The Abyss:Jeremiah

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A Generation Lost The Future Unknown

Jeremiah is J. Michael Straczynski's newest television project that has made it to the airwaves. It premiered on Sunday March 3rd, 2002 at 8 PM ET/PT on the Showtime Channel. It had a regular time slot at 10:45 PM ET/PT on Showtime's Sci-Friday and followed the popular show, Stargate SG-1 (when it was still on Showtime). Read more information about this new series on the Show Premise page.

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Latest News UPDATED:  3.30.2003
If we find it, we will report it here so check back often or sign up for our newsletter for automated delivery of the most important news on a weekly basis.
Exclusives UPDATED:  6.15.2003
We have a few interviews with some of the cast members and soon the music director as well. Also, check out our exciting V-Con 27 Report and what fun promotions we are currently running where you can win Jeremiah stuff!
Show Premise UPDATED:  9.27.2003
A comprehensive description of the show and what it is all about. Includes quotes from J. Michael Straczynski and other people involved in the production. We now have a page dedicated to the premise of Season Two as well.
Cast List UPDATED:  3.20.2003
Who are the characters and how do they fit into Jeremiah's world? Let's find out! The main cast include: Jeremiah (Luke Perry), Kurdy (Malcolm-Jamal Warner), Mister Smith (Sean Astin), and Liberty "Libby" Kaufman (Joanne Kelly). The re-occurring cast includes: Markus Alexander (Peter Stebbings), Erin (Ingrid Kavelaars), Lee Chen (Byron Lawson), Theo (Kimberly Hawthorne), Ezekiel (Alex Zahara), and many more!
Episode Guide UPDATED:  1.22.2004
A listing of all the episodes with air dates and synopses after they air. It includes screen shots, reviews, guest stars, quotes from JMS and more. There are separate pages dediciated to each episode and also a "Theo Rating" system where you can vote how much you liked each episode. Finally, we are now collecting the schedules for as many countries that we can get our hands on. They include: USA, Canada, France, New Zeland, United Kingdom, South Africa, and Israel.
Gallery UPDATED:  12.26.2003
A collection of various photos that we have come across that we have not seen on the net anywhere else. Our collection has grown so large that we needed to build a Searchable Image Library in order to manage them easier. Also, we have some promotional trailers and sound clips of the theme music as well. Be sure to check out the goodies we have for Season One also.
Frequently Asked Questions UPDATED:  12.6.2003
We keep updating this list as the questions come pouring in. It is really developing quite nicely so remember to send us your questions or post on our forums if you don't find an answer!
Shop UPDATED:  8.23.2003
We have collected items that we think you might be interested in purchasing. We finally have news that the DVD boxed sets will be released. Also, check out the first graphic novel of the original comic which hasn't been reprinted in English in over ten years! There is also some merchandise for Luke Perry, Malcolm-Jamal Warner, Sean Astin, and other cast members as well.
Links UPDATED:  12.28.2003
A whole smörgåsbord of web sites! Includes official sites, other sites reporting Jeremiah news, archives on past news stories (and photos), interviews, lists/newsletters and other related web sites.
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Season 1 Boxed Set
Season 1 Boxed Set
(Jeremiah DVD)
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Last Modified:
Oct.30.2003 at 00:20 PST

Created: Feb.10.2002
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