 212-708-1217
SHOWTIME - West Coast
Showtime Networks
10880 Wilshire Blvd. Stes. 1500 & 1600
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Phone 310-234-5200
Fax: 310-234-5393
Robert Greenblatt, President, Entertainment
Phone: 310-234-5200
Email: robert.greenblatt@showtime.net
Matthew C. Blank, Chairman/CEO
Phone: 212-708-1600
Email: matthew.blank@showtime.net
Peter Keramidas, Exec. VP, Programming & New Media Content
Phone: 310-234-5200
Email: peter.keramidas@showtime.net
Gary Levine, Exec. VP, Original Programming
Phone: 310-234-5200
Email: gary.levine@showtime.net
Pancho Mansfield, Sr. VP, Development, Original Programming
Phone: 310-234-5200
Email: pancho.mansfield@showtime.net
Sharon Byrens, VP, Motion Picture Development
Phone: 310-234-5200
Email: sharon.byrens@showtime.net
Matthew Duda, Exec. VP, Program Acquisitions & Planning
Phone: 310-234-5200
Email: matthew.duda@showtime.net
Faye Katz, Publicist
Phone: 310-234-5200
Email: faye.katz@showtime.net
MGM Entertainment
2500 Broadway Street
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Geoff Gordon, VP Marketing
Phone: 310-449-3000
Email: ggordon@mgm.com
Jim Griffiths, President, Worldwide Television Distribution
Phone: 310-449-3000
Email: jgriffiths@mgm.com
Hank Cohen, President, MGM Television Entertainment
Phone: 310-449-3000
Email: hcohen@mgm.com
Hudson Hickman, Sr. VP, Production
Phone: 310-449-3000
Email: hhickman@mgm.com
Pricilla Pesci, Publicist
Phone: 310-449-3000
Email: ppesci@mgm.com
Scott Mitchell Rosenberg, CEO (Jeremiah Executive Producer)
Email: scottrosenberg@platinumstudios.com
Syndication Network Contact Information
If Showtime isn't interested in airing the remaining episodes of Jeremiah, perhaps these other
networks would be interested in picking up the show. Be sure to mention other shows currently
airing on these networks as well as what a great addition Jeremiah would be to their line up.
Use our easy "one click" link to write ALL the syndication contacts:
Viewer Hotline and Feedback Email
Phone: 212-413-5679
Email: feedback@www.scifi.com
Email: programming@www.scifi.com
Bonnie Hammer, President, SCI FI Channel
Phone: 818-777-1000
Email: bhammer@usacable.net
David Howe, Sr. VP, Marketing & Creative, SCI FI Channel
Phone: 818-777-1000
Email: dhowe@usacable.net
Mark Stern, Sr. VP, Original Programming, SCI FI Channel
Phone: 818-777-1000
Email: mstern@usacable.net
Tony Optican, VP, Development & Current Programming
Phone: 818-777-1000
Email: toptican@usacable.net
Kat Stein, VP, Publicity, SCI FI Channel
Phone: 818-777-1000
Email: kstein@usacable.net
Erik Storey, VP, Development, SCI FI Channel
Phone: 818-777-1000
Email: estorey@usacable.net
Richard Askin, President and Chief Executive Officer
Phone: 323-460-3955
Email: daskin@tribune.com
Donna Harrison
Email: dharrison@tribune.com
Mashawn Nix
Email: mnix@tribune.com
Marc Schacher
Email: mschacher@tribune.com
Philip David Segal
Email: psegal@tribune.com
Cable TV Provider Contact Information
You might want to drop a line to your local cable TV provider about Jeremiah and Showtime
because they should know why you will be dropping their programming if Jeremiah goes off the
air or why you tune in every week to use their service. Call, email or write as many of the
following contacts:
Adelphia Communications
Attention: Customer Service
1 North Main Street
Coudersport, PA 16915
Phone: 1-888-ADELNET (1-888-233-5638)
Email: plsales@adelphia.net
Dish TV
EchoStar Communications Corp.
Attn: Corporate Communications
5701 S. Santa Fe Drive
Littleton, CO 80120
Email: press@echostar.com
Direct TV
Jade Valine, Specialist, Public Relations
2230 East Imperial Hwy
El Segundo, CA 90245
Phone: 310-964-3429
Fax: 310-535-5225
Email: PRDept@directv.com
Comcast Corporation
1500 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Phone: 1-800-COMCAST (1-800-266-2278)
Email: http://www.cmcsk.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=147565&p=irol-contacts
Charter Communications, Inc.
12405 Powerscourt Dr., Ste. 100
St. Louis, MO 63131-3660
Phone: 314-965-0555
Fax: 314-965-9745
Email: investor@chartercom.com
Time Warner Cable
John B. Newton, Senior Vice President, Local Programming
Time Warner Building
75 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10019
Phone: 212-484-8000
Email: customer.care@twcable.com
Time Warner Cable
Ed Adler, Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications
Time Warner Building
75 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10019
Phone: 212-484-6630
Email: customer.care@twcable.com
Time Warner Cable
Tricia Primrose, Vice President, Corporate Communications
Time Warner Building
75 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10019
Phone: 212-484-7450
Email: customer.care@twcable.com
Cox Cable
Email: coxmediainfo@cox.com
Email: mark.milversted@cox.com
Press Contact Information
We think the press should be aware of the efforts to get Showtime to air the entire second
season and renew the show for a third. Reporters want to hear from the fans, so please tell
them about the fan activities and urge them to report on it. Call, email or write as many of
the following contacts:
The Associated Press
The Associated Press National Desk
50 Rockerfeller Plaza
New York, New York 10020
Email: info@AP.org (Address to: David
Bauer or Bruce DeSilva)
TV Guide
Letters Department TV Guide
50 Rockerfeller Plaza
Radnor, PA 19088
Matt Roush (TV Guide Critic)
P.O. Box 500
Radnor, PA 19088-0500
Diane Wertz (Newsday)
Email: diane.werts@newsday.com
Parade Magazine
Walter Scott
Box 5001
Grand Central Station
New York, NY 10164-5001
Current Press Coverage Contact Information
We want to make sure that the people who have published stories about our campaign know about
the progress we have been making and more importantly, thanking them for helping us out. We
have an example "Thank You" letter to use. Please read these
articles and pass them on to your friends. They usually run on ads so the more people who visit
the more money they make. Click on an ad or two if you want to help out even more!
