There have been some miscellaneous trade paperbacks (collections of comic book issues) as well as
a graphic novel (a story accompanied by pictures) that J. Michael Straczynski has done over the years. They have
quite a wide range of content from Babylon 5 to fairy tale fantasy. In fact, these books have
become so numerous that we had to split them up into three categories:
Babylon 5, Top Cow (Joe's Comics) and
Marvel (Amazing Spider-Man). Also, be sure to check out the
Comics by JMS section for more information about many of these
NOTE: Trade paperbacks are listed by publication date from newest to
#1-12: Midnight Nation
Author: J. Michael Straczynski --
Published: Jan 2003 --
Format: TPB
Amazon.com Price:
-- This item is currently not available.
Amazon UK Price:
-- Limited availability
This edition includes reprints for all twelve issues and the special 1/2 issue in this comic
book series which also includes the covers and an afterword by J. Michael Straczynski.
I have yet to read this book...
To find out more about this comic book title, please visit the
Midnight Nation pages in the
JMS Comics section.
APR.10.2003 Midnight Nation, for instance, was one long argument with god about why
things are so screwed up. On the other, it was a love story that asked, "How much is love
really worth to you? What will you give up for the one you love?"
JAN.16.2003 Read the thing over last night, and I'm really very, very proud of it.
I've never previously read it straight through like that. One interesting thing, when I picked
up the book, I hadn't known they were goin to omit the front covers in between issues...meaning,
usually you hit the end of issue one, there's a cover/title page for issue two, so you know
there's a transition. Here, they ran it straight together, with the cover pages as a bonus at
the end.
When I saw this, my heart skipped a beat for a second, because I wasn't sure if it would play
that way, if the jump from one issue to the next without any kind of warning would look jarring
or confusing. So I went through the whole book, page by page, issue by issue, and sonuvagun, it
all lines up fine even without the transitional pages. I was actually kind of surprised,
because even though they were written as an ongoing series, they weren't *intended* to go up
against one another that tightly.
So yeah, I was there, and yeah, I am most pleased.
JAN.6.2003 I don't generally hock my stuff around here, because I think it's rude.
But in all honesty, in many respects, from a sheer writing perspective,
Midnight Nation represents some of the best stuff I've ever done in the form.
It's something that I poured a lot of emotion into, a lot of personal feelings
and history and beliefs, covering life, death, religion, god, how we achieve
meaning...all balanced against a cross-country quest by two people, one out to
reclaim his soul, the other a woman sent to help him or kill him, depending on
how the story ends up.
It is also, oddly enough, a love story.
It's one of the things I'm proudest of as a writer, and I commend it to anyone
who found the ideas in Babylon 5 of interest. And the art by Gary Frank is
just gorgeous, and evocative, and full of emotion.
There's a great Cinescape review
of the book which contains spoilers, however, so if you want to hold off on some of the
surprises, you may want to just get it cold. The key part of the review,
though, says:
"MIDNIGHT NATION offered a unique twist on some very old cosmological concepts,
and managed to make the idea that "love conquers all" the very core of its
resolution without resorting to smarmy melodrama. That's a rare accomplishment,
and all the more reason why MIDNIGHT NATION will be remembered as one of the
most absorbing and emotionally moving sagas in modern comics history."
It's a nifty little story. Honest.
DEC.21.2002 What's happened to the Midnight Nation collected version that
was due last month?
Dunno...they've been sitting on it for months. Hopefully it'll be out soon.
JUN.15.2002 Midnight Nation is probably my favorite comics work to date because
there's a lot in it that I consider personal, it's a personal kind of story in
many ways. Even I can't read the last few pages, knowing what went before,
without losing it.
There have been some inquiries about optioning MN, but I've deliberately held
off listening to anything until the story was complete. I wanted nothing to
get in the way of just telling this story. Now that it's done, I'll be happy
to listen. It was a long journey and a hard write, but I think it was, and is,
one of the more worthwhile things I'e done lately.
#0,1/2,Pre: Rising Stars: Visitations
Author: J. Michael Straczynski --
Published: Oct 2002 --
Format: TPB
Trade Paperback
Collected together for the first time, you can now get your hands on some of J. Michael
Straczynski's most sought after Rising Stars stories. Including the rare
zero issue (subtitled "Rising Stars") with an
additional 6 page story illustrated by Gary Frank about Slappy the Clown (originally included
in the zero re-print issue and subtitled
"Initiations"), the limited 1/2 issue (subtitled
"Special"), and the very FIRST Rising Stars
Preview/Prelude issue (subtitled "Visitations").
This incredible collection showcasing several unique tales of the Specials is not to be
missed! Plus, with added sketches and an all new cover by Brent Anderson, this great
collection is sure to find a home with you!
I am not sure what they mean by "added sketches" but the cover is indeed new. This is a great
way to collect all those hard to find bonus issues that further explain the story of the
Specials. It is also nice that this mini-trade collects the various cover art for each issue
as well. This trade is definitely worth picking up if you haven't been able to find any of
these issues on your own and probably for a lot cheaper as well!
