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First Person Shooters

When DOOM came out, games on the PC suddenly became interesting. Before that, I only played games on the Commodore 64 and Amiga. Of course, a lot has happened since DOOM, but I still love a good First Person Shooter game. This page lists some of those games.

Fredrik Hübinette

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PC: Half-Life
By: Sierra -- Official Site: Click here -- Published: 1999 -- Platform: Win 95/98/NT/2000/Me -- Rated: M
Amazon Price: -- This item is currently not available.
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: -- Limited availability
Click for larger image INTRODUCTION:
Half-Life was (and still is) great. Unlike Quake and Unreal, the people actually look human, and their mouths actually move when they talk. The sound is great and was simply ground-breaking when the game was new. The software-generated reverb and echo effects really adds atmosphere and a feeling of being "there". The monsters and enemies in the game deserve a special mention too, they are varied, believable and act more natural than your average computer foe.

This game begins with your arrival at the Black Mesa research facility where you will take part in a dangerous high-energy experiment. Of course the experiment goes horribly wrong, and a vortex is opened through which monsters invade the Black Mesa facility. Now you will have to fight both the monsters and the soldiers sent to "clean up" the situation.

Of course, the real fun begins when you try out the multi-player mode. While the half-life engine didn't impress some people, it offered unparalleled multi-player game-play and with all the latest patches, it's just getting better and better. Voice-communication was added recently, which is very cool if you have a headset hooked up to your computer.

Last but not least, there are lots of free add-ons and modifications to download for this game. Skins, levels and entire new games. One of these games, Counter-strike, is one of the most popular multi-player games ever. Counter-strike is free for download if you have Half-Life.

The system requirements for this game is not very high, any Pentium III will be more than sufficient. A 3D-capable card is recommended, but not absolutely necessary.

Half-Life Half-Life Half-Life Half-Life

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PC: Half-Life (Counterstrike)
By: Sierra -- Official Site: Click here -- Published: 1999 -- Platform: Win 95/98/NT/2000/Me -- Rated: M
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I think this is the best multi-player game ever. It started out as an add-on to Half-Life, but you can now buy Counterstrike separately. It's a pure multi-player game, so you'll need a fast internet connection to play, but no other game has the same amount of strategy and action baked together! Hmm, it's been too long since I played so I have an urge to fire this game up right now!

In this game you either play on the terrorist team or on the SWAT team. The game is played in rounds, which end when either team achieve their goal, or the other team is wiped out. The weapons are very realistic and while the graphics aren't as detailed as some newer games, it is beautifully designed.

While the system requirements are technically the same as Half-Life, you really need a GeForce-class card, a 600MHz Pentium and a DSL or Cable Modem internet connection in order to compete effectively with other players.

A new standalone game, Counter-Strike: Condition Zero (CS: CZ) extends the award-winning Counter-Strike multiplayer game with new maps, weapons, and more while simultaneously introducing new technologies, an extensive single-player campaign, and cooperative play.

This game will be released in March 2003 and you can pre-order this game from or Amazon UK.

Counterstrike Counterstrike Counterstrike Counterstrike Counterstrike

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PC: No One Lives Forever
By: Sierra -- Official Site: Click here -- Published: 2000 -- Platform: Win 95/98/Me -- Rated: M
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Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: -- Limited availability
Click for larger image INTRODUCTION:
This is a very good single-player game. (Why else would I recommend it?) Imagine a female cross between James Bond and Austin Powers, and you will have a pretty good image of Cate Archer, who you will be playing in this game. The game-play is fairly straightforward, but offers a lot of variety in weapons, gadgets and missions. You'll be diving, jumping parachutes, sniping, riding motorcycles and shooting a LOT of things. :)

The game begins with some basic training, and during one of the first missions, Cate Archer's mentor gets killed and much of the rest of the game is spent hunting down his killer. In the process you will have to destroy an international crime-organization called H.A.R.M.

The game is also very funny, the bosses are cartoonish, and listening in to the minions talking can be a source of great amusement. Unfortunately I haven't had a chance to try out the multi-player game-play, but I still recommend this game simply based on the very entertaining, balanced and funny single-player game-play.

This game requires a 3d-capable graphics card. I would recommend a TNT2 or better.

No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way is a humorous story-driven first-person shooter featuring the beautiful but deadly British UNITY operative Cate Archer. In this new adventure, Cate must investigate a super-secret Soviet project that, if successful, could bring about a third world war. Armed with an assortment of conventional weapons and experimental gadgets, players will explore exotic locales, circumvent devious traps, and contend with sinister agents determined to take Cate out of the secret agent trade once and for all.

You can purchase this game from or Amazon UK.

