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DVD: K-19 : The Widowmaker
Format: NTSC / PAL -- Region: N. America/Japan/Most European -- Rated: PG-13/12 -- Length: 138 minutes -- Released: 2002
Amazon Price: $9.98 -- Usually ships in 24 hours
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: -- Not yet released
Click for larger image STARRING:
Harrison Ford as Captain Alexei Vostrikov, Sam Spruell as Dimitri Nevsky, Liam Neeson as Captain Mikhail Polenin, Peter Stebbings as Kuryshev, Peter Sarsgaard as Vadim Radtchenko, Christian Camargo as Pavel Loktev and Joss Ackland as Marshal Zelentsov.

Based on an incident that was officially suppressed for 28 years, K-19: The Widowmaker is a fine addition to the "sub-genre" of submarine thrillers. The first major American film about Russian cold war heroes, it re-creates the nightmare endured in 1961 by the crew of the Soviet nuclear submarine K-19, when an exposed reactor core nearly resulted in a nuclear catastrophe. Several crewmen died, and K-19's captain (played by Harrison Ford) had to assert his command when near-mutiny favored his executive officer (Liam Neeson). This escalating tension gives the film its potent dramatic thrust, and both Ford and Neeson deliver intense performances while director Kathryn Bigelow (Near Dark, Strange Days) ably controls a sub full of seething testosterone. It's not as viscerally thrilling as the classic Das Boot or U-571, and some K-19 survivors protested the inclusion of inauthentic drinking scenes, but the movie benefits from grand-scale production values, seamless computer graphics, and a compelling real-life twist.

This movie is available in VHS (NTSC format) as well.

K-19: The Widowmaker
K-19: The Widowmaker
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K-19: The Widowmaker
K-19: The Widowmaker
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DVD: Rudy Blue
Format: NTSC -- Region: N. American/Japan -- Rated: R -- Length: 97 minutes -- Released: 2000
Amazon Price: -- This item is currently not available.
Cover Image STARRING:
Brian Patrick Sullivan as Rudy, Peter Stebbings as Karl, Tari Signor as Eve and Lauren Klein as Agnes.

An emotionally charged drama that tells the story of Rudy Blue (Brian Patrick Sullivan) a 35 year-old history teacher stuck with living at home who takes on life and love for the first time since a terrible car accident left his father dead and his brother Karl (Peter Stebbings) a once promising piano prodigy with brain injuries. When Rudy starts to fall in live with Eve (Tari Signor), the new school librarian, his controlling mother Agnes (Lauren Klein), a former opera diva driven mad by her loss, tries to sabotage Rudy's relationship and keep him at home. Together, Rudy and Karl must finally find a way to pick up the pieces and get on with their lives.

This movie is available in VHS (NTSC format) as well.

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DVD: No Alibi
Format: NTSC -- Region: N. American/Japan -- Rated: R -- Length: 90 minutes -- Released: 1999
Amazon Price: -- This item is currently not available.
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: -- Limited availability
Cover Image STARRING:
Dean Cain as Bob Valenz, Lexa Doig as Camille, Eric Roberts as Vic Haddock and Peter Stebbings as Phil Valenz.

Cain is Bob Lessing, a successful businessman who becomes amorously entangled with a dangerous and mysterious woman (Doig). What Lessing doesn't realize is that she has been sent by her powerful criminal boyfriend Vic Haddock (Roberts) to collect a large sum of drug money owed to him by Bob's murdered brother. She, meanwhile, is unsure as to whether Lessing is the right man—and if she doesn't decide quickly, it may be too late.

This movie is available in VHS (NTSC format) as well.

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VHS: Drive, She Said
Format: NTSC -- Region: N. American/Japan -- Rated: NR -- Length: 93 minutes -- Released: 1997
Click for larger image STARRING:
Moira Kelly as Nadine Ship, Josh Hamilton as Tass Richards, Sebastian Spence as Jonathan Evans, Jim Byrnes as Shrink, Lori Triolo as Jo and Peter Stebbings as Detective Karl. Mina Shum (Director/Writer).

Life has grown bland and stale for bank teller Nadine Ship (Kelly). Her job is drab and her five-year relationship with another bank employee (Spence) doesn't seem to be leading anywhere interesting. But things begin to pick up when a mysterious mechanic (Hamilton) shows up to open an account. And when she becomes a hostage during a bank heist, Nadine finds herself facing choices which could change her life forever.

Since there is very little information on Amazon's web site, here are a few web sites that have more information and photos from this movie:

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The Two Towers (Extended Edition)
The Two Towers (Extended Edition)
(Sean Astin DVD)
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