The Abyss:Babylon 5
Rising*Midnight*Spider-Man*Supreme*Babylon*In Progress
Babylon 5

Issues #1-6
Issues #7-11
Bonus Issues & TPBs
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This was one of J. Michael Straczynski's first forays into the world of comics which were written fairly early in the series (between seasons two and three). They were meant to tie in the series and the books together but without needing prior knowledge of either to enjoy the comics. In fact, it was originally intended to be a 24-issue series but only eleven got published before running into various problems (communication, drawings, creative differences, etc.) which made the series less than perfect.

Many issues are worth tracking down and I will try to indicate which comics are worthwhile. It is getting hard to find these issues so if none of the internet retailers have them, try eBay. For more information on any of these comics (and any spoilers) be sure to visit the Lurker's Guide about B5 Comics.

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Babylon 5 - Page 1 UPDATED:  7.14.2003
It is getting really hard to find these anymore since these were the first shot at writing comics that JMS had. They are really poorly drawn but some of the stories are well worth acquiring. This comprises issues #1-6.
Babylon 5 - Page 2 UPDATED:  7.14.2003
It is getting really hard to find these anymore since these were the first shot at writing comics that JMS had. They are really poorly drawn but some of the stories are well worth acquiring. This comprises issues #7-11.
Babylon 5 - Bonus Issues & Trade Paperbacks UPDATED:  7.14.2003
Before these comics were canceled (for a variety of reasons), they released a special three issue spin-off called In Valen's Name. There are also some trade paperbacks which collect these early B5 comics. Even these trade paperbacks are getting hard to find so pick them up while you still can.

JMS Speaks about Babylon 5
Although I own something like 3-4,000 comics, I've never defined myself as a *collector*...I've always been just a comics *fan*. And as such, I really want this to be a book I'd like to pick up as a reader. And I think this has a very good chance of being just such a book.
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Amazing Spider-Man TPB
Amazing Spider-Man TPB
(Unintended Consequences (Vol. 5))
Additional Info

Individual issues of the comics cannot be purchased through the normal book retailers like®. Instead, you can order the individual comics from our recommended and reliable internet retailers.

Also, many thanks goes to JMS Comics for being a great resource! (Note: They are getting a bit outdated)

Finally, a lot of work has gone into the B5 Spoiler Junkies site. It is an informative site but be warned ... it contains LOTS of spoilers!


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Jul.14.2003 at 02:31 PST

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