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I do not know enough about Banana's life and so I do not feel qualified to summarize what I have discovered about her. Plus, some of the information out there is a bit confusing and contradictory. So instead, I will copy whatever information I have found so far here and let the reader decide what Banana Yoshimoto is like. There are other sites which report this information better than I so please visit my links page. If you have any additions, corrections, ideas or suggestions for this page, please let me know.

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Profile from Her Official Site
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Born July 24th, 1964 in Tokyo.Blood type: A.

Graduated from Nihon University, Division of arts, majored in literature.

With her first work, "Kitchen" she won the 6th Kaien Newcomer Writers Prize in November, 1987 and then the 16th Izumi Kyoka Literary Prize in January, 1988.

Please visit the following page for more information: Banana Yoshimoto's Official Site

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Big in Japan
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Yoshimoto Mahoko was born on July 24 1964, and is the daughter of Yoshimoto Takaaki, aka Ryumei, probably the most famous and influential Japanese philosopher and critic to emerge out of the 1960s New Left. (Ryumei's notoriety of late has mostly been due to his nearly drowning a couple of times in the last few years). In addition to having a famous father, Mahoko's sister, the cartoonist Haruno Yoiko, is also a public figure. Mahoko grew up in a leftist, liberal family with significantly more freedom than the typical Japanese teenager and, while she was still in high school, she moved in with her boyfriend. After graduating from the literature department of Nihon University's Art College, Mahoko took the deliberately androgynous pseudonym "Banana" and began to write seriously.

Please visit the following page for more information: BIG IN JAPAN Banana Yoshimoto

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Yoshimoto Banana
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Date of Birth: July, 24th 1964
Original name: Yoshimoto Maiko
Place of Birth: Tokyo
References: Fukutake shoten "Kitchen"
Reported by: Inagaki Akiko
Data verified by: Gotou Yuki
Date of Report: November 1995

Please visit the following page for more updated information: List of Famous Personages in Japan

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Rebel Writer
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Many words have been applied to Japanese novelist Banana Yoshimoto. Conventional is not one of them. For a start, there's the name. She says she chose it because it was cute. [...] The novelist is the daughter of Yoshimoto Ryumei, an intellectual who had a major impact on the radical student movement of the late 1960s. Radicalism lives on in her books, many of which have been widely translated. The English version of one of her latest, Lizard, is dedicated to the memory of the late American anti-hero rocker, Kurt Cobain. Many critics who were ecstatic about her earlier works didn't like this one. Yoshimoto isn't worried. She says she's changing themes, anyway. Now she's more interested in the occult and black humor. At the end of it all, she hopes, will be a Nobel Prize for Literature.

Please visit the following page for more information: Asia's Most Powerful Women

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Fruits of Her Labor
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In 1987, Yoshimoto Mahoko was a waitress at a golf-club restaurant, earning around $480 a month and stealing moments out of her day to write a novel at coffee-shop tables. The result was Kitchen, a 1988 phenomenon that eventually sold millions around the world. With a change of name to Banana Yoshimoto -- because it was "cute" -- a literary star was born.

Yoshimoto is the daughter of Yoshimoto Ryumei, a poet and influential commentator whose works became a bible for Japan's radical youth movement in the 1960s. Banana attended Tokyo's Nihon University, where she studied creative writing and won a faculty award for her 1987 graduation novel, Moonlight Shadow.

Please visit the following page for more information: Fruits of Her Labor

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