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Issues #7-11

This was one of J. Michael Straczynski's first forays into the world of comics which were written fairly early in the series (between seasons two and three). They were meant to tie in the series and the books together but without needing prior knowledge of either to enjoy the comics. In fact, it was originally intended to be a 24-issue series but only eleven got published before running into various problems (communication, drawings, creative differences, etc.) which made the series less than perfect.

Many issues are worth tracking down and I will try to indicate which comics are worthwhile. It is getting hard to find these issues so if none of the internet retailers have them, try eBay. For more information on any of these comics (and any spoilers) be sure to visit the Lurker's Guide about B5 Comics.

NOTE: Comics are listed by issue number from oldest to newest.

Issue: 7 · 8 · 9 · 10 · 11
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#7: Survival the Hard Way
Author: DeHaas, Straczynski -- Published: Aug 1995 -- Format: Single Comic
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Lost, on the run and stranded on a Centauri outpost, Keffer and Garibaldi are overtaken by strange aliens with the power to control minds.

The comics version shows creatures that are not the shadows themselves but some of the many creatures who serve them.

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   Comic Central 'Nuff Said Comics Mile High Comics
#8: Silent Enemies
Author: DeHaas, Straczynski -- Published: Sep 1995 -- Format: Single Comic
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Keffer and Garibaldi escape Centauri clutches in a struggle that parallels Garibaldi's first adventure with Jeffrey Sinclair - concluding the story of their meeting, what they discovered... and what it may mean for Babylon 5's future.

Did you tell the artist what the organism under the dome should look like?

I didn't get too much into that one shot in the comic; it seemed reasonable under the circumstances. The one panel where I *did* get screwed was saying, "Hey, look, this here episode's going to air just before the book comes out, so why don't we REALLY tie the book and the show together by inserting this one panel I came up with here...." Sometimes I outsmart myself.....

I think that non-memory of the event is a good assumption.

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#9: Duet for Human and Narn in C Sharp
Author: Gerrold -- Published: Oct 1995 -- Format: Single Comic
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Ambassador G'Kar is desperate to get off Babylon 5, and in his rush to leave, ends up kidnapping Garibaldi. Now Sheridan and a strange Narn must begin a frantic search to find the two before tragedy strikes.
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   Comic Central 'Nuff Said Comics Mile High Comics
#10: Coda for Human and Narn in B Flat
Author: Gerrold -- Published: Nov 1995 -- Format: Single Comic
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While G'Kar and Garibaldi are trapped in the core of Babylon 5, Captain Sheridan races to save them and stop a Narn assassination at the same time.

I wasn't terribly pleased with the artwork on 9 and 10, I thought it could've been much better. As for the story, David Gerrold had proposed (and written) that as an outline for an episode; I said I didn't think it worked for our show. Which opened the door for DC to pick it up, and since he felt so strongly that it *did* work, I figured I'd let him proceed.

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   Comic Central 'Nuff Said Comics Mile High Comics
#11: The Psi Corp and YOU
Author: DeHaas -- Published: Dec 1995 -- Format: Single Comic
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Earth's most secret agency is explained, examined, and demystified for the average Babylon 5 resident.

There's nothing that I'm aware of in comic #11 that would place it after "Confessions." It's a general pamphlet prepared by Psi Corps some time before.

[...] you actually believe *anything* in a PsiCorps propaganda booklet? Only about 10% of what's recorded in that booklet is true, and even that's distorted. The character in the booklet is totally fictional.

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   Comic Central 'Nuff Said Comics Mile High Comics
Issue: 7 · 8 · 9 · 10 · 11
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Amazing Spider-Man TPB
Amazing Spider-Man TPB
(Unintended Consequences (Vol. 5))
Additional Info

Individual issues of the comics cannot be purchased through the normal book retailers like®. Instead, you can order the individual comics from our recommended and reliable internet retailers.

Also, many thanks goes to JMS Comics for being a great resource! (Note: They are getting a bit outdated)

Finally, a lot of work has gone into the B5 Spoiler Junkies site. It is an informative site but be warned ... it contains LOTS of spoilers!


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