No One Lives Forever No One Lives Forever No One Lives Forever No One Lives Forever

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MAC: No One Lives Forever
By: MacPlay -- Official Site: Click here -- Published: 2000 -- Platform: Mac OS -- Rated: T
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Click for larger image THE STORY:
No One Lives Forever is a story-driven, first-person adventure delivering over-the-top action, tense subterfuge, outrageous villains, and wry humor in the tradition of the great 1960s spy films and TV shows. Players assume the role of Agent Archer, an operative working for a covert anticrime organization. Armed with an assortment of conventional and experimental weaponry and gadgets, players explore exotic locales and contend with deadly agents as they evade traps, unravel mysteries, and become entangled in a cleverly constructed conspiracy that threatens the entire free world.
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PS2: No One Lives Forever
By: Vivendi Universal -- Official Site: Click here -- Published: 2000 -- Platform: PlayStation2 -- Rated: T
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Click for larger image THE STORY:
Cate Archer, the mod secret agent with the groovy clothes, deadly aim, and mysterious past, debuts on the PlayStation2 in No One Lives Forever, a port of the popular PC game. With a nod to Austin Powers camp, The Man from U.N.C.L.E.'s mock earnestness, and the 007 movies' sophisticated flair, No One Lives Forever is a clever spy spoof with a sly sense of humor and compelling action-adventure gameplay. And despite its often sloppy camera and frustrating save system, it's an enjoyable first-person shooter.
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PC: Serious Sam (The First Encounter)
By: Gathering of Developers -- Official Site: Click here -- Published: 2001 -- Platform: Win 95/98/Me -- Rated: M
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Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: -- Limited availability
Click for larger image INTRODUCTION:
This is awsome to play in cooperative mode with a friend. Full of jokes and insane over-kill action. Very pretty graphics, but I'm not sure I would want to play these games alone. The action is just too insane and dying all the time is just no fun. It brings back memories of the original DOOM, which I used to play cooperatively a lot.

The game is about some aliens invading Earth, and ... actually, I don't really remember the story and it's not that important either. Serious Sam is all about total overkill action. The enemies are bigger, the action is more intense and the guns are bigger than any other game.

The minimum requirements are very reasonable: 300Mhz processor, 64Mb RAM and 3D-capable graphics card, but the game really shines with a little better computer.

Serious Sam I Serious Sam I Serious Sam I Serious Sam I Serious Sam I

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PC: Serious Sam (The Second Encounter)
By: Gathering of Developers -- Official Site: Click here -- Published: 2002 -- Platform: Win 95/98/Me -- Rated: M
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Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: -- Limited availability
Click for larger image INTRODUCTION:
Even more serious fun. Except for some new weapons, monsters levels and funny commentary, the game is very similar to the first encounter. If anything, there are even more visual puns in this game. My favourite is probably the secret room where you can find the sound stage where the first Serious Sam was recorded. :)

In this installment, you get to follow the aliens back to their home world for even more serious blasting. Unfortunately I don't even know the full story of the game as I have only played it in cooperative multiplayer mode, and in that mode you don't get to see any of the cut-scenes. Again, this by no means hampers the enjoyment of playing the game.

The requirements are the same as for the first encounter: 300Mhz processor, 64Mb RAM and 3D-capable graphics card, but the better the computer ... the better the game.

Serious Sam II Serious Sam II Serious Sam II Serious Sam II Serious Sam II

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PC: Max Payne
By: Gathering of Developers -- Official Site: Click here -- Published: 2001 -- Platform: Win 95/98/Me/2000 -- Rated: M
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Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: -- Limited availability
Click for larger image INTRODUCTION:
This is wonderful cartoon-inspired game. It has a ton of ambiance and features something similar to The Matrix's bullet-time. It's single-player only and is over fairly quickly, but has a very good story which plays a lot like good thriller movie. (If you saw the 1987 movie "Angel Heart", you'll know what I mean.)

Max Payne is an undercover cop and in the beginning of the game, he is drugged. When he wakes up he discovers that his family has been murdered. As the prime suspect, Max takes it upon himself to find the murderers and avenge his family. In the game you'll be dodging bullets as you track down the mobsters and dispatch them. The game is also full of wonderfully surreal dream sequences where clues about who killed Max's family are revealed.

Minimum: 450MHz processor, 96Mb RAM, 16Mb graphics card.
Recommended: 700MHz processor, 128Mb RAM, 32Mb graphics card.

