The Abyss:Midnight Nation
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Midnight Nation

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Bonus Issues & TPB

[Midnight Nation] something that I poured a lot of emotion into, a lot of personal feelings and history and beliefs, covering life, death, religion, god, how we achieve meaning...all balanced against a cross-country quest by two people, one out to reclaim his soul, the other a woman sent to help him or kill him, depending on how the story ends up.

It is also, oddly enough, a love story.

It's one of the things I'm proudest of as a writer, and I commend it to anyone who found the ideas in Babylon 5 of interest. And the art by Gary Frank is just gorgeous, and evocative, and full of emotion.

It's a nifty little story. Honest.

There were some bonus Midnight Nation issues that don't quite fit in with the traditional issues that are included in the series. I am not going to include all varients of each cover since they have been included in the "Other Editions" section for each issue. Also included here is the trade paperback that collects all 12 issues of this series.

NOTE: Items are listed by type then by publication date from oldest to newest.

Issue: tpb · 1/2 · 1-bw
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#1-12: Midnight Nation
Author: J. Michael Straczynski -- Published: Jan 2003 -- Format: TPB
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This edition includes reprints for all twelve issues and the special 1/2 issue in this comic book series which also includes the covers and an afterword by J. Michael Straczynski.

I have yet to read this book...

There is another page that collects all the JMS trade paperbacks in the J. Michael Straczynski section.

Midnight Nation, for instance, was one long argument with god about why things are so screwed up. On the other, it was a love story that asked, "How much is love really worth to you? What will you give up for the one you love?"

Read the thing over last night, and I'm really very, very proud of it. I've never previously read it straight through like that. One interesting thing, when I picked up the book, I hadn't known they were goin to omit the front covers in between issues...meaning, usually you hit the end of issue one, there's a cover/title page for issue two, so you know there's a transition. Here, they ran it straight together, with the cover pages as a bonus at the end.

When I saw this, my heart skipped a beat for a second, because I wasn't sure if it would play that way, if the jump from one issue to the next without any kind of warning would look jarring or confusing. So I went through the whole book, page by page, issue by issue, and sonuvagun, it all lines up fine even without the transitional pages. I was actually kind of surprised, because even though they were written as an ongoing series, they weren't *intended* to go up against one another that tightly.

So yeah, I was there, and yeah, I am most pleased.

I don't generally hock my stuff around here, because I think it's rude. But in all honesty, in many respects, from a sheer writing perspective, Midnight Nation represents some of the best stuff I've ever done in the form. It's something that I poured a lot of emotion into, a lot of personal feelings and history and beliefs, covering life, death, religion, god, how we achieve meaning...all balanced against a cross-country quest by two people, one out to reclaim his soul, the other a woman sent to help him or kill him, depending on how the story ends up.

It is also, oddly enough, a love story.

It's one of the things I'm proudest of as a writer, and I commend it to anyone who found the ideas in Babylon 5 of interest. And the art by Gary Frank is just gorgeous, and evocative, and full of emotion.

There's a great Cinescape review of the book which contains spoilers, however, so if you want to hold off on some of the surprises, you may want to just get it cold. The key part of the review, though, says:

"MIDNIGHT NATION offered a unique twist on some very old cosmological concepts, and managed to make the idea that "love conquers all" the very core of its resolution without resorting to smarmy melodrama. That's a rare accomplishment, and all the more reason why MIDNIGHT NATION will be remembered as one of the most absorbing and emotionally moving sagas in modern comics history."

It's a nifty little story. Honest.

What's happened to the Midnight Nation collected version that was due last month?

Dunno...they've been sitting on it for months. Hopefully it'll be out soon.

Midnight Nation is probably my favorite comics work to date because there's a lot in it that I consider personal, it's a personal kind of story in many ways. Even I can't read the last few pages, knowing what went before, without losing it.

There have been some inquiries about optioning MN, but I've deliberately held off listening to anything until the story was complete. I wanted nothing to get in the way of just telling this story. Now that it's done, I'll be happy to listen. It was a long journey and a hard write, but I think it was, and is, one of the more worthwhile things I'e done lately.

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#1/2: Precious Objects (Wizard Editon)
Author: J. Michael Straczynski -- Published: Apr 2001 -- Format: Single Comic
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Who is the Caretaker? Find out in this special 1/2 issue of Midnight Nation!

This can probably be read either before or after issue #5 just because of the way the events happen while they are on the road. Plus, I think it helps to read this issue after you have read a few issues so you have some knowledge about what is going on. At the end of this issue is a sketch book, so it is nice to see how concept becomes reality. One thing to note about this issue ... the credit for the penciling on the inside went to Gary Frank who only did the work on the cover. Michael Zulli (of Gaiman's Sandman) was the one who actually did the pencils in this issue. That explains why the sketch book stuff is about him. :)

I have collected the second version of this issue which has an alternative cover. Plus, I had the amazing opportunity to see JMS on 5.27.2001 and got the first cover signed!

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#1: Midnight Nation (B/W Edition)
Author: J. Michael Straczynski -- Published: Jun 1999 -- Format: Single Comic
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Lieutentant David Grey of the LAPD is working on a case. At first glance it appears to be a simple execution. Then he meets an informant in an alley who tells Grey of The Men, and suddenly everything is different.

This issue has the same content as the color version of MN #1 but since it is in black and white, it gives the story a whole new feeling. I think it is worth getting if you can.

I have collected a few other versions of this issue ... Cover A (exactly the same content but it is in color), Cover B (exactly the same as A but it has an alternative cover) and Mid-West Pink Foil (another new cover). Some other editions that I don't have yet are the Dynamic Forces Blue Foil (another new cover) and the Dynamic Forces European (yet another cover). I hope to get my hands on these versions soon ...

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Issue: tpb · 1/2 · 1-bw
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Midnight Nation TPB
Midnight Nation TPB
(JMS Comic)
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Individual issues of the comics cannot be purchased through the normal book retailers like®. Instead, you can order the individual comics from our recommended and reliable internet retailers.

Also, many thanks goes to JMS Comics for being a great resource! (Note: They are getting a bit outdated)

Finally, a lot of work has gone into the B5 Spoiler Junkies site. It is an informative site but be warned ... it contains LOTS of spoilers!


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