
[Rising Stars] follows the events
after the small town of Pederson, Illinois, is struck by a mass of energy from an unknown, but
non-terrestrial source. Everyone who was in utero at the time of the flash is affected,
resulting in 113 individuals who develop abilities of a most unusual and highly individual
form. (The power is to some degree shaped by who they are, just as they are shaped to some
degree by the power.)
To read more about why this comic series remains unfinished, please visit our
JMS Comics forum or read
JMS' comments on our Rising Stars Act
3 page.
NOTE: Comics are listed by issue number from oldest to
#17: Time Passes
Author: J. Michael Straczynski --
Published: Jan 2002 --
Format: Single Comic
The final act begins in the story of the Specials. This issue marks the start of the arc
that will follow the remaining Specials through their later adulthood and eventual deaths.
We jump forward another dozen years, and see the effects that the Specials have had in
their campaign to change the world, whether the world wants to be changed or not. But now
the world has the tools to begin fighting back....
The beginning of the third act takes on a somber note. I wonder how the decisions the
Specials made about changing the world for the "better" will turn out. I think the world
will have to deal with the consequences of their actions ... for better or worse. I cannot
wait to see what JMS has in store for us.
#18: Fire and Ash
Author: J. Michael Straczynski --
Published: Apr 2002 --
Format: Single Comic
None at this time...
I have yet to read this comic...
#19: Terminal Error
Author: J. Michael Straczynski --
Published: Sep 2002 --
Format: Single Comic
The government has come up with a weapon to stop the Specials in their tracks. How can they
continue their mission to change the world when they are no longer invulnerable?
I have yet to read this comic...
#20: Blood Calls Out for Blood
Author: J. Michael Straczynski --
Published: Oct 2002 --
Format: Single Comic
J. Michael Straczynski's epic story of the Specials continues. They've tried to change to
world for the better...but people don't like to be told what's good for them. How can a few
extraordinary individuals stand against the very ordinary masses?
I have yet to read this comic...
OCT.31.2002 I loved the ending of the last issue #20. "That man is a liar,
and I can prove it!" WOW! What a kick!
Thanks, it's a good one. The color jpgs are just coming in for approval (I
think it was almost 3-4 months ago that I turned in the script), and that
usually means that it should be coming out in the next couple/three weeks.
#21: Conversations on the Hill of Dreams
Author: J. Michael Straczynski --
Published: Jan 2003 --
Format: Single Comic
The government has developed a weapon capable of destroying the Specials, causing them to go
into hiding. Will the government be able to systematically hunt them down and destroy them as
it did to Pyre? And with the Specials hidden, what will happen to the order they put in place?
Find out as J. Michael Straczynski's epic masterpiece heads toward its climatic conclusion!
I have yet to read this comic...
DEC.15.2002 You cannot libel public figures in general, in particular when it's
as science fictional a context as this.
To the larger question...the story of Rising Stars is set in the real world. Bush is the
president right now, hence he had to be the one in the hot seat.
I'm writing another book currently wherein we see events of this nature
affecting every president from Carter, through Reagan, Bush 1, Clinton, and
Bush 2, all of whom are portrayed in the book as being involved in a particular
and wholly fictional conspieracy. I don't apply a political litmus test to
these things.
The whole POINT of Rising Stars is that it's set in the real world, with real
problems, and real historical events, right now. If I made up a fake president
it would totally compromise the book's integrity.
If Al Gore had been certified by the Supremes, it would've been him instead.
JMS Speaks about Finishing Rising Stars
NOV.30.2003 There were a number of conditions set before Top Cow in order to
resolve this, and those conditions were met. So the final three scripts will be turned in by
late January/early February, and the Rising Stars story will be complete.
OCT.3.2003 I've asked Top Cow for three things: for Dream Police back, since
they've had it now for 3 years and have done nothing with it...for confirmation that the
Joe's Comics title belongs to me, and for an apology for deliberately keeping me out of the
loop on my own project at the feature stage and misleading me about drafts that had come in.
Once those three things have been attended to, I can finish the series.
AUG.24.2003 And I'm not leaving anybody without closure on RS...there are details
that have to be worked out with Top Cow. Once they have corrected those things, the book can
be finished. It's that simple.
JUN.24.2003 BTW, for those who've been asking about Rising Stars, if you go over
to www.comicbookresources.com
you'll get a pretty good answer.
JUN.4.2003 So, IMHO, it's probably more in your interest to get the end of
RS out then it is for Top Cow. That's the problem with waiting on Top Cow.
If someone is not doing right by you, and they want something from you, it's in your best
interests to get them to do right by you before you give them what they want. It's about
being a professional business person and living up to agreements. I always honor mine, and
tend to make sure others do the same. If you hire a contractor to build you a home, and two
thirds through reneg or otherwise back off on the business arrangement, a reasonable person
doesn't expect the contractor to continue working anyway. The logic you employ is the logic
constantly used to screw writers. I don't work that way.
JUN.3.2003 When might we see the last few Rising Stars issues? PLEASE!!
That depends entirely on a situation with Top Cow that is in need of resolution. The delay in
writing has not been a delay in writing; it's been working through some problems with Top Cow
for the last...almost year now. The final issues won't be turned in untnil those issues are