Visit the episode guide page for more information about
Man of Iron, Woman Under
Glass. |
Episode title [24 kb]
Captain Iron/John (Danylo) [52 kb]
The buses used as a home for Shelly, Mike
and Captain Iron [39 kb]
Shelly Masters (Deakins) attending
to a wounded Kurdy (Warner) [43 kb]
Shelly Masters (Deakins)
tells Jeremiah (Perry) that the story about Captian Iron (Danylo) is a long one [35 kb]
Shelly Masters (Deakins)
and her brother Captain Iron/John (Danylo) [52 kb]
Captain Iron/John (Danylo)
and Jeremiah (Perry) sharing a meal [33 kb]
Jeremiah (Perry) and Captain
Iron/John (Danylo) in the forest [38 kb]
A young John (Williamson)
in a Valhalla Sector lab experiment? [27 kb]
The biohazard symbol just outside
Meaghan's (Joachim) clean room [25 kb]
Local kids (Ortiz, Baxter,
Scantlebury) who look up to Captain Iron [32 kb]
Jeremiah (Perry) starts his tirade to
God in Captain Iron's hideout [35 kb]
Issue #8 of the comic
"Captain Iron" (Recognize the imprint?) [42 kb]