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There was a lot of great music that was made for the TV series, Babylon 5 and we are fortunate enough to have most of it available on CD. I had to break down the list of music into five pages. This page has the music from a few compilation CDs, music from the B5 TV movies plus, a soundtrack from the spin-off series, Crusade. Most of the CD descriptions came from The Lurker's Guide.

NOTE: The CDs are listed by episode number from oldest to newest.

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Compilation: Babylon 5
Artist: Christopher Franke -- Published: Nov 1997 -- Format: CD
Amazon Price: $29.98 -- Usually ships in 24 hours
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The music on this album was composed before the actual series came out, so it is more freeform and flowing. It has music from the episodes "Chrysalis", "Mind War", "Parliament of Dreams" and "Geometry of Shadows".
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Compilation: Messages From Earth
Artist: Christopher Franke -- Published: Nov 1997 -- Format: CD
Amazon Price: $19.99 -- Usually ships in 24 hours
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This CD has the theme music from the first four seasons plus music from some pivotal episodes like "Messages From Earth", "Z'ha'dum", "Severed Dreams" and "Voices of Authority".
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Compilation: The Best of Babylon 5
Artist: Christopher Franke -- Published: Sep 2001 -- Format: CD
Amazon Price: -- This item is currently not available.
This CD has the theme music from seasons 2-5 plus music from some pivotal episodes like "Geometry of Shadows", "Severed Dreams", "Shadow Dancing", "A Late Delivery from Avalon", "Z'Ha'Dum", "Walkabout", and "Sleeping in Light". There is even a bonus track which is the theme music from "Tenchi in Love".
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Compilation: Crusade
Author: Evan Chen -- Published: Jun 2000 -- Format: CD
Amazon Price: -- This item is currently not available.
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This spinoff series deals with the exploits of a new proto-type Earth Alliance ship, the Excalibur, and its search for the cure to a plague that threatens humanity.

There is an episode guide for Crusade available and it is on VHS as well.

ON FEB.21.2001
We always kept a very dynamic sound mix. My goal: to blow up your subwoofer.

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Soundtrack: In The Beginning
Artist: Christopher Franke -- Published: Aug 1998 -- Format: CD
Amazon Price: -- This item is currently not available.
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: -- Limited availability
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The soundtrack for prequel to the series. Covers the Earth-Minbari War in more detail, including Delenn's involvement and the death of Dukhat.

There is an novel, a DVD and VHS video available for this movie.

My logic on ItB was basically this: you can't keep the basic info on the series a secret forever. Some things enter the common base of knowledge. So you may as well play into that by showing what folks will pretty much know about over time anyway, and make the suspense one of, "When are the *characters* going to find out about this stuff?"

ItB contains surprises and turnarounds for many of the series veteran fans, and it does a great job of laying the foundation for the first two seasons for the newbies. It's a most elegant dance...and I'm actually kinda proud of it.

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Soundtrack: Thirdspace
Artist: Christopher Franke -- Published: Jan 1999 -- Format: CD
Amazon Price: $24.98 -- Usually ships in 24 hours
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: -- Limited availability
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The soundtrack for the TV movie by the same name. The crew discovers a mysterious, ancient artifact in hyperspace.

There is a novel and a VHS video available (in PAL format only) for this movie.

Anybody can follow this movie and enjoy it; whether you've seen the show before or not.

Thirdspace is set in the 4th season, about one-third in.

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Soundtrack: River Of Souls
Artist: Christopher Franke -- Published: May 1999 -- Format: CD
Amazon Price: $19.99 -- Usually ships in 24 hours
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: -- Limited availability
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The soundtrack for the TV movie by the same name. A group of Soul Hunters come to the station demanding the return of something that was stolen from them.

There is a VHS video available (in PAL format only) for this movie.

You managed to get Martin Sheen for the River of Souls telemovie. I'm wondering how this came about.. Did you send Sheen a script on the off-chance that he'd sign on? or did he come to you? How much did he know of what he was getting into?

We heard he was available, and was a nominal fan of SF, and sent him the script. He enjoyed the script, particularly liking what it said about the soul (he's a strong and vocal catholic), and I think he saw in it something he wanted to be associated with.

We'd initially approached him about playing the scientist, but when he got the script he much preferred the soul hunter material, and went for that, even though it would mean considerable prosthetics work.

We pulled the book. For a variety of reasons, it wasn't where we wanted it to be, and the quality we needed it to be, so it was dropped. We hope we can try and do something else with the novelist at some point in the future.

[River of Souls] takes place six months into 2263.

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Z'Ha'Dum CD
Z'Ha'Dum CD
(Christopher Franke)

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