Visit the episode guide page for more information about
The Long Road (Parts 1 &
2). |

Jeremiah (Perry) pushes
Theo (Hawthorne) away from the line of fire [196 kb]

Matthew (Bechdolt) and Simon
(Gillies) [34 kb]

A procession of monks carrying a dead
body [20 kb]

Kurdy (Warner) and Jeremiah
(Perry) [36 kb]

Kurdy (Warner) and
Jeremiah (Perry) [229 kb]

Kurdy (Warner) and Jeremiah
(Perry) [46 kb]

Kurdy (Warner) and Jeremiah
(Perry) [36 kb]

Kurdy (Warner) and
Jeremiah (Perry) [197 kb]

A young Kurdy (Porbeni) and
his father (McCall) [26 kb]

Markus (Stebbings)
finds a copy of Tennyson's Ulysses poem among Jeremiah (Perry) and Kurdy's (Warner)
things [37 kb]

Uncredited skinhead with a
shotgun [34 kb]

Kurdy (Warner), Jeremiah
(Perry) and Markus Alexander (Stebbings) attack the skinheads [36 kb]

Skinhead Leader (Coles) runs from
the TNT blasts [27 kb]

The rest of the skinheads follow
suit [42 kb]

Jeremiah (Perry) holds a book and
torch (deleted scene) [39 kb]