The Abyss:Toad the Wet Sprocket

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Toad Albums
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Help Expand My Collection

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I am trying to gather my own collection of Toad songs so I can make my own personal music CDs. Either there is an album out there that I am not willing to shell out the $15 or so just for the one song that I want, or the album is just a bit too hard to get a hold of. Here is my current list of Toad songs that I own is on my web page too if you are interested.

If you have anyone of these items that I have listed below or have a suggestion if there is something missing that you think I should have, email me. We can work out the details if you have something that you are willing to share with me. Some options include:

  • Sending me a good quality copy of the full song. I can accept either .mp3 files or I can try to attempt high quality tape recordings too. Please email me before actually sending the file!!!!
  • Letting me borrow your CD for a few days while I make a copy of it. Of course, I would return it! There are also a few options that I would be willing to do to help make this a fair deal:
    • I would pay for mailing the item to me and back and I would even be willing to send packing materials if necessary.
    • I would burn a music cd for your own enjoyment and depending on the difficulty, I could even let you choose the songs.
I will thank you by mentioning your help and adding a link back to you on the Toad pages wherever applicable. These are only a few ideas and I am willing to do whatever I can to make sure everything works out.

Cinnamon Girl (live version) Columbia Indestructible (sampler)
Don't Go Away (live) Something's Always Wrong (Austrian Import CD Single)
Woodburning (live) Come Down (Australian Import CD Single)
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Live at Largo
Live at Largo
(Glen Phillips CD)

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