The Abyss:Bananamania

Goodbye Tsugumi
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Banana Yoshimoto Index

It all started back in early 1997, I was searching the net on an author that I had recently been introducded to and liked her instantly. I found nothing substantial -- just reviews by fellow readers and some college papers. I collected whatever was out there (which wasn't much) and made a single page from those links. Today, I have built a page for each book and stuffed as much information as I could onto other pages and carved out a whole section of my website for it all.

I copied most of the information that I found elsewhere to this site in order to reduce the problem of updating old links. I have given credit back to the source so please let me know if you prefer that I remove the information.

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Kitchen UPDATED:  7.24.2003
Banana's first (and best) novella with a bonus short story called Moonlight Shadow. Monica's review and favorite quotes included!
N.P. UPDATED:  7.24.2003
A novel about death, love, incest and the truth behind the translation of the 98th story. Monica's review and favorite quotes included!
Lizard UPDATED:  7.24.2003
A collection of six short stories that touch on time, healing, karma and fate. Monica's review and favorite quotes included!
Amrita UPDATED:  7.24.2003
A hefty novel about grief, dreams, shadows and the discovery of a soul. Monica's review included and favorite quotes coming soon!
Asleep UPDATED:  7.24.2003
Three intense and haunting novellas about women and the things they discover in their sleep.
Biography UPDATED:  7.24.2003
We have included information from a variety of sources which should hopefully tell us a bit about Banana Yoshimoto and her life.
Photo Gallery UPDATED:  7.24.2003
We collected some photos and drawings of Banana Yoshimoto and although they are quite old now, perhaps you will still enjoy them.
Discuss UPDATED:  7.24.2003
Do you want to join a discussion group to talk about Banana and other things related? We will show you places where you can do so.
Links UPDATED:  10.15.2003
We have a small collection of links which will connect you to other sites that might be of interest.
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Goodbye Tsugumi
Goodbye Tsugumi
(Banana Yoshimoto)

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Last Modified:
Aug.6.2003 at 19:00 PST

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