Visit the episode guide page for more information about
Mother of Invention. |

Episode title [8 kb]

The magic eight ball's answer to their next
mission [19 kb]

Anna (Cox) and
Maxine (Heafey) leave Jeremiah (Perry) and Kurdy (Warner) [36 kb]

The scenery where Jeremiah and
Kurdy wait for the pick up [27 kb]

Jeremiah (Perry) and Kurdy
(Warner) follow the pick up [26 kb]

Jeremiah (Perry) and Kurdy
(Warner) follow the pick up [236 kb]

Ambusshed! Doug (Cook) is in the tan
coat [44 kb]

The farmhouse where Michelle
and Jeremiah met [38 kb]

The Hydraulics that provide electricity
to Michelle's group [45 kb]

(Perry), Kurdy (Warner), Doug (Cook) and Michelle (Grdevich) [239 kb]

Jeremiah (Perry) and Kurdy
(Warner) check out Michelle's set up [28 kb]

Michelle (Grdevich) give
Jeremiah (Perry) and Kurdy (Warner) the grand tour [23 kb]

Doug (Cook) talks to Kurdy
(Warner) about their books [221 kb]

Doug (Cook) tips Kurdy (Warner) off
that Michelle may be holding out on them [25 kb]

Gabe (Achtymichuk) and
Jeremiah (Perry) play catch [47 kb]