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Jeremiah: Mercenaries (Vol. 2)
Author: Hermann Huppen -- Published: Dec 2003 -- Format: Hardcover TPB
Amazon Price: $12.95 -- In stock soon (Order now to reserve a copy)
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"Jeremiah" is the first European graphic novel series to be turned into a live action television series in the U.S. (for Showtime, starring Luke Perry and Malcolm-Jamal Warner). Created by SAF's Belgian author Hermann, "Jeremiah" has sold millions of copies in 24 languages since its inception in 1976.

In this book, Mercenaries, Jeremiah and his pal Kurdy run into Angus Greenspoon in a resurrected miners' town. But what are the miners after, and who exactly is Angus Greenspoon? Julius may hold the key to the mystery, but there's also a government agent, who is not yet fully corrupt, to take into account... (48 pages, Full Color, 8.75" x 11.75")

Here is a sneak peek at page #39 from this amazing piece of work. This story comes from issue #20 of Hermann's original masterpiece.

None yet...

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Jeremiah: Gun in the Water (Vol. 1)
Author: Hermann Huppen -- Published: Nov 2002 -- Format: Hardcover TPB
Amazon Price: -- This item is currently not available.
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: -- Limited availability
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Jason was trapped in a deep hole for two days. Luckily Jeremiah and Kurdy happened to pass by, and they help him out and assist him to his home. An odd home, an odd combination of people. They sense something is going on, and one half of the family wants them to stay while the other half wants them out...

Hot on the heels of J. Michael Straczynski's (Babylon 5) adapted TV series for the Showtime Channel, Dark Horse Comics and Strip Art Features bring the latest chapter in Hermann's post-apocalypse adventure epic, Jeremiah, to America for the first time in an English-language adaptation.

Jeremiah and his cynical sidekick, Kurdy, continue their journey across a shattered, depopulated America, a thrown-back America tribalized by race, religion, and cults of personality. In Gun in the Water, while Jeremiah and Kurdy hide out in a bayou backwater, encounter a dysfunctional family racked with violent passions and trapped by deadly secrets.

Jeremiah is Hermann at his best, a commanding presence among the guiding lights of graphic fiction. (48 pages, Full Color, 9" x 12")

This story comes from issue #22 of Hermann's original masterpiece.

It seems that I have been waiting forever to get a hold of a copy of this book and it was finally shipped to me on December 13th, 2002. I have read it briefly but will post a more in depth review of this publication after I have recovered from the holiday craziness.

In short, it is well worth picking up but be prepared for something very different from the TV show. For one thing, Kurdy is a racist, cynical, white man! For another, there are adults in this version of the story. Still, the artwork is beautiful and the story interesting.

My only complaint at the moment is that it would have been nice to have an introduction to the story which explains some of the backstory. For many people, this will be the first introduction to Hermann's work and will be unfamiliar with his original premise for Jeremiah. Here is an excerpt from his official web site that explains the theme for his story:

Towards the end of the 20th century, the world is turned upside down by the growth in racism. On one side there are the whites (WASP) and on the other side, the blacks (Black-Power), each side battling to impose their race at any price. This uncontrollable racist hatred soon breaks into a relentless civil war. This human madness is going to end up in a mad move. A gesture made by a man, whose ethnic origins we will never know, switches on the "red button" which sets off an atomic cloud explosion with the intent of restoring good terms in the world. This ultimate solution creates chaos in the American civilization, bringing it back over 300 years ago in time. This gesture doesn't leave many people alive ; only ten million in the whole of America.


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