
I have decided to start up a new list of links since the other sites out there have seemed to
have not been keeping them updated. Unfortunately, I will only include web pages in English since
it would be hard for me to know what they contain. Please send me an
email if you see something on the net that isn't listed here and you think it should be.
Information About Banana
Information · Book Reviews ·
Banana Yoshimoto's Official Home Page
There is both a Japanese and English version with the English version with a little less
content. Her diary is most interesting since it contains photos and a glimpse into her personal
life. It is just a little strange since I have no idea who these people are in her life.
Unrecognized Banana Yoshimoto Page
A really good collection of Banana Yoshimoto links, photos, books and more! It is a really
good source of Banana information.
Chris Moxey's Bananamania
Another Bananamania site with a collection of Banana Yoshimoto links and recipes.
IMDB on Banana (Mahoko) Yoshimoto
The Internet Movie Database's page that lists Banana Yoshimoto's novels that have
been adapted to film. Pretty nifty info!
Famous Japanese
A nice little page with some basic biographical information about Banana.
Second Honeymoon
A wonderful translation of a short story by Banana Yoshimoto plus some biographical inforamtion
about her as well.
Jason's Banana Yoshimoto Page
A nice looking site and has quite a bit of information on Banana including reviews on some
of her more recent books and the movie Kitchen
Sharon's Banana Yoshimoto Page
Yet another web site with some information about this wonderful author. It contains various
cover art from her books as well as summaries of the english publications and complete Japanese
bibliography also.
Book Reviews
Information · Book Reviews ·
A Small Resurrection
A review of Banana's Asleep by Magdalena Ball on the Compulsive
Reader web site.
Brand New Era
An interesting review of Lizard by Yuji Oniki. It is not entirely flattering but I think it
is great to see other people's opinion of her writing.
Yoshimoto and Kawabata
A comparisson between these two writers and in particular the two novels, N.P. and
Sound of Mountain. It also gives a brief introduction for each of these authors.
Kitchen and N.P.
A brief description and review of these two novels.
Kitchen Review
A nice, detailed and personal evaluation of one of Banana's novels.
Kitchen Book Review
A brief review of Kitchen and Moonlight Shadow by Jason Anderson who is a correspondant for the
EYE, a Toronto weekly publication.
A brief summary and commentary on Banana's most popular novel. It was entered into NYU's
database on July 27th, 1997.
College Paper on Kitchen
A really detailed comparison between the Japanese and English versions of the book. It is
very interesting to see a perspective on the original Japanese text since I am not able to
do so myself.
Kitchen (the movie)
A review by The Flying Inkpot about the movie that was made that was based on Banana's novel.
Love and Soup
A review of the movie Kitchen by Time Magazine.
Lizard Review
A fantastic and detailed review of Banana's novel by Maureen McClarnon, a contributor for
Io magazine (a digital magazine of literary culture).
Cooking with Banana
A sarcastic and funny "review" of N.P. and Kitchen.
Information · Book Reviews ·
Christian Science Monitor
Nicole Gaouette, a staff writer for this publication, published an interview she had with
Banana on Dec. 10th, 1998. They talked about her newest book she was writting (Honeymoon)
as well as her reasons for writting, the phenomenon behind the mania, her background and more.
Yim Ho Interview
Yim Ho was the director for the movie Kitchen.