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VHS Season 5

Each season consists of 11 tapes which have been numbered accordingly. Most of these videos are also availble (in PAL format) from®. Warner Home Video released a much more complete collection of videos in the UK so that is why you will see some videos only available in PAL format. Also, if you are thinking of getting a lot of videos, be sure to visit the boxed sets page. I got help with product descriptions from The Lurker's Guide if there was no information on®.

NOTE: Videos are listed by episode numbers from oldest to newest. Production numbers are in parenthesis.

Tape #: 1 · 2 · 3 · 4 · 5 · 6 · 7 · 8 · 9 · 10 · 11
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#1: No Compromises / Very Long Night of Londo Mollari
Format: NTSC / PAL -- Region: N. America/Japan/Most European -- Rated: NR/PG -- Length: 89 minutes -- Released: 1998
Season 5: Episodes 1 and 2
Amazon Price: -- This item is currently not available.
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: £12.99 -- Usually dispatched within 24 hours
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"NC" (#502) Elizabeth Lochley becomes the station's new spit-and-polish C.O. Sheridan becomes President of the Interstellar Alliance.

"VLNoLM" (#503) A severe cardiac crisis plunges ascendant Centauri Emperor Mollari into an eerie dream that forces him to confront his past.

There is a boxed set (NTSC only) available that includes these episodes.

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#2: Paragon of Animals / A View from the Gallery
Format: NTSC / PAL -- Region: N. America/Japan/Most European -- Rated: NR/PG -- Length: 89 minutes -- Released: 1998
Season 5: Episodes 3 and 4
Amazon Price: -- This item is currently not available.
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: £12.99 -- Usually dispatched within 24 hours
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"PoA" (#504) The Interstellar Alliance faces its first test: several species refuse to sign the Declaration of Principles.

"AVftG" (#505) Two maintainance guys get a fly-on-the-wall eyewitnesses to high-command decisions during a massive alien attack on the station.

There is a boxed set (NTSC only) available that includes these episodes.

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#3: Learning Curve / Strange Relations
Format: NTSC / PAL -- Region: N. America/Japan/Most European -- Rated: NR/PG -- Length: 89 minutes -- Released: 1998
Season 5: Episodes 5 and 6
Amazon Price: -- This item is currently not available.
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: £12.99 -- Usually dispatched within 24 hours
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"LC" (#506) Two Minbari Rangers-in-training come to the station and learn a difficult lesson. A new underworld boss tries to take control of DownBelow.

"SR" (#507) Bester arrives to try to retrieve the refugee telepaths. Garibaldi confronts Lochley. Delenn chooses a bodyguard for Londo.

There is a boxed set (NTSC only) available that includes these episodes.

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#4: Secrets of the Soul / In the Kingdom of the Blind
Format: NTSC -- Region: N. American/Japan -- Rated: NR -- Length: 89 minutes -- Released: 1999
Season 5: Episodes 7 and 8
Amazon Price: -- This item is currently not available.
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"SotS" (#508) Dr. Franklin reveals the long-hidden genocide carried out by the secretive Hyachs. Byron comes to terms with a discovery.

"ItKotB" (#509) The telepaths turn knowledge into a dangerous thing. Londo Mollari visits Centauri Prime with G'Kar.

There is a boxed set (NTSC only) available that includes these episodes.

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#5: Tragedy of Telepaths / Day of the Dead
Format: NTSC -- Region: N. American/Japan -- Rated: NR -- Length: 89 minutes -- Released: 1999
Season 5: Episodes 9 and 10
Amazon Price: -- This item is currently not available.
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"ToT" (#510) Rebel telepaths use mindpower to resist the forces of Security Chief Zack Allan and station commander Lochley, but their resolve for nonviolence is starting to crack.

"DotD" (#511) The arrival of comedy team Rebo & Zooty reminds President Sheridan that humor is universal. Babylon dwellers are reminded of the preciousness of life when spirits of deceased friends and lovers appear during a Brakiri ritual.

Even though I do not own this particular tape, I am tempted to purchace this one since "DotD" was written by Neil Gaiman and it has such a different quality than the rest of the series. It really is a great episode!

There is a boxed set (NTSC only) available that includes these episodes. There is also a novel available based on "DotD".

Neil [Gaiman] picked the actors he wanted, and we checked on their availabilities. If they hadn't been available, we'd've gone for other characters.

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#6: Phoenix Rising / The Ragged Edge
Format: NTSC -- Region: N. American/Japan -- Rated: NR -- Length: 89 minutes -- Released: 1999
Season 5: Episodes 11 and 12
Amazon Price: -- This item is currently not available.
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"PR" (#512) Bester uses gung-ho tactics to suppress the telepath revolt. Garibaldi and Franklin are held hostage as rebel bargaining chips.

