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Confessions of a Couch Potato
Author: Stephen Furst -- Published: Sep 2002 -- Format: Paperback
Amazon Price: $14.95 -- Usually ships in 24 hours
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: £9.95 -- Usually dispatched within 24 hours
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Laugh Yourself Skinny! Lose weight, feel great.

Learn the weight loss secrets that have helped Stephen Furst lose 150 pounds and keep it off for six years and counting! The weight loss also improved his type 2 diabetes so much that he could go from using insulin to taking a diabetes pill each day.

This is an inspirational and humorous memoir of growing up as a husky plump...Okay FAT! child, who struggled with weight problems through adulthood. Stephen shares his techniques and recipes for how he went from an out-of-control 320-plus person with diabetes, to his lean, mean, low fat eating machine 175. (Although he still refuses to wear a Speedo!) A self-help cookbook of epic proportions or actually epic portions, filled with all kinds of tips and anecdotes-its includes everything from real recipes (like cheesecake, soup and pasta), to how to get through the holidays without killing yourself instead of your relatives. You've tried everything else, try laughing your way to better health.

I have yet to aquire or read this book.

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Frontier Earth
Author: Bruce Boxleitner -- Published: Jan 2001 -- Format: Paperback
Amazon Price: -- This item is currently not available.
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: -- Limited availability
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Best known for his role as Captain Sheridan on "Babylon 5," Bruce Boxleitner has created a brand new science fiction legend featuring a stranger-an alien from another world-in a strange land: the American West of the late 1800s.

An alien sent to warn Earth of an invasion lands in Tombstone, Arizona, in 1881--right in the middle of the OK Corral gunfight--with two bounty hunters on his tail and war about to break out in this frontier town.

I have yet to aquire or read this book.

There is a hardcover edition (Nov 1999) that is available through as well as Amazon UK.

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Frontier Earth: Searcher
Author: Bruce Boxleitner -- Published: Nov 2001 -- Format: Paperback
Amazon Price: -- This item is currently not available.
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: -- Limited availability
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"Babylon 5"'s Captain Sheridan, Bruce Boxleitner, has crafted his own science fiction legend in this terrific new series. The enigmatic gunman known as Macklin continues his quest across the 19th-century American West to fulfill his purpose on Earth: preventing the invasion of a sinister predatory race of aliens.

I have yet to aquire or read this book.

There is a hardcover edition (Nov 1999) that is available through as well as Amazon UK.

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Dining on Babylon 5
Author: Emerson Briggs-Wallace with Steve Smith -- Published: Jun 1998 -- Format: Paperback
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The ultimate collection of space station cuisine fully authorised by Captain Sheridan. Contains 43 of the finest intergalactic recipes, with additions by Garibaldi, Londo, Lennier, G'Kar and Ivanova. Suitable sustenance for dozens of alien races, from the finely tuned palates of the Centauri to the carrion-eating Pak'ma'ra.

This is a really hard book to find since it appears that there were not that many made and it is now out of print. However, I now have the cookbook in my hot little hands and so far it is a riot! It is a bit difficult to read if you are not British since they use a lot of terminology that we Americans just don't get. So be sure to check out the English-to-American Dictionary. So, if one can translate the British and muddle through all the other languages (Narn, Centauri, and Minbari which are translated), you will have quite a lot of fun trying out all the recipes.

There are recipes from each of the major races on B5 with introductions by Londo, G'Kar, Lennier, Garibaldi and Ivanova plus anecdotes from the chef as well. It was great to "hear" from the gang and see what they share with us cuisine-wise. Many of the recipes are strange (like Spoo and Flarn) but then again, they -are- alien after all! There are also some "normal" recipes (like Chili and Beef Stroganoff) as well so it will be fun to try them all.

One other thing that bothered me about the book was that Garibaldi sounded waaaay too British to believe that it was actaully him who wrote the introduction.

Another subtle cross-reference ... Page 43, Garibaldi's recipe for pasta and cannelloni, Garibaldi writes, "Just prepare your filling, and stuff it." Page 91, G'Kar writing about suggestions that he recognizes Centauri rule of Narn, "I quote another wise Human who said, 'Stuff it.'"