To find out more about this comic book title, please visit the
Rising Stars pages in the
JMS Comics section.
#9-16: Rising Stars - Power (Act 2)
Author: J. Michael Straczynski --
Published: Apr 2002 --
Format: TPB
Trade Paperback
Amazon.com Price: $13.57
-- List Price: $19.95
-- Save: $6.38 (32%)
-- Usually ships in 24 hours
Amazon UK Price: £9.74
-- List Price: £12.99
-- Save: £3.25
-- Usually dispatched within 24 hours
In Rising Stars (Volume 2), J. Michael Straczynski continues the tale of The Specials, 113
humans born with extraordinary powers. The specials wage war, not only on each other, but
on the rest of the world as well in this epic story of the struggles of the real world
against extra-ordinary power. With an all new cover by current series artist Brent Anderson
this great collection is the perfect way to revisit your favorite Rising Stars moments or
finally piece together those missing issues.
This volume collects issues #9 to #16 and is a handy way to catch up on the Specials if
you weren't able (or willing) to get the single issues. I highly recommend this if you missed
the single issues or want to preserve them for collecting. I also find it much more enjoyable
to read the entire act without having to fiddle with bags and boards every few minutes.
To find out more about this comic book title, please visit the
Rising Stars pages in the
JMS Comics section.
Delicate Creatures
Author: J. Michael Straczynski --
Published: Jan 2002 --
Format: Hardcover TPB
Amazon.com Price: $13.22
-- List Price: $16.95
-- Save: $3.73 (22%)
-- Usually ships in 24 hours
In Delicate Creatures, Image Comics` first all-original hardcover, J. Michael Straczynski turns his gaze
towards the fairytale and leaves you wondering how much is tale and how much is truth.
Like all of Straczynski's work, he provides an intelligent examination of a cliche-ridden
genre that will rise above and challenge the best literature currently available.
I have yet to read this book...
APR.10.2003 It was written a bit differently from all the other comics scripts
I've done to date, in that it was written in straight prose, as a novel or novelette. Michael
[Zulli] then picked out the salient images from the manuscript to illustrate the book. My
initial thought was a page of text facing a page of art, and he suggested interweaving the
two. I wasn't sure about this, because I thought it would handcuff Michael's art, but in the
end I think the format works.
JAN.22.2002 I was going to post this earlier, but kept forgetting in the rush of
B5:LoTR airing. I wanted to wait until it was actually out to say anything, but yes, as of
last week, Delicate Creatures is finally out at a bookstore/comic store near you.
JAN.7.2002 I was kinda puzzled too, since Diamond had it coming out last week. I
checked with Top Cow and there was apparently a printer's mistake, so they had to go back and
re-do it. It's now back on track (and on Diamond) to come out on the 16th.
DEC.26.2001 For those who've been asking ever since the book was supposed to come
out in October...the Delicate Creatures hardcover graphic novel, my first, comes out January
4th. The darned thing was finished a month ago, so it's about time.One advisory: the initial
run is only about 16,000 copies, because this is Top Cow's first stab at a book like this, so
it may be a good idea to reserve a copy if you want to be assured of getting one.
DEC.19.2001 The Delicate Creatures hardcover graphic novel has been done for a
while now, don't know why it isn't out yet.
NOV.11.2001 It went to the printer's on Friday, so it should be out soon.
OCT.14.2001 The book is running late because of a variety of production issues
that came up in how the layout was to be handled (the script on this one was in months
APR.18.2001 Michael Zulli, well known for his work with Neil Gaiman on Sandman,
has begun working on Delicate Creatures, my graphic novel which will be coming out from
Image sometime this summer/fall.
#1-8: Rising Stars - Born in Fire (Act 1)
Author: J. Michael Straczynski --
Published: Jan 2001 --
Format: TPB
Trade Paperback
Amazon.com Price: $19.95
-- Usually ships in 24 hours
Amazon UK Price: £9.99
-- List Price: £12.99
-- Save: £3.00
-- Usually dispatched within 24 hours
This is the story of how we came to be. Of what happened to us, and those we knew,
and loved, and fought. Where it went right ... and where it went wrong. Sixty years.
One-hundred and thirteen people, born with the power. The story of the world we touched.
And all the places where the world touched us. And terror and the beauty and the death
of what happened in the spaces in-between.
It is definately worth getting if you are new to comics or don't care to have all the
individual issues laying around. This trade paperback (TPB) is a collection of the first
eight Rising Stars comics that also has an introduction by Neil Gaiman (of Sandman fame).
This series has nothing to do with the B5 universe but instead, it is more like a
traditional super hero comic series ... with a twist like only JMS can give. I am not
usually a comic book reader but I found this series most enjoyable.
To find out more about this comic book title, please visit the
Rising Stars pages in the
JMS Comics section.
12.8.2000 And for those missed the first few issues of Rising Stars and have
been wondering when the trade paperback was coming out...well, it's out. "Rising Stars:
Born in Fire" gathers the first 8 issues, plus various covers, with Neil Gaiman's