Rob Worley, Editor
Email: RobWorley@comics2film.com
Web: http://www.comics2film.com/ProjectFrame.php?f_id=46
Patrick Sauriol, News Editor
Email: central@corona.bc.ca
DigitaL Webbing
Ed Dukeshire, Administration/Content Manager/Designer/Advertising/Owner
Email: http://www.digitalwebbing.com/contact/contact.html
Web: http://www.digitalwebbing.com/news/110703-6.html
The Pulse at Newsarama
Jennifer M. Contino, Writer
Email: jencomx3@aol.com (or post a message to the link below)
Web: http://www.comicon.com/
ISN News
Sandra Bruckner, Editor
Email: sgbruckner@aol.com
Web: http://www.isnnews.net/
IGN Filmforce
KJB, Writer
Email: kjb@ign.com
Web: http://filmforce.ign.com/
National Press Release
James Tuverson, Platinum Studios
Email: james@platinumstudios.com
Web: http://abyss.hubbe.net/echo/excl/pr-110803.txt
Silver Bullet Comics
Tim O'Shea, Writer
Email: timo@silverbulletcomicbooks.com
Web: http://www.silverbulletcomicbooks.com/news/106826111890545.htm
Xoanon, News Poster
Email: xoanon@theonering.net
Web: http://www.theonering.net/perl/newsview/8/1068310650
Eric J. Moreels, Editor-in-Chief
Email: webmaster@comixfan.cjb.net
Web: http://www.comixfan.com/xfan/forums/
Check back later as we post more or send us an email if you see
something not on our list already.
News Web Sites Contact Information
If you want to help us spread the word, maybe some of these sites can help write a review or
tell their readers about the campaign. A lot of these contacts have been very Jeremiah-friendly
in the past so send a personal email to some of the following sites:
MGM SciFi Newsletter
Email: scifi@mgm.com
Web: http://stage.mgm.com/scifi/index.html
Showtime's Jeremiah Forum
Web: http://showtime.infopop.net/
Showtime's Contact Form
Email: http://www.sho.com/site/util/contact.do
Comics2Film Site
Email: news@comics2film.com
Email: RobWorley@comics2film.com
Web: http://www.comics2film.com/ProjectFrame.php?f_id=46
Comics Continuum
Email: RobAlls@aol.com
Web: http://www.comicscontinuum.com/
Email: central@corona.bc.ca
(Address to: Patrick Sauriol)
Email: http://cinescape.com/0/feedback_form.asp
Web: http://www.cinescape.com/
Email: http://www.variety.com/index.asp?layout=about_feedback
Email: news@reedbusiness.com.
Email: varietycomments@reedbusiness.com
Web: http://www.variety.com/
Hollywood Reporter
Email: http://hollywoodreporter.com/thr/about_us/contact_form.jsp
Web: http://hollywoodreporter.com/
SciFi Weekly
Email: kat@webkatdesigns.com
(Address to: Kathie Huddleston)
Email: mperenson@att.net (Address to:
Melissa J. Perenson)
Email: scifiweekly@scifi.com
Web: http://www.scifi.com/
Fan Web Sites Contact Information
These folks will probably be willing to join and help promote our cause so copy
this message (or use your own) and send it to any or all the
contacts below:
ISN News on Jeremiah
Email: sgbruckner@aol.com
Web: http://www.isnnews.net/zocalo/jeremiah.shtml
World of JMS on Jeremiah
Email: mike@worldsofjms.com
Web: http://worldsofjms.com/jeremiah/
Email: universe@stargate-alpha.com
Web: http://www.stargate-alpha.com/
Save Farscape
Email: farscape@watchfarscape.com
Web: http://www.watchfarscape.com/
The Futon Critic
Email: letters@thefutoncritic.com
Web: http://www.thefutoncritic.com/
IGN Filmforce
Email: http://filmforce.ign.com/email.html
Email: shead@ign.com
Email: kep@ign.com
Web: http://filmforce.ign.com/articles/380/380756p1.html
Web: http://filmforce.ign.com/articles/356/356778p1.html
SciFi Dimensions
Email: editor@scifidimensions.com
Web: http://www.scifidimensions.com/
SciFi 2K
Email: scifi@scifi2k.com
Web: http://scifi2k.com/
TV Tome on Jeremiah
Email: drakh@spamcop.net
Email: reachout.tvtome@ntlworld.com
Web: http://www.tvtome.com/
Email: leewsftv@yahoo.com
Web: http://www.sftv.org/
GEOS on Jeremiah
Email: geos@geos.tv
Web: http://www.geos.tv/index.php/index/jer
The One Ring.Net
Email: spymaster@theonering.net
Email: theonering@theonering.net
Web: http://www.theonering.net/
Mailing Lists and Message Boards Contact Information
The more you talk about Jeremiah, the better our chances of spreading the word about the show:
The Abyss Forums
B5TV Jeremiah Forums
Jeremiah Series Mailing List
JMS-Talk Mailing List
Code 7R Mailing List
NW-B5 Mailing List
Peter Stebbings Mailing List
TrekBBS SciFi Board