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Programming Picks

These are Fredrik's recommenations of useful books for programmers.

NOTE: Books are listed alphabetically by author.

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Win32 System Programming : A Windows 2000 Application Developer's Guide
Author: Johnson M. Hart -- Published: Sep 2000 -- Format: Hardcover
Amazon Price: $52.10 -- List Price: $59.99 -- Save: $7.89 (13%) -- Usually ships in 24 hours
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: £30.22 -- Usually dispatched within 11 to 14 days
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A practical guide to the central features and functions of the Win32 API, Win32 System Programming, Second Edition, will get you up and running with Windows NT and Windows 2000. Unlike most Windows programming resources, this book focuses exclusively on the core system services—file system, memory, processes, communication, and security—rather than on the more commonly featured graphical user interface functions. Especially geared for those already familiar with UNIX or other high-end operating systems, Win32 System Programming, Second Edition, helps you to build on your knowledge base to learn Win32 features quickly and easily.

Unlike most books aimed towards people trying to learn how to program in a Win32 environment, this book is actually useful. While it does not cover how to write a hello world or how to operate Visual C++, it does teach you how to use the Win32 kernel API efficiently for advanced programming. If you want to know about Win32 threads, interprocess communication, process management, security and a variety of other advanced Win32 topics, this is the book you need.

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POSIX Programmer's Guide
Author: Donald A. Lewine -- Published: Apr 1991 -- Format: Paperback
Amazon Price: -- This item is currently not available.
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: -- Limited availability
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The POSIX Programmer's Guide, intended as an explanation of the POSIX standard and as a reference for the POSIX.1 programming library, helps you write more portable programs. This guide is especially helpful if you are writing programs that must run on multiple UNIX platforms.

This book is primarily for people who write (or try to write) portable C programs. It goes through all the functions and header files required by POSIX and should be used instead of the cryptic man pages found on most UNIX systems. Since all the functions in the book are required to be implemented on all UNIX systems, your programs will be portable if you follow what the book says. If you use the documentation that comes with your operating system, you will end up using functions and features not available on other systems. Together with autoconf this book makes it possible to write programs which will compile nicely on almost any machine running UNIX.

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Tcl and the Tk Toolkit
Author: John K. Ousterhout -- Published: May 1994 -- Format: Paperback
Amazon Price: -- This item is currently not available.
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: £36.09 -- List Price: £37.99 -- Save: £1.90 (5%) -- Usually dispatched within 7 to 11 days
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Written by the creator of Tcl and Tk, this book is the single authoritative resource for anyone who wants to work with this extraordinary environment. The book offers an introduction and overview of Tcl and Tk and then presents detailed instructions for script writing in Tcl and working with the Tk toolkit.

You will discover how Tk's windowing shell, wish, enables you to develop window-based applications with amazingly few lines of code. You will also find information on Tk's novel and powerful facility for linking applications. Many other features are also described, such as Tk's hypertext and hypergraphics widgets and Tcl's facilities for procedures, list management, and subprocess execution.

Tcl/Tk is a very nice platform for developing GUI applications. As an extra bonus the Tcl/Tk works with both Microsoft Windows and UNIX. The book is not perfect, but I wouldn't recommend programming Tcl/Tk without it.

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The C++ Programming Language
Author: Bjarne Stroustrup -- Published: Jul 1997 -- Format: Paperback
Amazon Price: $54.30 -- List Price: $69.99 -- Save: $15.69 (22%) -- Usually ships in 2 to 5 weeks
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: £28.49 -- List Price: £37.99 -- Save: £9.50 (25%) -- Usually dispatched within 24 hours
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This is a complete rewrite of the most widely read and most trusted book on C++. Based on the ANSI/ISO C++ final draft, this book covers the C++ language, its standard library, and key design techniques as an integrated whole. The C++ Programming Language provides comprehensive coverage of C++ language features and standard library components. For example, it includes complete coverage of abstract classes as interfaces, class hierarchies for object-oriented programming, templates as the basis for type-safe generic software, exceptions for regular error handling, namespaces for modularity in large-scale software, run-time type identification for loosely coupled systems, the C subset of C++ for C compatibility and system-level work, standard containers and algorithms, and standard strings, I/O streams, and numerics. With this third edition, Stroustrup makes C++ even more accessible to those new to the language while adding information and techniques that even expert C++ programmers will find invaluable.

C++ is not my favourite language, but this is the definitive book on C++. It is not an easy book to learn from, but for people with some programming experience, no other book could be better. OTHER EDITIONS:
This book is available in a hardcover edition as well.

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Compilers : Principles, Techniques, and Tools
Author: Aho, Sethi, Ullman -- Published: Nov 1985 -- Format: Hardcover
Amazon Price: -- This item is currently not available.
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: -- Limited availability
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This classic book, known to compiler developers as "the Dragon Book" is the bible of compiler design. This book by Aho, Sethi and Ullman teaches the reader everything from Backus Naur Form to code generation and optimization. The contents of this book apply to anyone doing any sort of language development, be it as simple as reading an HTML file, or as advanced as writing a C compiler.

This is an advanced book that contains algorithms that are used for writing compilers. Although some parts are outdated, this is the book to read if you want to know how to write a computer language or how to parse input to your program faster.

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