
This was one of J. Michael Straczynski's first forays into the world of comics which were written fairly early
in the series (between seasons two and three). They were meant to tie in the series
and the books together but without needing prior knowledge of either to enjoy the comics. In
fact, it was originally intended to be a 24-issue series but only eleven got published before
running into various problems (communication, drawings, creative differences, etc.) which made
the series less than perfect.
Many issues are worth tracking down and I will try to indicate which comics are worthwhile. It is
getting hard to find these issues so if none of the internet retailers have them, try
eBay. For more information on any of
these comics (and any spoilers) be sure to visit the Lurker's Guide about B5 Comics.
Another B5 comic was serialized in the official Babylon 5 magazine in the UK. These comics
were then collected and published as the In Valen's Name mini-series in
the US which are listed below. Also, the trade paperbacks for the B5 comics are also listed
here as well as a Star Trek comic that JMS penned.
NOTE: Comics are listed by issue number from oldest to
newest. NOTE: TPBs are listed by publication date from newest to oldest.
#1: In Valen's Name
Author: J. Michael Straczynski --
Published: Jan 1998 --
Format: Single Comic
The return of Babylon 4 leads the crew to a dangerous encounter and Delenn to revelations
about the life of Valen.
FEB.20.1997 There's going to be a new 3-part story arc for the comics. It'll first
appear in the UK, serialized in the B5 magazine (which will be regularly published over there
shortly, to coincide with new episodes), then it will be gathered together and published in
the US by DC Comics. The books are being written/assembled in-house, to avoid conflicts with
I've written the first issue, which brings the Valen story into the foreground, and the
second two parts are being written by Peter David.
#2: In Valen's Name
Author: Peter David --
Published: Feb 1998 --
Format: Single Comic
The return of Babylon 4 leads the crew to a dangerous encounter and Delenn to revelations
about the life of Valen.
#3: In Valen's Name
Author: Peter David --
Published: Mar 1998 --
Format: Single Comic
The return of Babylon 4 leads the crew to a dangerous encounter and Delenn to revelations
about the life of Valen.
#1-4,11: The Price of Peace (Babylon 5)
Author: J. Michael Straczynski --
Published: Nov 1998 --
Format: TPB
Amazon.com Price:
-- This item is currently not available.
Introduction by series creator J. Michael Straczynski. An inexpensive trade paperback collecting stories
selected from the 1994-95 ongoing DC comic-book series based upon the cutting-edge Warner
Bros. science-fiction TV show! THE PRICE OF PEACE reprints BABYLON 5 #1-4 featuring the
story of how Commander Jeffrey Sinclair came to be assigned as Earth's ambassador to
Minbar; and BABYLON 5 #11, a special issue devoted to the professional telepaths called
the Psi Corps.
It provides important background about Sinclair that complements
"To Dream in the City of Sorrows". The drawings are
not all that great so if you can get past that and enjoy the story, it is well worth the
purchase if you can find it.
This edition was only made available in the USA by DC Comics. There is another edition that
was published in the UK but it is missing issue #11.
There is another page that collects all the JMS trade
paperbacks in the J. Michael Straczynski section.
10.3.1994 The B5 comic, novels and series are meant to be compartmentalized
and independent, but complementary; if you never read the comic or the novel, you'll
never have a problem with the series; but as with the show, the more you see, the more
you'll get stuff coming down the road.
#1-4: Babylon 5 (Babylon 5)
Author: J. Michael Straczynski --
Published: Aug 1995 --
Format: TPB
Amazon UK Price:
-- Limited availability
Based on the TV science fiction series, this saga follows the exploits of humans and aliens
who live on a space station. Station commander Jeffrey Sinclair is recalled to Earth, where
he hears news which will alter his life. Then the Babylon 5 crew try to track down a mysterious
It provides important background about Sinclair that complements
"To Dream in the City of Sorrows". The drawings are
not all that great so if you can get past that and enjoy the story, it is well worth the
purchase if you can find it. Since "Price of Peace" is getting harder to find and this book
is practically identical (misisng issue #11), it might be a good idea to pick this one up
This edition was only made available in the UK by Titan Books. This contains the same content
as "Price of Peace" but it is missing issue #11.
There is another page that collects all the JMS trade
paperbacks in the J. Michael Straczynski section.
10.3.1994 The B5 comic, novels and series are meant to be compartmentalized
and independent, but complementary; if you never read the comic or the novel, you'll
never have a problem with the series; but as with the show, the more you see, the more
you'll get stuff coming down the road.
#1-3: In Valen's Name (Babylon 5)
Author: Straczynski, David, Collins --
Published: Dec 1998 --
Format: TPB
Amazon.com Price:
-- This item is currently not available.
Amazon UK Price:
-- Limited availability
With Babylon 4 trapped in a decaying orbit around a distant planet, time is running out
for the investigating crew of Babylon 5. This, the third of the "Babylon 5" graphic novels,
ties into the TV series, spinning off from two of the most popular stories,
"Babylon Squared" and
"War Without End".
MONICA'S REVIEW: I own the individual comics but have not read them yet. It
sounds like this is the trade paperback that collects this 3-issue mini-series. Apparantly
this is a entirely separate story than the original "Babylon 5" comics (issues #1-11).
In fact, from what I can find about them sounds pretty promising. Be sure to pick it up
while you still can!
This edition was only made available in the UK by Titan Books. As far as I know, these comics
are only available in the USA as single editions. This story first appeared in the official
B5 magazine in the UK.
There is another page that collects all the JMS trade
paperbacks in the J. Michael Straczynski section.
#5-8: Shadows Past and Present (Babylon 5)
Author: Straczynski, DeHaas, Ridgway --
Published: Oct 1996 --
Format: TPB
Amazon UK Price:
-- Limited availability
Station security chief Garibaldi embarks on a dangerous mission, accompanied by colleague
Warren Keffer. Attacked by an alien craft of unknown origin, they find themselves running
for their lives, haunted by a mystery that stretches back to Mars.
I own the individual comics but have yet to read them. However, from what I understand, it
reprints issues #5-8 of the Babylon 5 comics. Apparently, this story takes place before
"The Coming of the Shadows". It doesn't look like any
more trade paperbacks were published in the USA (besides "Price of
Peace") and the single issue comics are getting harder and harder to find. Pick it up
while you still can!
This is the edition that was published in the UK by Titan Books. As far as I know, these
comics are only available in the USA as single editions.
There is another page that collects all the JMS trade
paperbacks in the J. Michael Straczynski section.
#16: Worldsinger (Star Trek - Second Series)
Author: J. Michael Straczynski --
Published: Feb 1991 --
Format: Single Comic
On a dying planet, the Enterprise finds an empath who hears the song of the dying world and
plans to die with it. Kirk convinces the worldsinger that there are many other worldsongs
still to hear.
I have never read this comic and have only heard about it in some discussions recently. Hard
to believe that JMS actually wrote for a Star Trek comic book title, huh? ;) This is one of
the first comic books that he wrote.
OCT.19.2002 Titans for DC was the first, then an issue of the Twilight Zone comic
for NOW, a story for the Ghostbusters comic also from NOW, then an issue of the Star Trek
comic for DC, then a number of the B5 issues for DC, then Rising Stars, Midnight Nation,
Delicate Creatures, and now Spider-Man.
FEB.4.1998 I was always a fan of the original Trek, and really felt I had a
handle on those characters; always wanted to write for them. So I managed to talk my way
into the gig. It's a favorite of mine, one of the better comics I did.
NOV.8.1993 I've always liked the original Trek series, and always will. Even
wrote an issue of the ST comic, "Worldsinger," for DC.