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Path Less Traveled Page 1

This is probably what many might consider an "adult" section to The Abyss. Monica's best friend, Jeffrey Tsuruoka, has given us some great book recommendations for those who dare to travel on the path less traveled. :) Jeff has been a huge influence on what she has read and we are glad to be able to share this wonderful collection of books with you.

Sorry, if there are a lot of book reviews that are missing from him, but Jeff is quite busy (work-a-holic) and doesn't have much time to update this. Check back from time to time to see if something new has been added!

NOTE: Books are listed alphabetically by author.

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Author: Nicholson Baker -- Published: 1995 -- Format: Paperback
Amazon Price: $10.36 -- List Price: $12.95 -- Save: $2.59 (20%) -- Usually ships in 24 hours
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: £5.49 -- List Price: £6.99 -- Save: £1.50 (21%) -- Usually dispatched within 24 hours
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Baker has written a novel that remaps the territory of sex--solitary and telephonic, lyrical and profane, comfortable and dangerous. Written in the form of a phone conversation between two strangers, Vox is an erotic classic that places the author in the first rank of America's major writers.

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An erotic phone sex conversation... It is a simply a dialog that was recorded over a private 900 line between a man and a woman which explores their sexual fantasies. It is not written like other books (with a plot, a point, etc.) so when I read it I wasn't sure what to think of it. It goes a bit too long for my tastes and I wished that the conversation was broken up with some "real life" experiences. But, that isn't the point of the book and in that respect, it is a good read.

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Invisible Cities
Author: Italo Calvino (translated) -- Published: 1986 -- Format: Paperback
Amazon Price: $11.20 -- List Price: $14.00 -- Save: $2.80 (20%) -- Usually ships in 24 hours
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: -- Limited availability
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Dream-like story telling at the twilight of an empire. In a garden sit the aged Kublai Khan and the young Marco Polo—Tartar emperor and Venetian traveler. Kublai Khan has sensed the end of his empire coming soon. Marco Polo diverts the emperor with tales of the cities he has seen in his travels around the empire: cities and memory, cities and desire, cities and designs, cities and the dead, cities and the sky, trading cities, hidden cities. Soon it becomes clear that each of these fantastic places is really the same place.

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The Mysteries of Pittsburgh
Author: Michael Chabon -- Published: 1989 -- Format: Paperback
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Chabon provides a brilliantly fresh first novel and national bestseller about the joys and pains of youth coming of age. "Astonishing . . . The voice of a young writer with tremendous skill as he discovers, joyously, just what his words can do." --New York Times.

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Appealing to fellow X Generation folks... I have read this book and my recollection of it was that it was very Catcher in the Rye-esque with a bit of modern spin that would appeal to many of the X generation. It is a tale of about a young man in his early 20's who comes of age and questions his sexuality, school, and life. Of course, this isn't as good as Salinger's but it is definately worth reading.

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Ehrengard & Anecdotes of Destiny
Author: Isak Dinesen -- Published: 1993 -- Format: Paperback
Amazon Price: $10.17 -- List Price: $14.95 -- Save: $4.78 (32%) -- Usually ships in 24 hours
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: -- Limited availability
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In the classic "Babette's Feast," a mysterious Frenchwoman prepares a sumptuous feast for a gathering of religious ascetics and, in doing so, introduces them to the true essence of grace. In "The Immortal Story," a miserly old tea-trader living in Canton wishes for power and finds redemption as he turns an oft-told sailors' tale into reality for a young man and woman. And in the magnificent novella Ehrengard, Dinesen tells of the powerful yet restrained rapport between a noble Wagnerian beauty and a rakish artist.

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Like Water for Chocolate
Author: Linda Esquivel (translated) -- Published: 1994 -- Format: Paperback
Amazon Price: $11.16 -- List Price: $13.95 -- Save: $2.79 (20%) -- Usually ships in 24 hours
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: £5.99 -- List Price: £7.99 -- Save: £2.00 (25%) -- Usually dispatched within 24 hours
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Earthy, magical, and utterly charming, this tale of family life in tum-of-the-century Mexico became a best-selling phenomenon with its winning blend of poignant romance and bittersweet wit.

Ms. Esquivel's wonderful first novel is part family chronicle, part bedroom farce, part romance, part morality play, and part cookbook. Her prose is lively and her imagery shimmers in a way that makes everyday events resonate with a magical electricity. While reading Like Water for Chocolate one can feel the sweat, smell the cilantro, and suddenly start to find wonders in the least wondrous places.

This book is available in a hardcover edition as well.

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The Magus
Author: John Fowles -- Published: 1985 -- Format: Paperback
Amazon Price: $7.99 -- Usually ships in 24 hours
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: -- Limited availability
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A man trapped in a millionare's deadly game of political and sexual betrayal. Filled with shocks and chilling surprises, The Magus is a masterwork of contemporary literature. In it, a young Englishman, Nicholas Urfe, accepts a teaching position on a Greek island where his friendship with the owner of the islands most magnificent estate leads him into a nightmare. As reality and fantasy are deliberately confused by staged deaths, erotic encounters, and terrifying violence, Urfe becomes a desperate man fighting for his sanity and his life. A work rich with symbols, conundrums and labrinthine twists of event, The Magus is as thought-provoking as it is entertaining, a work that ranks with the best novels of modern times.

John Fowles' The Magus is rather difficult to classify. The story is many layered and in the hands of a lesser artist would be little more than mass confusion. However, Fowles' creation is a dizzying, erotic, and tense novel that is at once a classical romance, a cloak and dagger mystery, and an international political thriller. The story centers around a man on vacation who finds himself invited to a private island to spend time with an aging eccentric and his staff. He meets a woman, who may or may not be one of a set of twins and the plot is set in motion. From that moment on no one is who they seem to be and even the day and year of the events becomes questionable as the narrator becomes entangled in a circle of play acting, sex, torture, mistaken identity, and finally embarks on a search for the truth behind it all. Fowles' prose is absolutely seductive -- you'll find yourself putting things off to read more of The Magus, and years after you've put the book back on the bookshelf you'll find images from this novel popping into your mind from time to time.

This book is available in a hardcover edition as well.

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Piano Stories
Author: Felisberto Hernandez (translated) -- Published: 1993 -- Format: Paperback
Amazon Price: -- This item is currently not available.
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: -- Limited availability
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Here, in a first English translation of his work, the improbable, the ridiculous, the non-computing all feed his little stories--admired by such more major talents as Garc novella, there are lifelike dolls, hallways full of open parasols, a woman whose "best friend" her balcony. Homely details not even close to central pull the rest of the narration toward them, come what may [...] But all the goofy knocks-akilter, inversions, doublings, and elongations aside, Hernandez's work has a preciousness and aestheticism that make it mostly a curiosity.

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