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> Issues #1-6
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Issues #1-6

This was one of J. Michael Straczynski's first forays into the world of comics which were written fairly early in the series (between seasons two and three). They were meant to tie in the series and the books together but without needing prior knowledge of either to enjoy the comics. In fact, it was originally intended to be a 24-issue series but only eleven got published before running into various problems (communication, drawings, creative differences, etc.) which made the series less than perfect.

Many issues are worth tracking down and I will try to indicate which comics are worthwhile. It is getting hard to find these issues so if none of the internet retailers have them, try eBay. For more information on any of these comics (and any spoilers) be sure to visit the Lurker's Guide about B5 Comics.

NOTE: Comics are listed by issue number from oldest to newest.

Issue: 1 · 2 · 3 · 4 · 5 · 6
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#1: In Darkness Find Me
Author: J. Michael Straczynski -- Published: Jan 1995 -- Format: Single Comic
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Commander Sinclair is recalled to Earth and discovers a long-kept secret that leads to a new assignment.

About the new paper and price...I did the first issue, and while the pencils were quite good, and the inks okay, when they put the coloring in the paper just absorbed the hell out of it and it looked like crap, from my POV. [...] Parts were nice, but other parts...yikes.

It's not supposed to be a blasted landscape around Geneva, and didn't look like that in the pencils.

By the "flip side" of stories I was referring to the other side of events. I.e., in episode one, Sinclair is reassigned, but we hear about this mainly when he's away. In the comic, we'll see where he is, and see his reaction to what's going on. In B-squared, we saw the present events in the vanishment of B4; in a future episode, we'll actually see our characters make the decision to go back in time and yank B4 forward, what went wrong, and so on.

The first issue of the B5 comic, which I've written, is entitled "In Darkness Find Me," which is the flip-side of incidents that take place in the first episode of year one. And there's a smidge of information contained in the book that's *not* in the episode. I think the script came out pretty well. I've also written brief outlines for two subsequent four-issue cycles, which are now being assigned to other writers for expansion into full outlines and scripts.

I'll probably be writing the first issue, which will tie into the first episode of Year Two of B5. What's neat is that in the premiere of season two, you'll see a story that references something that happens somewhere else. The comic will *show* that something else. You can watch and enjoy the show just fine without it, but reading the book will show you, for lack of a better term, the other side of the story.

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#2: Treason
Author: Moretti, Straczynski -- Published: Feb 1995 -- Format: Single Comic
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Ambassador Sinclair arrives on Minbar, just in time to see a new Minbari leader sworn in... and a conspiracy plot unfold.

Sinclair is also a strong character throughout issues 2-5 of the B5 comic.

The artists will change with each 4-issue cycle; initially, they're using Michael Netzer and Rob Leigh. The first issue is a JMS script; 2-4 is a JMS premise translated into script by Mark Moretti.

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#3: In Harm's Way
Author: Moretti, Straczynski -- Published: Mar 1995 -- Format: Single Comic
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As Sinclair's trial begins, Sheridan and his crew race to unravel the mystery of the Chiyoda-Ku.
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#4: Price of Peace
Author: Moretti, Straczynski -- Published: Apr 1995 -- Format: Single Comic
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Colby makes a last desperate break for freedom, as Sinclair's problems reach a climactic finish on Minbar.
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#5: With Friends Like These
Author: DeHaas, Straczynski -- Published: Jun 1995 -- Format: Single Comic
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Security Chief Garibaldi and hotshot pilot Warren Keffer plunge into deep space, following a cryptic clue that may explain why an alien outpost was wiped out. Ambushed and forced to crash land on a remote planet, Garibaldi recalls his first meeting with Babylon 5's former commander, Jeffrey Sinclair.

This issue marks the beginning of the "Shadows Past and Present" storyline.

I have to say I'm very pleased with issue #5. It came out very well, and nicely captures both the look, feel and dialogue of the show. There were some bumps along the way in issues 2-4, so I didn't say much, but THIS one I can highly recommend.

I felt, strongly, that we needed a better quality of paper, otherwise a lot of the good work that was being done was going to be lost. It would cost more, but finally DC [...] decided to go with the better quality paper. The main question was whether or not there was enough of a reader base to warrant it; there was, and they did. I've overall been quite happy with how the book is being handled.

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#6: Against the Odds
Author: DeHaas, Stracznski -- Published: Jul 1995 -- Format: Single Comic
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Garibaldi experiences an alien encounter chillingly similar to what he went through years ago on Mars, when he first met former Babylon 5 commander Jeffrey Sinclair.

Issues 6-9 of the B5 comic from DC will focus on how Sinclair and Garibaldi met and formed their friendship. (This is based on a premise from me, so it's canon.)

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Issue: 1 · 2 · 3 · 4 · 5 · 6
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Wheel of Fire - Season 5 Boxed Set
Wheel of Fire - Season 5 Boxed Set
(Babylon 5 DVD)
Additional Info

Individual issues of the comics cannot be purchased through the normal book retailers like®. Instead, you can order the individual comics from our recommended and reliable internet retailers.

Also, many thanks goes to JMS Comics for being a great resource! (Note: They are getting a bit outdated)

Finally, a lot of work has gone into the B5 Spoiler Junkies site. It is an informative site but be warned ... it contains LOTS of spoilers!


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