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Roleplaying Game

There is a lot of buzz going on about this latest B5 venture and most of it is extremely positive. In case you have been living under a rock lately, if you are looking for something new in the B5 Universe, this is your ticket. It doesn't even matter if you are into gaming or not as most of the game books are chuck full of interesting B5 trivia and information. The books are of the highest quality and Mongoose Publishing really took their time to produce a well thought out game and product. We are not into gaming ourselves so do let us know what you think of the books.

NOTE: Books are listed by publishing date from oldest to newest.

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Babylon 5 Roleplaying Game and Factbook
Author: Matthew Sprange -- Published: Jun 2003 -- Format: Unknown
Amazon Price: -- This item is currently not available.
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The greatest science fiction adventure ever comes to roleplaying as it has never been seen before. The Babylon 5 Roleplaying Game is the single greatest information resource available for the award-winning television series.

Players have the opportunity to play humans, Centauri, Narn, Minbari, Drazi and Brakiri characters from the main rulebook, playing through vast and wide-ranging story arcs that will seal their fate and that of the galaxy. The entire Babylon 5 space station is detailed in the main rulebook, along with the characters and personalities to be found on board.

Never before has a licensed game been approached with such attention to detail, delighting fans of the television show. Coming as a large 304 page full colour hardback book, the Babylon 5 Roleplaying Game has been designed to set new standards in both game play and presentation. Revolutionizing the d20 System, it brings unparalleled realism to the table, as well as the chance to explore the galaxy of one of the most popular science fiction television shows of all time.

Featuring the space station that changed the destiny of an entire galaxy, this all new roleplaying game allows players to take the role of characters on board the Babylon 5 station and travel to the many stars and planets seen in the award-winning television series. From lowly lurkers and smugglers through to brave Earthforce Officers and members of the Minbari warrior caste, a whole galaxy awaits to be explored!

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The Fiery Trial
Author: Bruce Graw -- Published: Jun 2003 -- Format: Paperback
Amazon Price: $24.95 -- In stock soon (Order now to reserve a copy)
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Fiery Trial is more than just a few scenario modules thrown together. It is designed to act as the centrepiece of an epic campaign—an entire story arc the Games Master can use either on its own or alongside other arcs of his own creation. Between the various modules, months may pass before the players start the next scenario. In many cases, the players may not even be aware that any given module is part of the same series, until they discover a clue that ties things together. Frequently this revelation only occurs at the end of a module, providing an excellent cap to an evening.s gaming. The payoff moment, as each player suddenly realises what they have been a part of, is one of the most rewarding facets of the Babylon 5 roleplaying game.
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S2: The Coming of Shadows
Author: Matthew Sprange & August Hahn -- Published: Aug 2003 -- Format: Paperback
Amazon Price: $24.95 -- Usually ships in 24 hours
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The Coming of Shadows is a sourcebook for the Babylon 5 roleplaying game, exploring in detail the personalities and events of 2259. Used in conjunction with Chapter 8 of the main rulebook, Signs and Portents, Games Masters can now accurately extend their campaigns and story arcs beyond 2258 to include the dramatic galaxy-shaking events detailed here.

Every episode of the second season of the Babylon 5 television show is fully covered in The Coming of Shadows, along with numerous scenario and campaign hooks that will make it easy to integrate them with ongoing story arcs already unfolding in current games. As described in Chapter 9 of the main rulebook, Campaigns on Babylon 5, players can witness or even become directly involved in these events, engaging in story arcs of their own that may put them at the centre of the galaxy alongside the heroes of the television show. This sourcebook also includes the main personalities found on board Babylon 5, updated from those that appeared in the main rulebook in 2258, as well as featuring a few new faces. New rules additions, equipment and vehicles are also featured, expanding the Babylon 5 roleplaying game no matter where or when the Games Master chooses to set his story arcs and campaigns.

The year 2258 set the scene for players new to the Babylon 5 roleplaying game. The Coming of Shadows will elevate games to new levels of passion and excitement as players begin to discover just who the real powers in the galaxy are...

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The Earth Alliance Fact Book
Author: Bruce Graw -- Published: Sep 2003 -- Format: Paperback
Amazon Price: -- This item is currently not available.
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This book will detail the Earth Alliance in its entirety. From the homeworld of Earth to the colonies of Mars, Proxima, Orion, and more, every part of the Alliance can be found in these pages. Vehicles, weapons, equipment, characters, and more are examined in complete detail. The roleplaying possibilities are endless!
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The Minbari Federation Fact Book
Author: August Hahn -- Published: Oct 2003 -- Format: Paperback
Amazon Price: $34.95 -- Usually ships in 24 hours
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What little is known to other races about the Minbari is a tantalizing assortment of minor facts that hint at something deeper but reveal very little of it. The Minbari are physically strong and quite languid in their movements. They have no hair on their heads or bodies, though facial hair sometimes occurs in older males. The back part of their skulls extends through their epidermis into a bone crest that adorns and protects the back of their heads. Patterns of color, generally a pale blue, cover the scalp and usually run from the brow all the way back to this skeletal ridge. As with human fingerprints, no two skull crests or scalp patterns are exactly alike and seem to be as identifying a mark among Minbari as their own faces.
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S3: Point of No Return
Author: August Hahn -- Published: Nov 2003 -- Format: Paperback
Amazon Price: $16.47 -- List Price: $24.95 -- Save: $8.48 (34%) -- Usually ships in 24 hours
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The Centauri Republic Fact Book
Author: August Hahn -- Published: Dec 2003 -- Format: Unknown
Amazon Price: $34.95 -- Usually ships in 24 hours
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This Babylon 5 sourcebook contains exhaustive information on the proud and arrogant race of Centauri.
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To Dream in the City of Sorrows (Reprint)
To Dream in the City of Sorrows (Reprint)
(Kathryn M. Drennan)

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