
I am trying to gather my own collection of Toad songs so I can make my own personal music CDs.
Either there is an album out there that I am not willing to shell out the $15 or so just for the
one song that I want, or the album is just a bit too hard to get a hold of. Here is my current
list of Toad songs that I own is on my
web page too if you are interested.
If you have anyone of these items that I have listed below or have a suggestion if there is
something missing that you think I should have, email me. We can work
out the details if you have something that you are willing to share with me. Some options include:
- Sending me a good quality copy of the full song. I can accept either
.mp3 files or I can try to attempt high quality tape recordings too.
Please email me before actually sending the file!!!!
- Letting me borrow your CD for a few days while I make a copy of it.
Of course, I would return it! There are also a few options that I
would be willing to do to help make this a fair deal:
- I would pay for mailing the item to me and back and I would even
be willing to send packing materials if necessary.
- I would burn a music cd for your own enjoyment and depending on
the difficulty, I could even let you choose the songs.
I will thank you by mentioning your help and adding a link back to you on the Toad pages wherever
applicable. These are only a few ideas and I am willing to do whatever I can to make sure
everything works out.
Cinnamon Girl (live version) |
Columbia Indestructible (sampler) |
Don't Go Away (live) |
Something's Always Wrong (Austrian Import CD Single) |
Woodburning (live) |
Come Down (Australian Import CD Single) |