Max Payne Max Payne Max Payne Max Payne Max Payne

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MAC: Max Payne
By: MacSoft -- Official Site: Click here -- Published: 2001 -- Platform: Mac OS -- Rated: M
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Click for larger image THE STORY:
Remedy and 3D Realms present Max Payne, a story-driven 3rd person action game aimed for a mature audience. Realistic weapon setup includes over a dozen real-life guns, all fitting the crime-story setting like a bullet in the head. The action is surrounded with more than 80 hand-painted comic-screens that enhance the game's gritty atmosphere and attitude, introduce the game's murderous cast of characters, and carry the plot from one location to the next.
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PS2: Max Payne
By: Rockstar Games -- Official Site: Click here -- Published: 2001 -- Platform: PlayStation 2 -- Rated: M
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Click for larger image THE STORY:
Max Payne is a stylish, urban, revenge-driven action game based in New York City's grimy underground. A groundbreaking rendering engine allows for heart-stopping, photorealistic visuals and breathtaking movie-quality effects as Max Payne fights his way to uncover the truth. The game combines elements from Hollywood action thrillers with the latest in video game technology to deliver a highly original gameplay experience.
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XBOX: Max Payne
By: Rockstar Games -- Official Site: Click here -- Published: 2001 -- Platform: Xbox -- Rated: M
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Click for larger image THE STORY:
Max Payne is a man with nothing to lose in the cold urban night. This is a gritty third-person shooter inspired by the hardcore cinematography and choreography of the Hong Kong action movie genre. A fugitive undercover cop framed for murder. Max is a man with his back against the wall, fighting a battle he cannot hope to win. Prepare for a new breed of deep action game. Developed by Remedy Entertainment and produced by 3-D Realms, Max Payne is a relentless story-driven game about a man on the edge, fighting for his justice while uncovering plot-twists and twisted thugs in the gritty bowels of New York during the century's worst blizzard.
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PC: Star Wars, Jedi Knight II (Jedi Outcast)
By: Lucas Arts Entertainment -- Official Site: Click here -- Published: 2002 -- Platform: Win 95/98/NT/2000/Me -- Rated: T
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Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: -- Limited availability
Click for larger image INTRODUCTION:
While Lucasarts makes a lot of games, most of them sell though branding rather than by being good games. However, this game is a different story. The graphics are very good, but requires a powerful graphics card to get the full effect. The sound and story is also quite good, but to me, the biggest appeal of this game is the light-saber fights.

In the game, you take on the role of ex-Jedi Kyle Katarn. After an initial mission where his parter gets killed, Kyle Katarn goes to the Valley of the Jedi to regain is Jedi powers so that he can exact revenge on the villain who killed his partner. (This seems to be a recurring theme in lots of computer games BTW.) The twist is that the villain's true goal is to find the Valley of the Jedi so that he can create an army with Jedi-powers. You must of course stop this from happening.

The game is sometimes hard and it can be annoying when you get stuck in certain situations. It could also use a little more variety in the missions and such, but overall it's a very good game.

The minimum requirements for this game is a 350MHz Pentium II with 128Mb ram and a 16Mb OpenGL-capable graphics card, but it really does get a lot better if you have a better graphics card and faster CPU.

Jedi Outcast Jedi Outcast Jedi Outcast Jedi Outcast Jedi Outcast

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MAC: Star Wars, Jedi Knight II (Jedi Outcast)
By: Aspyr Media -- Official Site: Click here -- Published: 2002 -- Platform: Mac OS -- Rated: T
Amazon Price: -- This item is currently not available.
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: -- Limited availability
Click for larger image THE STORY:
In the tradition of the multi-award-winning Star Wars: Jedi Knight, Star Wars: Jedi Knight 2, Jedi Outcast features rebel agent Kyle Katarn in exhilarating first-person action. Several years have passed since Kyle avenged his father's death and saved the Valley of the Jedi from Jerec and his band of Dark Jedi. Allowing his Force powers to languish for fear of falling to the dark side, Kyle entrusted his lightsaber to Luke Skywalker, vowing never to use it again. But when a new and menacing threat to the galaxy emerges, Kyle knows he must reclaim his past in order to save his future.
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XBOX: Star Wars, Jedi Knight II (Jedi Outcast)
By: Lucas Arts Entertainment -- Official Site: Click here -- Published: 2002 -- Platform: Xbox -- Rated: T
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Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: -- Limited availability
Click for larger image THE STORY:
Players assume the role of Kyle as they employ a unique mix of weapons, Force powers, and the lightsaber in both single- and multiplayer modes. Jedi Outcast features expanded and enhanced use of the lightsaber, with new attack and defense moves. Tap into the powers of the Force, including jump, push, and Jedi mind tricks. Employ combat or stealth, depending on the situation. When a fight is necessary, be at the ready with an arsenal of weapons: stun baton, Bryar blast pistol, and blaster rifle to name but a few.
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GC: Star Wars, Jedi Knight II (Jedi Outcast)
By: Lucas Arts Entertainment -- Official Site: Click here -- Published: 2002 -- Platform: GameCube -- Rated: T
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Explore breathtaking Star Wars locales such as Cloud City, the Jedi Academy on Yavin 4, Nar Shaddaa, the smugglers' moon--plus some never-before-seen locations. Multiplayer options include capture the flag, free for all, team FFA, duel, weapons-only, and Jedi master.
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Max Payne
Max Payne
(PC Game)

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