You've heard rumors of the City of Dreams. It's existence has been officially denied,
although unconfirmed reports have placed it beneath the ruins of Machu Pichu in South
America. Others say it's in Arkham, Massachusetts, or hidden in a secret network of tunnels
under Moscow.
But we're here to tell you the truth. Do you want to know where the City of Dreams is?
J. Michael Straczynski, the creator of Babylon 5, teams with Seeing Ear Theatre to bring you an exclusive, all-new
audio drama anthology series featuring tales of dreamers, madmen and fanatics.
This was originally planned to be a 13 episode series but due to time and budget constraints, the
series was canceled (in fact, the whole radio series department at SciFi was canceled) after only
8 were produced. You can still find the City of
Dreams web site and also purchase the episodes from
Audible.com as well.
NOTE: Episodes are listed by episode number from oldest to
#1: The Damned Are Playing at Godzilla's Tonight
Author: J. Michael Straczynski --
Published: Dec 2000 --
Media Type: Performance --
Length: 32 minutes --
Format: Audible Speech
The dark, ominous tale of the bigoted owner of a small nightclub in the City of Dreams who
faces a new sound, and a band that just won't quit...on either side of the grave.
Adapted for audio by J. Michael Straczynski, with a cast featuring Steve Buscemi, Kevin
Conway, Christopher Burns, Kevin Daniels, Beth Glover, J.R. Horne, and Ezra Knight.
For our first story, I wanted something with teeth, something that took one of the more
common supernatural tropes and used it in a way that dealt with contemporary themes. It has
kind of a Lovecraftian feel, starting at the end, then finding out how we got here, and why.
Where else can you get all that *and* a commentary on the state of the music industry?
#2: Rolling Thunder
Author: J. Michael Straczynski --
Published: Dec 2000 --
Media Type: Performance --
Length: 36 minutes --
Format: Audible Speech
A father offers to give up anything to regain his lost child...and a certain Someone takes
him up on it.
Adapted for audio by J. Michael Straczynski, with a cast featuring Andre Braugher, Kevin
Conway, Ashley Albert, Ami Brabson, Jacqueline Cuscuna, Peter Francis James, and Ramon de
We all make mistakes. Big ones, small ones, mistakes that change our lives forever. There's
our life before IT, and after IT, whatever your IT happens to be. This is the story of an IT:
the loss of a child's life, and what one person will endure in an attempt to correct that
mistake. I wanted to ask one simple question: what is one person's life really worth?
JUL.16.2000 I wanted to bring special attention to this one because, while "The
Damned Are Playing at Godzilla's Tonight" was a good warmup episode, something fairly
straightforward to get the radio-writing muscles geared up...this one, "Rolling Thunder," is
one of the things I'm most proud of doing for radio. (Or audio.) It's a strong, emotional
story and a real kick in the gut. So far it's reduced about half a dozen grown men who've
heard it to tears. The performance by Andre Braugher is just terrific, very moving.
Check it out. This one's a keeper.
#3: The Friends of Jackie Clay
Author: J. Michael Straczynski --
Published: Dec 2000 --
Media Type: Performance --
Length: 32 minutes --
Format: Audible Speech
Jackie Clay is the caretaker of a small cemetery in the City of Dreams who speaks to the
dead and, when a crisis occurs, learns that he has friends he never knew he had.
Adapted for audio by J. Michael Straczynski, with a cast featuring Merwin Goldsmith, Jayce
Bartock, Mather Zickel, Chris Burns, Ross Stoner, Ean Sheehy, Anne Bobby, Todd Cummings, and
Dick Rodstein.
Having done two strong, serious, intense stories, I kinda wanted to write something a bit
lighter, more redemptive, with a touch of humor. A guy who works at a cemetery and talks to
the residents brings in response a logical question: do they talk back, and if so, what do
they say? It's a story about friends, polite behavior, and the anger of the dead.
#4: The Tolling of the Hour
Author: J. Michael Straczynski --
Published: Nov 2000 --
Media Type: Performance --
Length: 28 minutes --
Format: Audible Speech
The clock shows no mercy. Neither does the board of directors or the CEO, who demands more
than life can give, and finds himself on the business end of the clock he worships.
Adapted for audio by J. Michael Straczynski, with a cast featuring Campbell Scott, Kevin
Conway, Anne Bobby, Christopher Burns, Todd Cummings, Jane Gennaro, Dick Rodstein, and
Mathew Zickel.
We have become a society answerable to the tick of the clock, the Board of Directors, the
CEO...with your average corporate employee daily crushed under the wheels of downsizing,
working harder for less money so the stockholders get a ten percent per share boost. I felt
there needed to be a cautionary tale about the inevitable result of grinding down people's
souls, because sooner or later, the universe downsizes those who downsize unto others.
