The Abyss:Rising Stars
Rising*Midnight*Spider-Man*Supreme*Babylon*In Progress
Rising Stars

Act 1 (Issues #1-8)
Act 2 (Issues #9-16)
Act 3 (Issues #17-24)
Trade Paperbacks
Bonus Issues
Spin-Off Series
Born In Fire Movie
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[Rising Stars] follows the events after the small town of Pederson, Illinois, is struck by a mass of energy from an unknown, but non-terrestrial source. Everyone who was in utero at the time of the flash is affected, resulting in 113 individuals who develop abilities of a most unusual and highly individual form. (The power is to some degree shaped by who they are, just as they are shaped to some degree by the power.)

To read more about why this comic series remains unfinished, please visit our JMS Comics forum or read JMS' comments on our Rising Stars Act 3 page.

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Rising Stars - Act 1 UPDATED:  7.13.2003
Act 1, Born In Fire, comprises issues #1-8 and covers the events of how 113 children were endowed with extraordinary super-powers. There is also a trade paperback that collects all eight issues.
Rising Stars - Act 2 UPDATED:  7.13.2003
Act 2, Power, comprises issues #9-16 and covers the events starting ten years after Act 1 where the Specials are beginning to fight back against oppression by the government. There is a trade paperback that collects these eight issues.
Rising Stars - Act 3 UPDATED:  11.30.2003
Act 3 has yet to be named and it comprises issues #17-24. It comprises the events about a dozen years after Act 2 and will take us through the aging Specials and their eventual death. There will most likely be a trade paperback that will collect these eight issues once this series has been completed.
Rising Stars - Trade Paperbacks UPDATED:  7.13.2003
It was getting too cumbersome to have all the trade paperbacks and novelizations mingled in with the single stand alone bonus issues on one page so we have split them up. There are paperback novelizations of Act 1 and Act 2 as well as trade paperbacks of Act 1, Act 2. Finally, they released a collected edition of the bonus issues called Visitations.
Rising Stars - Bonus Issues UPDATED:  7.13.2003
There were some bonus Rising Stars issues that don't quite fit in with the traditional issues that are listed in each Act. They published a Prelude/Preview, #0, #1/2, #1 Black and White and #1 Sketch Covers issues.
Rising Stars - Spin-Offs UPDATED:  11.30.2003
There are now two spin-off series in the works because Rising Stars has proven to be very popular. The first one is called Rising Stars: Bright and was written by Fiona Avery. The second one will also be penned by Avery and will be called Rising Stars: Untouchable. It will feature Laurel Darkhaven and is due out around August 2003.
Rising Stars - Movie UPDATED:  11.30.2003
J. Michael Straczynski wrote a script for MGM and Atlas Entertainment which will hopefully become a major motion picture adaptation of his popular comic book series. We don't have anything on this page except for comments from JMS about the progress of this project.
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Midnight Nation TPB
Midnight Nation TPB
(JMS Comic)
Additional Info

Individual issues of the comics cannot be purchased through the normal book retailers like®. Instead, you can order the individual comics from our recommended and reliable internet retailers.

Also, many thanks goes to JMS Comics for being a great resource! (Note: They are getting a bit outdated)

Finally, a lot of work has gone into the B5 Spoiler Junkies site. It is an informative site but be warned ... it contains LOTS of spoilers!


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