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> Amrita
Goodbye Tsugumi
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This Banana book is yet another gift from my best friend Jeff.

NOTE: All quotes are copyright © 1994 by Banana Yoshimoto. English translation copyright © 1997 by Russell F. Wasden. Typos and grammatical errors copyright © 2000-2025 Monica Hübinette.

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Amrita (Paperback)
Author: Banana Yoshimoto, Russell F. Wasden -- Published: Aug 1998 -- Format: Paperback
Amazon Price: $11.20 -- List Price: $14.00 -- Save: $2.80 (20%) -- Usually ships in 24 hours
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After her beautiful younger sister commits suicide, Sakumi falls down a flight of stairs and loses her memory. Struggling to remember what she has lost, she embarks on a unique emotional journey, accompanied by her dead sister's lover and her clairvoyant brother.

This is her longest novel yet and even though it does drag in parts, I think it may have been intentional. The novel is about a young woman, Sakumi, who must deal with her sister's suicide. Sakumi falls down a flight of stairs and loses her memory. The book details her journey to rememeber who she is and those people who help her along this path. Banana probably best desribes it in her Afterword:

The theme of this book is simple. I want to express the idea that, regardless of all the amazing events that happen to each one of us, there will always be the never-ending cycle of daily life.

In her quest to describe "daily life", she gets a little carried away ... after all, whose everyday life is something you want to read about? All in all, Banana does her usual of touching on things in a different way that make you consider them in another light.

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Amrita (Hardcover)
Author: Banana Yoshimoto, Russell F. Wasden -- Published: Jun 1997 -- Format: Hardcover
Amazon Price: -- This item is currently not available.
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: -- Limited availability
Click for larger image DESCRIPTION:
After her beautiful younger sister commits suicide, Sakumi falls down a flight of stairs and loses her memory. Struggling to remember what she has lost, she embarks on a unique emotional journey, accompanied by her dead sister's lover and her clairvoyant brother.
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Goodbye Tsugumi
Goodbye Tsugumi
(Banana Yoshimoto)

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