"TRE" (#513) For G'Kar is shocked when he returns from Centauri to discover that his book has been published and that enthusiastic Narn readers now hail him as a demigod.

There is a boxed set (NTSC only) available that includes these episodes. There is also a CD Soundtrack available for "TRE".

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#7: The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father / Meditations on the Abyss
Format: NTSC / PAL -- Region: N. America/Japan/Most European -- Rated: NR/PG -- Length: 89 minutes -- Released: 1999
Season 5: Episodes 13 and 14
Amazon Price: -- This item is currently not available.
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: £12.99 -- Usually dispatched within 4 to 8 days
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"TCiM,tCiF" (#514) Psi Corps chief, Bester hunts a trainee in the elite brainpower squad when he uses his powers in a murderous, mind-shattering death spree.

"MotA" (#515) Lennier's true mission: investigate suspected Centauri involvement in the mysterious raids on Alliance shipping. G'Kar tries to live up to his new-found status of religious leader.

There is a boxed set (NTSC only) available that includes these episodes.

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#8: Darkness Ascending / And All My Dreams Torn Asunder
Format: NTSC / PAL -- Region: N. America/Japan/Most European -- Rated: NR/PG -- Length: 89 minutes -- Released: 1999
Season 5: Episodes 15 and 16
Amazon Price: -- This item is currently not available.
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: £12.99 -- Usually dispatched within 4 to 8 days
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"DA" (#516) Lennier disobeys orders, pirates a vessel and speeds off on his daring undercover mission. "AAMDTA" (#517) Alliance members blockade their planets against Centauri trade and travel. Garibaldi's personal lapse botches a peace-keeping assignment.

There is a boxed set (NTSC only) available that includes these episodes. There is also a CD Soundtrack available for "DA".

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#9: Movements of Fire and Shadow / The Fall of Centauri Prime
Format: NTSC -- Region: N. American/Japan -- Rated: NR -- Length: 89 minutes -- Released: 1999
Season 5: Episodes 17 and 18
Amazon Price: -- This item is currently not available.
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"MoFaS" (#518) Sheridan finds it increasingly difficult to maintain a unified Allied front when Drazi and Narn militants defy the President. Londo watches in horror as his Regent shuts off the planetary defense systems.

"TFoCP" (#519) Londo learns of the Drakhs' influence on his homeworld's recent self-destructive policies, but it's too little, too late. Londo becomes the new Emperor.

There is a boxed set (NTSC only) available that includes these episodes.

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#10: Wheel of Fire / Objects in Motion
Format: NTSC / PAL -- Region: N. America/Japan/Most European -- Rated: NR/PG -- Length: 89 minutes -- Released: 1999
Season 5: Episodes 19 and 20
Amazon Price: -- This item is currently not available.
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: £12.99 -- Usually dispatched within 4 to 8 days
Click for larger image DESCRIPTION:
"WoF" (#520) The clamoring cult of personality surrounding G'Kar continues, prompting him to consider leaving Babylon 5. Garibaldi confronts his present problem and future hopes.

"OiM" (#521) G'Kar is leaving and his companion is fiery telepath Lyta. Garibaldi, meanwhile, departs for Mars with Lise after settling a score with the planet's leaders.

There is a boxed set (NTSC only) available that includes these episodes.

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#11: Objects at Rest / Sleeping in Light
Format: NTSC / PAL -- Region: N. America/Japan/Most European -- Rated: NR/PG -- Length: 89 minutes -- Released: 1999
Season 5: Episodes 21 and 22
Amazon Price: -- This item is currently not available.
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: -- Limited availability
Click for larger image DESCRIPTION:
"OaR" (#522) Parting is bittersweet sorrow: Sheridan and Delenn journey to Minbar, the new base of the Interstellar Alliance. But the era of peace is not without singular acts of betrayal.

"SiL" (#523) The end was prophesied, inevitable. Yet there's time enough for Sheridan to meet with friends who helped create the future...

Even though I do not own this particular tape, I am really tempted to purchace this one since these episodes memorialize the series quite nicely.

There is a boxed set (NTSC only) available that includes these episodes. There is also a CD Soundtrack available for "OaR" and "SiL".

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Tape #: 1 · 2 · 3 · 4 · 5 · 6 · 7 · 8 · 9 · 10 · 11
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Wheel of Fire - Season 5 Boxed Set
Wheel of Fire - Season 5 Boxed Set
(Babylon 5 DVD)

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