#5: Night Calls
Author: J. Michael Straczynski --
Published: Dec 2000 --
Media Type: Performance --
Length: 28 minutes --
Format: Audible Speech
Something unusual is waiting for you in the intersection of a conversation between God and a
man asked to build a second ark...what it will carry, and where it all goes, is not what you
may be expecting.
Adapted for audio by J. Michael Straczynski, with a cast featuring Tim Curry, Kevin Conway,
Alissa Hunniutt, Dan Seckel, Ean Sheehy and Kevin Townley.
I told Brian [Smith is the Executive Producer] that I wanted to divide CITY into three parts:
1-4 being fairly straightforward stories, and 5-8 being more experimental stories that play
with the form of radio drama. Get everybody lulled into a false sense of security, and then
start pulling the rug out. This is the first of the experimental episodes. Be sure to listen
carefully, because not everything here is what it seems.
#6: MCSD 00121J
Author: J. Michael Straczynski --
Published: Jan 2001 --
Media Type: Performance --
Length: 34 minutes --
Format: Audible Speech
From: Manasee County Sheriff's Department, Manasee County, New Jersey
The original audiotape of which this (enclosed) file is a copy was found near the site of
the Clarefield community residence 23 August 2000 by Sgt. Emile Jackson and the original copy
was forwarded to the MCSD forensics lab for analysis. A second copy has been forwarded to the
FBI Crime Lab in Roanoake, VA for more detailed audio study.
In light of the recent tragic events of Clarefield, we appreciate any assistance your office
and listeners can provide in establishing any of the identities of the persons recorded on
this tape. Needless to say, any information emerging from this investigation will be held in
the strictest confidence. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further
Sincerely, Captain J. J. Durham, Manasee County Sheriff's Department
#7: Samuel Beckett, Your Ride is Here
Author: J. Michael Straczynski --
Published: Jan 2001 --
Media Type: Performance --
Length: 20 minutes --
Format: Audible Speech
Surrealism. Existentialism. Minimalism. Stream of consciousness. Spaceships. What, you
expected something ordinary in the City of Dreams?
Adapted for audio by J. Michael Straczynski, with a cast featuring John Turturro and Bill
When you experiment in audio, you can do only so many things with tricks. At some point you
have to dive into the form of the narrative itself. So I wanted to try something that played
with stream of consciousness, surrealism, minimalism and existentialism, but without losing
some SF touchstones. Hence, this episode. One long and very weird conversation. And no tricks.
#8: The Alpha and Omega of David Wells
Author: J. Michael Straczynski --
Published: Jan 2001 --
Media Type: Performance --
Length: 25 minutes --
Format: Audible Speech
A man in search of the Truth undergoes a past-life regression that takes him further than
anyone has ever gone before.
Adapted for audio by J. Michael Straczynski, with a cast featuring Peter Gallagher, Peter
Francis James, Alice Barden, Jacqueline Cuscuna, Martin Carey, Tony Daniel and Laurissa James.
People with no tact, noting my sometimes intemperate nature, have tended to tell me, 'Y'know,
you REALLY should have a past-life regression sometime to see where all this anger is coming
from.' Which finally (after smiting them, that is) got me to thinking about what I would do
in a story with this device...if there was a way to go FORWARD just as well as BACKWARD
through various incarnations. When I figured that one out, The Alpha and Omega of David Wells
kind of wrote itself.
FEB.4.2001 Thanks. It's kind of a change from what's been done there before,
some of it is almost like a tone-poem, other parts of it are very surreal. I'm glad it came
JMS Speaks about Audio Dramas
APR.28.2002 The sci-fi channel pulled its financing for most of its audio dramas,
so that's pretty much that, though the episodes do remain at the site (and can be downloaded
via audible.com)
MAY.7.2001 Yes, since it's still going on to varying extents...my City of Dreams
radio drama series was a new creation at scifi.com, so the internet may bring new life to the
MAR.23.2001 I actually don't know...they have 3 scripts that they haven't
produced yet, and I only have 2 left to write (which admittedly have gotten shoved back a bit
due to other stuff). There's certainly nothing to impede them going ahead, since they love
the scripts.I've heard there are some organizational/budget things going on over there, but
don't have any details.
JAN.15.2001 I've turned in 4 scripts for new City of Dreams episodes, but due to
production tie-ups on other projects at Seeing Ear Theater, they won't be up at
www.scifi.com/cityofdreams until around
the first week of February.
JUN.22.2000 [I]t's 13 half-hour audio episodes, first on scifi.com starting July
10th, then afterward on Dove audio. I'm writing all 13 installments of The City of Dreams,
and it's kind of a Twilight Zone approach, but made modern and given some new teeth.