The Abyss:Toad the Wet Sprocket

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Toad Donations

As you may have guessed, I earn a small fee when people buy one of the items here at The Abyss through®. Sure, I could use any and all money that comes through here, but there will be other items to earn money on. Besides, it just doesn't seem right to have a Toad page without feeling guilty about keeping all the money I earn from it. I have Toad to thank for that feeling because throughout their career, they have donated their time and money to some very good causes. That is how strong of an influence Toad has had on my life.

NOTE: I will only donate money from the Toad the Wet Sprocket pages and does not include any other sections of The Abyss.

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Earnings as of July 1, 2003
Since it has taken me three years to collect enough money, I have decided to make it a full 100% (instead of 50%) of the money earned will be donated. Also, TOAD has broken up since then but I will still make it in their name. The cause I have selected is RAINN as that a cause they promoted when they still played together. What is also appealing is that they have an online donation which makes it really easy to make a donation. Also, the company I work for has a program where they match chartiable donations so my donation will be doubled!

. I am sure there are a few other Toad Worthy causes and I am open to suggestions.

1998 $2.23
1999 $10.77
2000 $10.93
2001 $4.93
2002 $18.35
2003 $5.00

Total Earnings $52.21

Nov-2001 RAINN Donation $25.00
July-2003 RAINN Donation $25.00
July-2003 Company Matching Donation $25.00
Total RAINN Donation $75.00

Remaining Earnings $2.21

If there is any other ideas or questions you might have, please do not hesitate to email me. Happy Toading! :)

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Jul.1.2003 at 18:15 PST

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