The Abyss:Toad the Wet Sprocket

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Toad Links

The following is a list of Toad pages/sites that I have found or have been recommended to me over the years. Please feel free to email me if you have a Toad page/site that you think I should mention here.

NOTE: Last updated July 1, 2003

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Industry Links

This is 1/2 of the former band known as Toad the Wet Sprocket. Todd Nichols, Randy Guss, Eric Holden and Johnny Hawthorn make up this new band so check out the latest on what they are doing and download their newest songs.

Glen Phillips
This is where you can find out the latest on what the former lead singer of TTWS is up to. Check out the new song clips and buy his new album!

The House of Toad
Toad reunited briefly in 2003 so they resurrected this site. You can still buy t-shirts and CDs from this site but there is not much other information there since the reunion didn't last.

Rock on the Net: Toad
This site had a nice little timeline with milestones of their music and successes. It also has a bit of a discography and some links. Pretty fun stuff!

Leo's Lyrics: Toad
If you are looking for lyrics to any Toad song, this is the site to visit!

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Fan Links

Toad the WWWet Sprocket
This is one of the oldest pages around. On it you can find out how to sign up for the TTWS Internet Mailing List, lyrics and other Toad news

Monica's Toad Stuff
A place where you can find out lots of info on TTWS. There are pics, CD, webring and more!

Toad Online
This is *Bree* Culnan's website that is entirely devoted to Toad. It is jam packed with tour info, faq, toad chat, photos and other detailed info. Definately well worth a visit! Hope she has time to bring it back online soon...

Toad Fans
A great resource for Toad fans everywhere!

The Toadpage
This is Graham D. Mills' website on Toad. It has a really good selection of Toad information for those who want "content before form". In other words, this site is highly content driven and not image and pretty format driven. It is quite refreshing!

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P.S. (A Toad Retrospective)
P.S. (A Toad Retrospective)
(Toad the Wet Sprocket CD)

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