Nobody ever seems to have caught that. It was a little nod to the growing friendship between Garibaldi and G'Kar.

A publisher in the U.K. called Boxtree took out a license from Warner Bros. to publish the cookbook. It was only published and sold in England, because the license technically was through WB's U.K. wing. They did not have a license to sell it here in the U.S.

Any copies in the States would have been brought over by fans, or second-hand through resellers.

It's too bad it never got picked up here. Dell (which published the B5 novels) never showed an interest.

I can't take credit for the recipes; those were by Gina Galvin. I did all the text and suggested what recipes might be in the cookbook.

Unless ingredients were specified in the episode, e.g. Garibaldi's bagna cauda, it was strictly speculation. WB hired a food consultant (someone who develops recipes for restaurants), and she sat down with me to watch episodes such as this one. She had no knowledge at all of B5, so I had to back-fill the universe for her.

We also made a conscious decision to try to go "over the top" with the book, since it was a pretty ridiculous idea to begin with! Someone in WB Licensing came up with the idea; they'd done a "Friends" cookbook and during a brainstorming session for B5 products they could license someone suggested a B5 cookbook. To their surprise, someone actually licensed the idea -- the U.K.publisher Boxtree.

Someone asked if the cookbook was available in the U.S. The answer, unfortunately, is no. No domestic licensee showed an interest in the book. So you're pretty much relegated to eBay or a collector.

One other note about the cookbook ... If you watch the fifth season episode "A View from the Gallery," take a look at the book they're reading while sitting on a cot in the shelter. It's an early mockup of the B5 cookbook! I had no idea Joe was going to do that, and fell off the sofa watching the episode when I saw it. If you've read the cookbook, its publication in the B5 universe was supposed to have been the end of the third season, so finding it lying around in the shelter in the middle of the fifth season was entirely plausible. The fictitious author was a bit of a gossipmonger so one could theorize that the book sold on the station for its tabloid value as much as its culinary value.

I had mainly just editorial input into it, Steve wrote the thing. It's actually a lot of fun, and the illustrations are gorgeous.

Basically, I just think it'll be a hoot. The recipes are real, with substitutions if you can't get the real thing from offworld caterers, and it's set right in the B5 universe, as if it were written in that time period, with all the usual Chef attitude that goes into it.

I was kinda doubtful when WB first proposed it, and I still haven't seen the final manuscript, but I think it could be kinda fun.

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Sci-Fi Entertainment Magazine
Author: Sci-Fi Channel -- Published: 6 Issues/Yr -- Format: Magazine
Amazon Price: $16.95 -- List Price: $41.94 -- Save: $24.99 (60%) -- Usually ships in 2 to 4 months
Sci-Fi Magazine is the official publication of the Sci-Fi Channel, and is a leading source of science fiction entertainment, and covers movies, TV, online services, games, books, and more. Formerly known as Sci-Fi Entertainment, this magazine also covers on Sci-Fi Channel programming and features beautiful photos, art, and movie stills. Save 50%! 8 Issues per year---Available for delivery WorldWide!

I don't have any issues of this magazine but I heard that their December 2001 issue has a huge promotion for the Legend of the Rangers telemovie that is scheduled to air on the Sci-Fi Channel on January 19th, 2002.

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Cinescape Magazine
Author: Cinescape -- Published: 12 Issues/Yr -- Format: Magazine
Cinescape Magazine under new management and is now bigger and better than ever! Each issue is filled with exclusive articles and news on the latest releases, reviews, previews and behind the scenes action on sci-fi, fantasy, and horror movies, TV, books, music, DVD's and comics. SPECIAL BONUS Each susbcribtion also includes four Special Double issues, as well as Free Premium Online Content! Save 44%! 12 Issues per year---Now Available for Delivery WorldWide!
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To Dream in the City of Sorrows (Reprint)
To Dream in the City of Sorrows (Reprint)
(Kathryn M. Drennan)

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